
A Literary Criticism of the Novel the Firewalkers by Erwin E. Castillo

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“A Literary Criticism of the novel The Fire Walkers by Erwin E. Castillo”

“We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth…” – President Barack Obama on his inaugural speech.

Relation with other nations is one of the most important things for the United States of America today. As history have shown, the need for the connection with other countries had been existing since the late exploration period, where United States had just achieved their independence from the British monarchy and began their own conquest around the globe. The Americans are the second, yet the most celebrated colonizer of the Philippines. Until today, the Filipino-American bond is evident, from the highlighted date of July 4 as …show more content…

He had killed dozens of people before and he could look at a dead body and not get gross about it. Gabriel Diego has a very profound mind; it is hard to read what is going through his brains. As the novel progresses his character remains the same, deep, masculine but when it came to women he becomes a little soft.
Gabriel has two maternal uncles, but they dealt with him rarely, and with no familial cordiality. The two brothers namely Castor and Apollo Olfato were generals. “Castor, the elder was the general. Apollo was elevated to the rank honorarily, much later, while they celebrated a feast of freedom, when their cousin Aguinaldo saluted them both as generals.” According to myth, the general’s fathers were powerful and influential people such as kings, guardians of the woods, priests to the volcano and consorts to the mountain nymphs. Their clan is believed to warlords and shamans and could walk through fire unscathed. They lived a life so prestigious that they find their honor tarnished by Gabriel Diego’s immediate surrender to the American forces and the fact that he worked as translator of the confessions of the captured insurgents. These could be accounted as the reasons for his uncles’ aloofness to him.
The Augustinian represents faith in the

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