Ethereum is “a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts […] on a custom built blockchain” ( This platform allows for interested parties to use the blockchain in a way which helps move value, represent ownership of property and store registries of debt all without having a third party intercede and even allows for automation of the transfer of funds as defined in contracts ( Ethereum’s cryptocurrency are the DigixDAO and Augur. Ethereum was first introduced by, the nineteen year old Canadian,Vitalik Buterin on August 2014 however after getting hacked the developers decided to create Ethereum Classic (Blockgeek, “What is Cryptocurrency”).
Rippleworks with banks to transform how they send money around the world ( Ripple’s technology allows banks to send money fast, on demand, at a low cost and there is no payment size restriction. Ripple is the least popular among the cryptocurrency industry as they are consider to be a network that processes debts as oppose to real cryptocurrency. Additionally, the company that manages Ripple distributes their cryptocurrency token, XRP, at will which defies the purpose for an algorithm that creates a code for the creation of cryptocurrencies (Blockgeeks, “What is Cryptocurrency”).
Litecoin is a decentralized currency created on October 2011 ( currency is considered to be the silver standard to the digital currency as one of the first cryptocurrencies to model after Bitcoin.
Bernie a resident of Richmond, Virginia decides to sale his 2006 Ford Fusion for $13,000.00 and places an ad in his local newspaper on February 1st. After several weeks without any inquiries, Vivian contacts Bernie on March 1st stating she will pay him $12,000.00 for the car. Bernie arranges to meet with Vivian on March 5th to complete the deal. Vivian comes to Bernie’s house on March 10th and says she will give Bernie $12,500.00 for the car; but she needs three additional weeks to come up with the money. Bernie agrees but only if Vivian puts down a deposit. Vivian agrees and Bernie drafts an agreement stated the sale will must take place no later than March 31st. Vivian reads and signs the agreement and
Enforceable contract Peter v. Don. Peter will have an enforceable contract with Don if he can show that all the required elements of a contract are present. If there is a contract between the two then it will be governed by the common law requirements of an enforceable contract instead of the Uniformed Commercial Code, which would be used if their agreement had involved the sale of goods. In order for a contract to be formed between Peter and Don the two must react mutual consent Mutual consent can generally be formed through the form of an (A) offer and (B) acceptance. An additional requirement for both parties to show (C) consideration is also
The most political story of the year,as reporters call it, happened last thursday as the Neil Gorsuch appeared before the senators for a confirmation hearing. One of the reasons many Americans voted for Donald Trump was the fear of another Democrat appointing yet another liberal judge to the supreme court. In recent times the court has often ruled on politics, which has been disputed by many Americans, who have expressed their fear regarding the situation. Following this, Mr Trump nominated 49 year old Neil Gorsuch from Colorado, who has a very solid judicial record and an honourable reputation.
Lillard, Monique C., Fifty Jurisdictions in Search of a Standard: The Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in the Employment Context, 57 Mo. L. Rev. (1992)
Blockchain technology innovation is proliferating in the hedge fund industry. Blockchain technology plays a primary role in front office and investment functions, in the securing of crypto assets, but also in private investment fund managers’ attempts to satisfy the growth expectations of clients. Although the use of blockchain technology in private investment fund strategies is still in its infancy, as it evolves and accelerates, the associated innovation benefits promise lasting change for the industry.
"The current federal system of government in the United States is failing to meet its social contract obligations to the American people." There is nothing closer to the truth than this statement. While some may argue that the government is following the guidelines of a social contract, many aspects of the government have outgrown their britches and taken over.
Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that serves as a medium of exchange with no central authority and was created to prevent the issue of double spending. This problem is solved with the use of blockchains where miners confirm transactions on a public ledger. As of today, there are over 1,000 different types of cryptocurrencies, and at least 600 of these have listed market caps of over $100,000. Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin are top cryptocurrencies trading today with their combined market cap topping $331B. Bitcoin, created in 2009, is the biggest cryptocurrency and has recently reached a net value of over $270 billion, with much of its growth being in the last few months. This has led to much
Rule : : Contract formation requires mutual assent (offer and acceptance), consideration, and no viable defenses to contract formation.
The quality of your individual life would greatly improve in utopia. The burdens you face from corporate monopolies, the overwhelming weight of the devaluation of your currency and the lack of faith in your neighbors to achieve a civilization of peace and mutual respect has taken its toll for too long. Although this sounds as if it was taken directly from George Orwell’s book (1984) itself, the propaganda of a utopian government rule and the current everlasting war breathes as it’s on self-reliant organization today. Weary of the multiple political parties that are emerging every three seconds, we are faced with a question that has been proposed since the beginning of logical thinking. Is it
An offer is an expression of willingness by one party to contract on certain terms with another party with the understanding that the contract will become binding when accepted by the person to whom it is offered. An offer may be made in different ways, such as in a letter, an email, or even your behavior, so long as it conveys the basis on which the offering party is willing to contract. An offer should consist of: (1) a statement of present intent by the offering party to enter into a contract; (2) a specific proposal that is certain in its terms; and (3) a communication that identifies the person to whom the offer is made. If any of these elements are not present, an offer has not been made. (Walker, C. B., 2012)
Learning contracts are being used in post-secondary education. Adults approach learning as problem solving and in theory by implementing learning contracts, the student becomes more involved in
First, if it's still an international concept for you, cryptocurrency is any of a number of digital money that can be made use of for online deals without intermediaries such as financial institutions. Without financial institutions, cryptocurrency can be traded and made use of for business between 2 or even more individuals without the oversight-- as well as expense-- of those intermediaries.
To start off primarily, Bitcoin is a digital currency as opposed to physical currency that we’re accustomed to and use in our daily life. Straight off their site, Bitcoin is described as a pseudo-anonymous, P2P technology operating with no central authority or banks, it’s open-source, public, owned by no one and open for everybody to take part; but what does that all mean? “Bitcoin is the leader in a new generation of emerging currencies known as “cryptocurrencies” which aim to, among other things, facilitate the movement of money electronically while still maintaining a sense of privacy,” (Hobson)
Currency acts as a store of value, a medium of exchange and a unit of account. Physical currencies are promissory notes payable to the bearer on demand. Digital currencies are internet-based form of currency. They represent both developments in payment systems and a new type of currency. Digital currencies, in hypothesis, serve as money, at present day they act as money to a small amount of individuals and institutions. It has been often questioned as whether the decentralised digital currency, such as Bitcoin and Litecoin, will emerge as the preferred method of payment for Internet Services or will remain a superficial payment method compared to well established existing payment systems.
Blockchain Technology supports a distributed ledger system and maintains a growing list of records that are confirmed by the participating people. In blockchain framework, each transaction is recorded in public ledger and stores the information of the transaction. In Current scenario, all the currency transactions between persons or entities are centralized and controlled by some other organizations (Interoperability team). Transferring money will needs bank and merchants who process the payments and they charge fee for each transaction. This is the common phenomenon in every domain and this complexity is simplified by Blockchain technology by creating decentralized environment where no interoperability team is required to control the