
A Doll 's House, By Henrik Ibsen

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A Doll’s House, or Et Dukkehjem in Norwegian, is playwright Henrik Ibsen’s most widely recognized work to this day. Written in 1879, Ibsen tells the story of a modern drama based off the events happening to a fellow writer, Laura Kieler. As such, the Victorian era and audience being written to are familiar with the separation between men and women. However, this separation is welcomed, even applauded. In Henrik Ibsen’s notes for the contemporary tragedy, he remarks: “A woman cannot be herself in present-day society, which is an exclusively male society with laws written by men, and with prosecutors and judges who judge female behavior from the male point of view.” Thus, A Doll’s House embodies the theme of subjective morality, and calls …show more content…

In the end, this leads to Nora realizing her life has amounted to being nothing more than a possession to both her father and husband. Following this revelation, she hastily decides to leave everything behind. Although it is widely accepted as an exemplary show of feminism for its time, it still reflects a massive flaw that has stuck with Nora throughout the entire play.
Despite her grand revelation and advancement as a character, Nora is still devastatingly childish and naïve. This is shown in the final act and scene of A Doll’s House, after her fight with Torvald. On the surface it seems like the right choice for Nora to leave because of this nasty fight; however, she too, like Torvald, is somewhat clouded by emotion. In reality she is running from her problems without making any actual effort to salvage her marriage. Over and over again, Nora solves her problems by going behind Torvalds’s back instead of actually communicating with him. Even in the end, she lies about such a trivial thing such as attempting to break into their mailbox, this being at a point where she has mostly accepted defeat. This could show how afraid Nora has been afraid of her husband, however, it mostly shows how avoidant of confrontation she is. Not to mention, she puts Torvald on a sort of pedestal, having expectations that are idealized and not based in reality. Yes, Torvald is indeed manipulative, but he does have very reasonable cause to be furious. Most of Nora’s

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