
A Journal Article Review of ‘Performance-Reward Instrumentalities and the Motivation of Retail Salespeople’

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A Journal Article Review of ‘Performance-Reward Instrumentalities and the Motivation of Retail Salespeople’ (Teas, 1982)
BSc International Business and Languages: Understanding Global Organizations Dr. Seamus Kelly
Kate Moynihan DT557 C07530340
Word Count: 2101 words
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Article Outline
The journal article …show more content…

They affirm that within retail there are three types of employees – transitional workers, core employees and career workers and have discovered a link between motivation and work etiquette in the lives of employees.
Critical Evaluation
I felt that the article that I have chosen has distinguished many appropriate features of components of employee motivation and the instrumentalities composed in them. Although certain features are lacking in parts, I felt that it was a worthwhile, original contribution to the subject and portrays a vivid picture on how management should regard employees that enables members of staff to exert themselves and bring about a rewarding and nourishing working life.
The principal article was written over a decade ago, as was the article that was written by Woodward, Cassill and Herr. Although the fundamentals are similar certain tolerance must be allowed for, as human resource beliefs, practices and operations have changed dramatically since then. I found that the research has been conducted quite thoroughly and that Teas expanded on his ideas using adequate definitions of specified elements.
Customer attitudes towards retail workers
In his introduction, Teas portrays that “a customer’s perception of service by

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