A hidden voice wasn’t a woman's only problem in the 1930s, but dressing and manners were also of utmost importance. John Steinbeck describes Curley’s wife by saying, “‘Her face was heavily made up”(77). In the 1930s women were expected to always have their face made up before their husband got up and they could also not have a single flaw in it throughout the whole day. The same was not expected of men. Not only could men talk the way they wanted to and to whomever they wanted to but they also did not have to put any effort into looking proper and no one would say anything. “‘She wore her bright cotton dress and the mules with the red ostrich feathers”’(Steinbeck 86). Many women were still expected to wear dresses or skirts in the 1930s, pants
Another area, where there are similarities and differences in both time periods is in how women presented themselves. A woman could only be a “proper” lady if she dressed and acted according to the social norms of the day. An example of a woman unlike the rest of the 1930s women was the brazen, Miss Maudie from To Kill A Mockingbird; she was not the typical southern lady compared to women like Aunt Alexandra. Her precious azaleas and keeping away nut grass were much more important than catching the eye of a man. To defy assumed roles she was independent, spoke her mind, and admonished other women's petty gossip(Lee 47).
In the story “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck is a wondrous tale of two men George a small, slender man, and Lennie a big, tall man with a mental disability, who travel together and face difficulties, happy times and fun with friends. This story by John Steinbeck has wowed many people around the world and right here. after you read this story you'll for sure want all your friends and families to know too.
Barbara Sher once said, “‘Isolation is a dream killer’” (qtd. in Wishcraft). In his novella, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck scrutinizes the effects that alienation can have on society. Many characters experience loneliness throughout the novel. He illustrates the results of individuals becoming isolated from their peers. In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck portrays characters alienated from society in order to illustrate the harmful effects of loneliness caused by discrimination.
After the Great Depression, many things changed, different\\ genders and races were all treated differently. Blacks and white women were forced to be outcast in the world, women belonged in the house and blacks did not belong anywhere. In the book Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck portrays perfectly of how blacks and women were separated from everyone else with Curley’s wife and Crooks, the black stable hand. Curley’s wife and Crooks are alike in many ways; in their loneliness, the way they are separated from everyone else and how they get out casted from everything, discriminated against during the time period; which helps show how blacks and women were treated during this time period of life.
In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck describes an unusual quietness around the site of Curley’s wife’s body in order to illustrate a drastic difference from her usual demeanor when she was alive. He wants to contrast this quietness with her usual attention-seeking mannerisms. For example, after Curley’s wife dies,“even the clang of the pitched shoes, even the voices of the men in the game, seemed to grow more quiet” (Steinbeck 92). It is usually loud around the ranch, so the fact that it is growing quiet suggests that things have changed significantly. Another example of how Steinbeck describes a drastic change in mood is when “a pigeon flew in through the open hay door and circled and flew out again” (92), illustrating that everything is different
In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, turmoil and difficulties are not a rare occurrence, but the question is what types of difficulties happen to each character and how does it affect them. Hardships are present throughout anyone’s life and come in different forms. Lennie’s portrayal in this novel is being a gigantic man that has a mental disability and is unable to care or depend on himself. To demonstrate, after Lennie says he will go live in a cave and George responds back what he will eat, Lennie replies, “ I’d find things, George. I don’t need no nice food with ketchup.
“So you forgot that awready, did you? I gotta tell you again , do I ? Jesus christ, you're a crazy bastard!” George says (4-5). You can infer that the two characters have some issues with each other. In Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck shows the weaknesses that most of the characters have and the trials they face with those weaknesses. The characters such as Lennie, Crooks and Candy all have something that happens to them in the story that brings out their weaknesses. John Steinbeck portrays the effects that weak people reveal through the characters Lennie, Crooks and Candy.
Often while reading a novel, we come to be so submersed in the story that we forget about authorial voice as the characters speak directly into our ears. There is definitely an art behind authorial voice because when that voice is too loud we become distracted but when it is too quiet we become bored. Authorial voice is especially interesting in this book as a result of the multiple perspectives through which the story is told. How does the point of view of the passage affect authorial voice? How is the style unique to the author?
.The novel Of Mice and Men was written by John Steinbeck. In Soledad, California during the Great Depression in the 1930's two men of the one named George and the other named Lennie were men who travel around working at ranches. George is the small, quick-witted one, and Lennie is the big, slow, dumb and extremely strong one. They have a dream, to have a little place all to themselves, without anyone bothering them. Their dreams are shattered though, when Lennie, who doesn't know his own strength, gets in trouble. In the pursuit of love, happiness and the American dream, man becomes a victim of his own circumstances and discovers that the good life becomes impossible for humanity to obtain and contains
Do you have an unrealistic dream? In the book Of Mice and Men by John
In this excerpt from John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the repetition of silence creates an uncomfortable and tense mood. The word silent and variations of it are repeated throughout the passage. Our first instance of it is on lines 9 and 10 that state, “It was silent outside” (Steinbeck 9) and “The silence came into the room. And the silence lasted.” (Steinbeck 10). What we are already seeing is the impact of silence among the men- it lingers. Throughout the excerpt phrases like “The silence fell on the room again” (Steinbeck 16, 25) and “The silence was in the room again” (Steinbeck 39) are repeated which emphasize the uncomfortable feeling following the scene. This repetition also highlights the sounds that are present, like the mice under
In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, many themes come up often throughout the story, especially the theme about bonds between two people. The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck expresses theme of Friendship through various literary elements. Friendship is people that care for and respect each other. It is the link that makes people stick together through the struggles of life. This essay will prove that friendship is important in life.
America is great because of things like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the oh so famous American Dream, but what if that dream was an idea and nothing more? America has had its ups and downs. For example, the Great Depression was a horrible time for Americans of all backgrounds.Certain books like Of Mice and Men show how hard it was to live in this time period. It also shows us how dreams-like the American Dream- were lies. In the novel, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck believes the American Dream is unattainable.
The long, hard war of human equality in society, has been a war since the beginning of civilization. The Great Depression, a tragic time in America’s history, reflects American determination, but also social inequality. In the fiction novella, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck uses symbolism and characterization to address ableism and sexism in society. Steinbeck addresses these flaws in society in an attempt to ultimately bring awareness these riffs before society falls.
“Wha’s the matter with me?’ she cried. ‘Ain’t I got a right to talk to nobody? Whatta they think I am, anyways?” (Steinbeck 87) In the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Curley’s wife is discriminated against because she is a woman living in the 1930s when few females could live economically independent of men. By choosing not to name her, Steinbeck reinforces her insignificance on the ranch and her dependence on Curley. While a misfortunate victim of isolation, Curley’s wife exerts unexpected power attempting to mask her pain.