
A Long With American Family Dynamics, Educational Opportunities, Cultural Diversity, And Technology

Decent Essays

There is no one true answer to the question, “What does it mean to be an American?” If one would take the time to ask, like you did with this prompt, one would recieve a variation of responses that differ based on individual experiences, beliefs, ideas, and knowledge. When I am asked to respond to such question, my answer recognizes the characteristics that go a long with American family dynamics, educational opportunities, cultural diversity, and technology advnacements. Family is a great deal of what being an American means to me. The family dynamics in America contrasts greatly with our western neighbors in the individuality and the family model. In America decision-making and independence are encouraged for the most part, while in other countries, children are taught that they must remain loyal to the families and tribes. Once I turned 18 years of age, I was responsible for my own medical and legal decisions. The typical family model in America includes the parents and the child, while in other family models across the world, the grandparents, aunts, and uncles are also included. In family models that include the extended families in other countries, it is not considered out of the normal for the grandparents to live under the same roof as the grandchildren. The point of it all is that in America, privacy is given both in space and in decisions. It would be impossible for me to talk about being American without expressing America as the land of opportunity. I could not

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