
A Knights Tale Compared To A Knight's Tale

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Ashley McNeil; Humanities I; June 26th 2015 A Knight’s Tale, Released on: May 11th 2001 Director: Brian Helgeland Producers: Todd Black, Brian Helgland, Tim Van Rellim Run time: 2 hours 24 minutes
Leading Roles: Heath Ledger, Mark Addy, Rufus Sewell, Paul Betteny, Alan Tudyk

In the story the Canterbury Tales people gathered from all walks of life to receive their blessings. After receiving their blessings they would start their travels again in which they would travel in a group. This group consisted of twenty nine people from all different statuses of life. Everyone contributed their stories to help pass the time until they arrived at their next destination. Upon leaving they agree to tell stories to pass time on their journey. After …show more content…

A knight was a highly honored person and a Knights Tale is a modern day adaptation of that. The Canterbury tales were set in Geoffrey Chaucer’s lifespan. While A Knights Tale was a highly admired piece of literature there were many differences between the two stories and wording and actions that did not fit with midlevel times. The Canterbury tales were a collection of different fallacies that were combined together to make one piece. A Knight's Tale was built out of pieces of each of the stories told in the Canterbury Tales. The Canterbury Tales were a combination of pilgrim tales that were happy, sad, scary, and demonic, as to where A Knight's Tale was a mixture of humor romance and honor. In the Canterbury Tales the twenty nine pilgrims that traveled together were from all walks of life and worked together with their time passing tales. In A Knight's Tale who you were and how you were treated was highly dependent upon your bloodline. If you were poor you were a peasant, if you had money you were respected. The Canterbury Tales had doctors, priests, peasants and others all mixed together that all treated each other the same because they were all on the same journey. While A Knight's Tale did try to instill the code of honor and integrity in the Canterbury Tales sometimes that was lost on the stories being told when they were offensive to other members of the

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