Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson were all stronger president. These presidents were all very strong and lead the country through hard times. I belive George Washington was the stornger president of the three canadites because he was a strong military leader and he set the standards for all of the other presidents. President Washington really set the bar for all of the future presidents.
President George Washington was the military comander for the U.S. independence. He was a outstanding president because of his back ground of leadership. When he was in office, he realized how torn the country was from war. He knew he had to fix it some how
President George Washington was the first president of the United States. He could not be a bad example for the rest of the presidents. But he did not set out to become the grestest president.
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I belive George Washington was the stornger president of the three canadites because he was a strong military leader and he set the standards for all of the other presidents. He lead the country for the first time and kept it
George Washington was one of the founding fathers of the United States of America and also the first president of the united states was the unanimous decision on who should lead the united states after they broke away from Great Britain's power. George washington believed that being the first President of the
Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington impacted the development of the United States. George Washington played a leadership role in the Revolutionary War and established the first presidency, Thomas Jefferson expanded America through the Louisiana Purchase, and Theodore Roosevelt made great efforts for the construction of the Panama Canal. The actions of all three presidents have had positive long-lasting consequences for future generations. By establishing precedents, expanding American territory, and building infrastructure, these presidents have contributed significantly to the development of the United States. These contributions make a good president.
To start things off I think George Washington is the best president ever. He is what divided this country from Britain and without him there would not know Thomas Jefferson or Abe Lincoln as presidents. George Washington planned the attack that would win us the Revoultionary war. We were major underdogs going into the war but George Washington pulled us through.
George Washington possessed great leadership abilities that led to him being designated the General and Commander in Chief of the United Colonies. He was a Southerner who was very trustworthy and fearless. He had already proved his military abilities and was wealthy enough that he would not be tempted by corruption. He was able to attract soldiers and civilians to volunteer their civic duties and stand by him for the long haul, having a long term goal in view. He led his troops by example. He made sure he did not send his troops out into dangerous territory without he himself being
George Washington was a leader of the Continental Army in the American Revolution, and was the first to become U.S. president. He was the first President who had joined in military and fought for civil right and fought for the constitution and human right for all men; in another, he have manage the politician and fought for the Revolution with the military of U.S. as a soldier. He has the strong leader of solider leading other soldier in military by going through the difficulty. He had managed to achieve the soldiers to provide them with his knowledge of political.
Out of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington, I think Abraham Lincoln was the best out of the three.
George Washington was a man of many things. He was the first president of the United States. He is most known for being the first president but he did and is much more than that. George was Commander in Chief of the United States Army during the Revolutionary War. He is one of the main reasons why the United States won their independence from Great Britain.
George Washington born on February 22nd, 1732 was a man of honor and patriotism, He was a disciplined but fair general and a humble president who set the standards for his successors this is why he should be remembered. As a man he was a simple farmer who when duty called he fought for his former country britain. As a general he led soldiers with discipline and honor then returned to his home. As a president he was humble and refused to be anything like king.
While in office Washington accomplished a great deal and he set prime examples for future presidents. George Washington created the first cabinet departments, took control of foreign affairs and limited the
All of the Presidents were great Presidents but there was a certain one that stoud out the most. George Washington was the one who stood out to me the most. He was a honored man and a very trusted man and to this day he holds all the same characteristics still which makes him the strongest President.
Many people often think about who was the one president who really did our country justice. Who was the one president who, out of all forty-two, beats everyone and takes the gold for best president in the history of American presidents? Not everyone who agrees with these thoughts is going to agree with the answer each other gives. However, I bet many of those same people would argue that George Washington was the best president out of all of them.
George Washington as America's Greatest Leader An independent country requires a strong, wise and dignified administration to guide a highly emotional population through a tough phase while establishing a stable relationship with other nations. At the same time, the first president, guided by his administration, must create a charter to govern the nation. Being the first president of the United States of America and a new face on the world stage, George Washington along with his administration created an excellent blueprint for the recently formed nation. Washington was successful as the first president because his administration maintained peace and neutrality in European affairs, consisted of men
There are many presidents in the United States history. But I'm going to talk about a specific three; I'm talking about George Washington,Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln, some very popular ones. George Washington, from Virginia, was the first president ever of the United States of America, set the bar high for presidents to come. He was a great war general and president. Thanks to Washington we avoided foreign wars with Spain with the creation of the Florida boundary, established great trade partners, and didn't have to fulfill the terms of our French alliance.
George Washington, without a doubt can be considered the “indispensable man” because of his absolute force of character, his remarkable reputation, he never abused or wanted to glorify his power, and he voluntarily surrendered power when a job was done. Without him, this country would most definitely not be what it is today; he did have his flaws as well. For example, as a soldier he was said to sometimes act rashly and have poor judgement on the battle field, he was addicted to gambling, and visited quite a few brothels most frequently. People have said he was vain, pretentious, and hot tempered; sounds like a typical man but back to the topic. Even though he had his flaws, which who doesn’t, he was extremely admired, respected, and revered by his peers and the public and was beyond trustworthy.
George Washington is considered the greatest because he effectively formed the United States of America. He was the first president so the floor was wide open for him to do almost anything. According, to an article it states, “As one scholar has said, he "invented tradition as he went along." His actions, more than those of any other Founding Father, became a part of the "unwritten Constitution” (Stephen Knott, George Washington:Impact and Legacy, Paragraph 3). Washington was