
A Debate Over Universal Health Care Essay

Decent Essays

Not only is their tax-exemption harder to obtain, but they may even be fined unjustly for not achieving certain benefit requirements by population due to lack of funds and resources by their State (James, 2016). Politicians also advocate that if the non-profit does not reach the benefit requirements allocated by their state, then a fair and just fine will be paid equal to that of the taxes the organization would theoretically pay if were a for-profit company (James, 2016). Proponents of this regulation reform fight that by implementing standardized taxation regulation across the nation for tax-exempt organizations the ACA would benefit more Americans, becoming a conversation of actual health for their patients rather than dollar signs.

Political Perspective
Politics and policy have had an unceasing notion played on by politicians throughout American history for each political party. In this current presidential election, with the new president elect Donald Trump, controversy over universal health care has become a heated debate once more. Since the time of Harry Truman in 1948 when the concept of universal health care was first introduced to the more conservative American public, Democrats and Republicans have fought over the expansion of health care policy regulations within the United States (Blumenthal, D., Morone, J., 2016). Republicans want to repeal the Affordable Care Act, while Democrats have the polar perspective of building and expanding the Act (Strassel,

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