The design that was chosen for this project was one of a few that were considered. However, after a process of analysis and evaluation, the design chosen was deemed the best to achieve the best possible results in the process of processing wild rice.
Description of Metrics
Metrics are the measures otherwise termed as parameters of assessment of qualities that are quantitative. They are used to measure, compare and track performance as well as levels of production. Metrics are used to make comparisons regardless of the variations in the subject matters, in this case which are machines. In order to establish metrics used in this project a critical evaluation of rice processing machines was done considering the output given as well as the set goals. In other words metrics can be defined simply as tools used to evaluate performance or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) [24].
The metrics applied in the selection of this design include:
• Quality
Quality is defined as the standard of something (machine) compared to others of the same category (rice processing machines). With regard to manufacturing, quality is idealistically interpreted as the non inferior or superior nature in comparison to others. It is a measure that determines how fit a machine is for its set purpose. It is a measure that can be described as conditional or otherwise subjective to which every individual has their own definition. Consumers are more concerned with the quality specified whereas manufacturers are
Today’s consumers are constantly trying to judge the quality of products. But what is quality? How and by whom is quality determined? Some would say the designer creates specifications, which in turn dictate the quality of a product. That quality is also based on the acceptable value of a part within a whole product.
After reading through the case and the opinions of rest of the team members I believe that Ventria would be better of relocating to a smaller rice growing state. That being said there will still be some arguments against their relocations. The state government of the other state may be reluctant to accept Ventria’s proposal too. So I believe they should grow these genetically modified plants in a more contained environment. By producing the rice in a more secluded setting with access to water and enough space to setup their own sewage or wastage system will help Ventria to convince the concerned government and its adversaries that the production of genetically modified rice would not affect the production of other crops. Another argument against
Quality is the standard by which a benchmark is set. This may be for a service or a good. Quality is the benchmark by which we think something is not only done right
As individuals we all have our own perspective on what would amount to quality. With regards to the general public we are a nation of extreme diversity, with individuals and families from a wide-range of nations, cultures, personal beliefs and superstitions. Therefore, quality may and will have contrasting opinions, or values, an example could be as follows: Each of us having a fine meal at a restaurant may or would have contrasting opinion on the setting, service, and the overall quality of the food.
C. Quality: The degree to which a product or service meets customer requirements and expectations.
Performance metric to measure the company’s performance, growth objective, and strategic goalsi: «Strategic performance measures monitor the implementation and effectiveness of an organization 's strategies, determine the gap between actual and targeted performance and determine
With Product Quality, the responsibilities of a business are simple. Develop a low cost, high quality product that withstands the normal limitations of it’s use. Quality can be defined as doing the
Quality of a product or services is defined as “its fitness for the use” for which it has been made. Many characteristics of a product determine the quality. They are called quality characteristics. Some of the quality characteristics are shape, weight, size, diameter, strength, colour, hardness, surface finish, reliability and appearance, etc.
What is quality? Quality can be defined as many different meanings. In business quality is defined as a state of being free from defects and deficiencies brought by consisted adhering to variable standards to achieve output that satisfies the customer (Business dictionary, 2011). Others may define quality as a measurement of standards and excellence any feature that makes something what it is: (your 1996).
NatuRi consiguió ubicarse al sur de Tamil Nadu, donde podría implementar su proceso sobre el salvado o RBO crudo mientras que al mismo tiempo se ejercía un completo control sobre las materias primas necesarias para la producción del Rice – Active. De este modo, el producto terminado tendría la calidad buscada por la empresa y así, se podrían conseguir buenos resultados al momento de entrar al mercado y enfrentar a la competencia.
The concept of quality should be built in at the design stage of the product. Each product should be viewed as “one of a kind” and there is only
The history of quality movement can be traced back to medieval Europe (American Society for Quality , 2016) but fundamental quality processes and practices came into effect in the early 20th century. In the 1920’s statistical theory began to be applied effectively to quality control and by the 1950’s quality management practices were developing rapidly in Japan’s manufacturing market, becoming fully embedded in industry in Europe and the USA by the 1980’s (Department of Trade and Industry, n.d.). But what is quality? Although there are many re-occurring themes, quality means different things to different people and there are many variations on the academic interpretation of quality. The subject of this assignment will be to investigate the
Distinguishing a solitary exhaustive meaning of quality is a testing attempt. Quality is a multidimensional idea that includes; entomb alia, the solidness, dependability, area, outline and tasteful claim, execution and wellbeing of an item. Item decision can additionally be dealt with as a quality characteristic, despite the fact that it stays dissociable from the singular item itself. Basically, quality is a relative idea, insofar as the level of value found in any one item is characterized by reference to the quality levels of different items. Quality consolidates a huge component of subjectivity, in light of the fact that certain quality perspectives may be significant just to a few purchasers, or more profitable to some
Deming, Juran, and Crosby all define quality in different ways. Deming defines quality as a continuous improvement and the ultimate goal is zero defects; however, he realizes an error free product may not be economically feasible or practical (Kerzner, 2009, p. 880). Deming also states a product or service is defined by the customer and quality is a relative term and will change based on the customer’s needs (Suarez, 1992, p.3)