
A Genetically Modified Organisms ( Gmo )

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We the people of the People’s Republic of China became a republic in 1912. The country is one of the largest country in the eastern hemisphere, and it possesses a long, rich, and prosperous history. The nation is the fourth-largest country in size, but the largest in population, with 1.8 billion people residing within the borders. Unfortunately, it leaves a limited amount of food. Accordingly, genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are necessary. A genetically modified organism (GMO, also known as a genetically engineered organism) is defined as “any living organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques (i.e., a genetically engineered organism),” as stated by Cartagena protocol on Biosafety. …show more content…

Nevertheless, our government is still trying to slow down the amount of food coming into the country. Farmers have been allowed to grow crops that are to be genetically engineered, and geneticists are genetically modify foods. This was deemed legal after we created a commercially, mass-produced, viral-resistant tobacco plant in 1992. In ancient China, people were genetically engineering crops and breeding animals (known as domestication) beginning as early as 6,000 B.C.E. Our authorities have allowed growing within our borders since the republic was created, in 1912. They actually want farmers to do it themselves. From December 2015 through April 2016, our authorities turned away 1.5 million tons of U.S. corn, which is one of our biggest imports. The 1.5 million tons amount to 36% of our corn imports. Authorities say it is because the crop contained a GMO strain not yet permitted to import, but U.S. growers believe that it is because our authorities are shielding their own growers and geneticists because we are growing and genetically modifying the corn ourselves.
Xi Jinping, the president of China, stated that, “When we talk about the quality and safety of agricultural products, there’s one question that must be mentioned, which is the GMO question. GMO is a new technology, and also a new

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