
A Hope In The Unseen By Ron Suskind

Decent Essays

Poverty is on the rise all around the world especially across the United States. This is a problem that is affecting many aspects of life for both the victim and the people around them. Students living in poverty have to tolerate many unfortunate circumstances on a daily basis which can have a significant effect on their growth, development, and educational experience. Students from low socioeconomic backgrounds can still have the same success as the average student, but it takes a little extra effort and a leap of faith. Although it may be challenging for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds to achieve success in school and the real world, it is not impossible. Students living in poverty do not have access to many of the vital necessities …show more content…

In the novel A Hope in the Unseen by Ron Suskind, Cedric Jennings was a high school student who was living in poverty with his mother. Both Cedric and his mother didn't have access to the most nutritious foods, but they made the best out of what they had. Even without consuming nutrient dense food, Cedric was one of the top students in his class and school. The community in which a student is raised has a huge role in their overall success. Studies have shown that student achievement is directly affected by the values and beliefs of the family and community (Lacour and Tissington, 526). Some communities in impoverished areas don't emphasize the importance of education. That idea is then implanted into the minds of young students when attending school which causes them to develop a negative attitude. In the novel, A Hope in the Unseen, Suskind describes the image that Cedric sees of his impoverished community with "drug dealers near the intersection at 8th street. He wonders what draws him out to the avenue bus stop, where - God knows- he can get killed (Suskind, 10). The community presented in this scene of the novel is prevalent throughout many impoverished communities all over the country. The …show more content…

Research suggests that lower socioeconomic status is often associated with viewing the future as containing more negative events than positive ones (Robb, Simon, & Wardle, 2009). In contrast to that, there have been numerous success stories of those who have grown up in impoverished areas and have become successful later on in life compared to other members of their community. One of the very courageous and brave individuals known as Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was able to come from living a life of full of despair to leading a life full of success. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was born into a caste known as the "Untouchables" meaning that he was considered to not be seen nor heard in society (Shahare, 1). Bhimrao had faced inequality due to his position in society, but that didn't stop him from trying to succeed. Bhimrao's completion of his education was a milestone in the history of the "Untouchables" in India (Shahare, 9). It was with his determination and perseverance to complete his schooling that he was able to receive opportunities like attending college in New York and writing a paper called "Castes in India", their Mechanism, Genesis and Development" which would eventually lead to great success in his life up until his death in 1956 (Shahare, 13). In A Hope in the Unseen, Jennings

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