Upon discussions and consultations with general dentistry, periodontics, prosthodontics, and endodontic professors, we have drawn a comprehensive treatment plan based off diagnosis of the problems at hand. Periodontitis, loss of tooth structure due to bruxism, fistula, and periapical abscess were the findings. Based from the presentation of patient, it is apparent patient is at high risk of periodontal issues and of caries. Included in appendix, are the clinical photos, radiographs, periodontal charts, study casts, and treatment plans. Scaling and Root Planning (SRP), prophylaxis, root canal therapy (RCT), post and core, porcelain fused metal crown, and night guard were the major treatments. While broken teeth and possible caries …show more content…
2), Autologous platelet concentrates (APC) for bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw treatment and prevention. A systematic review of the literature is a quality paper. Massimo et al. focused on finding out the difference between the group exposed to APC vs. the group Not exposed to APC, in regard to surgical dental treatments, in terms of a) improving success of surgical treatment of BRONJ, b) reducing the incidence of BRONJC after oral surgery procedures, furthermore, 1) improving healing of bone and soft tissue at the surgical site, 2) reducing incidence of any other post-surgical complication and side-effect, 3) improving patient’s quality of life by reducing pain, swelling, and other common symptoms, in the post-surgical period, increasing treatment acceptance by patient, in patient under bisphosphonate treatment world-wide. This paper analyzed original clinical studies including prospective and retrospective, on surgical treatment and prevention. The meta-analysis combined 2 case series and 1 case control but excludes case report and non-outcome study. The studies included address the review question, have appropriate study design, with clear search strategy,
The article utilized Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, and Scopus bibliographic databases that were not limited to just English studies. Also, Del Fabbro et al.
Evaluating the eight papers for quality evidence was critical when selecting the two papers to utilise. The evidence hierarchy was considered, aiming to use the highest evidence possible, such as systematic reviews and meta-analyses; and randomized, controlled, double-blind studies, to ensure the most accurate evidence informed the clinical decision for the patient (Bloom, Olinzock, Radjenoic & Trice, 2013). When sorting the results, other various factors were also taken into consideration; credibility, reputability, reasonability and support. With these factors taken into account, the two papers selected are highly esteemed in regards to evidence, and are most relevant to the patient (Stichler, 2010).
The intake assessment is where the case manager get to know the client and what problems does it have you can also it can also help as a guide to start the treatment plan which is very important this help the client look at the possibilities that their goals are being taken care of. As a case manager you will have to give that little extra push or extra confident that they have lost in the past time. As a case worker you have to maintain that resiliently mood with the client and that is where the treatment plan comes in. In this dissertation will be discussing the treatment plan for the follow up client which is Belinda. Also what strategies can a
The study was a systematic review of scientific papers selected by a search of the SciELO, Cochrane, MEDLINE, and LILACS-BIREME databases. Among the 2169 articles found, 12 studies proved relevant to the issue and presented an evidence strength rating of B. No publications rated evidence strength A. Seven of the studies analyzed were prospective cohorts and 5 were cross-sectional studies.
better the process and the causes of periodontal disease ( I talked to the patient
Finally, one article was found by conducting a search of the identified article’s reference section. This article was searched by title on the Cochrane database and was found useful to the clinical
Overall the patient had excellent homecare and was a Calculus Level One. There weren’t any risk factors discussed with this patient, but her concern about the throbbing in her upper jaw was addressed. Her general goal of the appointment was to keep her plaque score the same or lower since she was at 14%. She was a Periodontal Case Type Two based on the bleeding from probing, bone loss, and previous radiographs. The patient said she has been flossing more and is really trying to maintain her plaque score.
The practice that assist a therapist in determining a client diagnosis and the proper treatment plan that would resolve the issue surrounding the clinet’s diagnosis is Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning. The clinet’s treatment plan must be appropriate and relational and this will alow any type of medication and adaptions to be adjusted if needed so that modifications and adaptations can be adjusted as needed (Altman, Briggs, Frankel, Gensler, and Pantone, 2002). The ultimate goal of case conceptualization and treatment planning is to discover complete findings in relation to the client. One approach is Existential Therapy. The human
This measure is a reliable indicator of trial quality and is based on each trial’s reporting and quality of randomisation and blinding attribution (CASP 2006).
We used a broad range of keywords in our search strategy, including free text in addition to the controlled vocabulary terms of individual databases. This is especially important for CPWs where the terminology is inconsistent. The search strategy was developed with the assistance of an information specialist. We also screened relevant publications from the EPOC (Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care Group) Register of Studies.40 Bibliographies of CPW systematic reviews were also searched for missed publications. A recent study suggests that English language restriction does not introduce systematic bias into systematic reviews with meta-analysis.39 Therefore, we restricted the language of publication to either English or French. Studies identified from the search strategy were entered into the reference manager Endnote® (version X4, Thomson-Reuters). They were then manually
It synthesizes the results of various primary studies by using strategies that reduces biases and random errors. These reviews follow a strict scientific design and provide consistent estimates about the effects of interventions, therefore, conclusions are defensible. Systematic reviews shows where knowledge is lacking and can be used to guide future research. These reviews are usually carried out in the areas of clinical tests such as diagnostic, screening and prognostic; public health interventions; economic evaluations; adverse effects and how and why interventions work. Cochrane reviews are systematic reviews undertaken by Cochrane Collaboration members, aims to help people to make well-informed decisions about healthcare by preparing, maintaining, and promoting the accessibility of systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare
For the literature review an electronic search was undertaken of articles published in English using the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PubMed and Cochrane databases from 2009 to 2013 were searched for medical subject heading terms, both individual terms and combination of the following
Doing the periodontal therapy would insure that the patient is going to achieve her optimal oral health status again. If the patient did not follow the proposed treatment plan, her periodontal health would only continue to be compromised and deteriorate further with time. Furthermore, if such progression continued, it would not be appropriate to do crowns on the patient. In a jeopardized periodontal situation, any crowns Mrs. Perdaris would receive are bound to fail. She will end up in a worse oral health status than she started out.
Welcome to my practice. I am looking forward to work with you. In accordance with RCW 18.225 and AAMFT ethical code 1.2, therapist/counselor shall provide disclosure information to each client before the implementation of a treatment plan. The disclosure information must be: specific to the type of treatment service offered, in a language that can be easily understood by the client, and contain sufficient detail to enable the client to make an informed decision whether or not to accept treatment from the disclosing licensee. This document has important information regarding our therapeutic work together. This document contains the following information: My experience as a therapist, my approaches to counseling, your rights as a client, your responsibilities as a client, and additional information. It is important that you review this document carefully before signing. When you sign this document, it represents an agreement between us. You may revoke this agreement at any time. If I have already taken actions or you have incurred financial obligations, the revocation will not be binding however. If you have any question after reading this document, feel free to ask me for clarifications.
MD is not as common and is usually mild. DM2is the only myotonic MD that does not display anticipation 10.
However, both studies only use Randomized Controlled Trial study, Clinically Controlled Trial and Trial Study were selected. According to Abalos E, Carroli G, Mackey ME, Bergel E (2001), Randomized controlled trials provide the most reliable results with regard to the effectiveness of interventions. This review is clearly defined about the sample condition, the intervention, a comparison and control, and the outcome measure that is to be used to determine the effectiveness. It is important as the effects of the intervention may be different in different groups.