Intemperate Man A man who doesn’t abide by the rest of societies thought process could possibly be a good thing, such as nelson Mandela, a man far ahead of his time in science. So much so it took 35 years for the heredity community to understand his research. This however, is not the case for my brother James Mulhearn. He was always smart, but figured he could embezzle, lie, and steal to make his way to the top. Surprisingly at one point, he did make it to the top this way, yet according to Newton’s third law; what goes up must come down. This was proven true in my brother’s case, from a fairly wealthy man to a drug addict, and alcoholic. When my brother was a young man he always was fascinated at the idea of doing thing not for himself, but for the impression he made on others. If you ask me, this was his definite downfall. My brother James is about 20 years older than me, and when I was about 8 years old my father went to prison, and put my brother James in charge of his finances. With my dad, and brother having the same name, and being in charge of his bank accounts made it simple for my brother to steal my father’s identity. It was almost overnight that my brother started the spending. I went to his big two-story house furnished with all new furniture, big screen TV. Not to mention he now was the proud owner of a brand new Mercedes and boat. I was too young to understand what was going on at the time, but after my dad served his sentence he came out to an absolutely
I am the youngest of 3 with 2 older brothers, Reidland and Bryan. Reidland is the eldest at 31 years of age and Bryan is the middle child at 26 years of age. Reidland graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Doctorate in physical therapy and currently works as a home health physical therapist. In addition to this job he somehow finds the time to lead classes focused on teaching the public lifestyle changes that will improve their overall health as well as treat their chronic illnesses in various locations throughout the country. In his leisure time you can most likely find Reidland in one of five places… Playing golf, playing tennis, on a date night with his wife, spending time with his family or brushing up on his history. Bryan
In “I’m Not My Brother; I’m Me,” author Peg Kehret expresses the expectations passed down from her two older brothers and the negative impacts these expectations had on her. From my point of view, I fully agree with the author. In my case, I have a 23-year old sister who is the epitome of perfection. She graduated top of her class in both high school and university, is athletic, and is currently working on Wall Street in New York City. In addition, she is very diligent at Chinese, public speaking, and ultimately anything related to school. As a result of this, as one can imagine, I constantly live in her long shadow. My sister is a very goal-oriented person and strives to reach them. She knew exactly what she wanted to be and the path she had to take to get there at a very young age. Throughout
Man must be able to take up his ability, time, and knowledge to change the future to the best of his abilities in order to stay clear from the claims of societal values. David Brooks’ article “The Child in the Basement” and Tom Shadyac’s film I Am both basically had the same idea of society. They both claimed that you should always put others before yourself and not focus too much on themselves, but they both had a bit of a twist to it. Brooks shows that sometimes letting people go can really affect their lives, but it 'll make a good cause for a large group. Or how some objects can make some happy, but a human is behind the making of it and it takes them a lot of effort. While Shadyac is all about how in today 's modern society the value and importance of materialistic objects and wealth is reserved to maintain high status and it often makes us forget about the ones who don 't have anything in their lives.
Chris McCandless is an excellent example of someone who uses non-conformity as a trait in his life. In chapter twelve, McCandless attempted to convince his teachers, parents, even the principle of his school that he did not deserve to be in the accelerated program, when he was in third grade. He did not want to conform to the program like the other kids that were accepted did. In Henry David Thoreau's "Walden" p. 406- 415, Thoreau explains everyone is different, go at your own pace, no one can be the same. In "Walden" a man travels to different places, doing the exact opposite people expect him to do, like this, McCandless did not want to listen to what his parents and teachers were telling
Ralph Marston states that people allow themselves to become a hindrance to their own advancement despite already having much to deal with already. For example, Jane Addams advocated for social reform and women’s rights despite her sex and Rosa Parks would refuse to give her seat up for a white person despite her race. However, it's not all sunshine and roses for this Marston as the argument can be made for the otherside as many people will inevitably have to overcome themselves to be able to move forward such as people with some sort of disability or incurable disease.
I think that the brother does not understand the severity of his brother issues. He
It is common to idolize others. However, the majority of people go too far in trying to be like someone that they wish they were, losing sight of their individuality. Being accepted by society and following common trends as opposed to being unique is much easier to do because it is a way to avoid criticism. A person like McMurphy is a role model for people like Chief and myself because of the way he doesn’t care about what other people think of him. Once someone like Chief or myself takes their first steps out of society’s perception of normal, they never look back.
We automatically, subconsciously judge one another; it’s human nature. Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it’s stupid.” Sometimes we judge people without giving them a chance before really getting to know them. Just like how Equality 7-2521 denounces his leaders of society in moral terms, it’s only fair to say it only makes him a hypocrite because he has lived in the very same society that he used to follow in, believed, and wished upon to be a part of, yet he judges those who still choose to live in that way of life. Ayn Rand expresses in her writing that it is a responsibility to morally judge someone and to expect to be judged back; Equality 7-2521 makes the choice of morally judging his leaders as weak and dull just as they had labeled him as a mere Street Sweeper who has evil in his bones.
This quote presents the social characteristic of society creating standards, judging, and putting people down. Whether it is parents punishing their children for not being “good enough” or “smart enough”; or for anyone who is trying hard to be good enough and succeed cant accomplish that with the standards that are required.
Mark Twain, although quite the comedian, makes a valid point in “Corn-Pone Opinions”. The observation of humanity and its tendencies to follow what society promotes is a relevant occurrence today. Twain leads on “. . . that it’s born of the human being’s natural yearning to stand well with his fellows and have their inspiring approval and praise . . .” (720). Humans are not equipped to stand their own ground; they prefer to follow the leader. Twain puts it simply, “we are creatures of outside influences; as a rule we do not think, we only imitate” (719). Twain clearly makes his point noticeable to his audience, holding back no opinion throughout the
Ah! The world- view to which an individual adheres is all- important. Who am I? Many people strictly conform to a set pattern of beliefs that limit or curtail their expression or personal growth. Many times their beliefs reflect the ideas of a community, a church, or a family. The individual blends in with the group and becomes a co-dependent function of that group. James Dickey conformed to no one. He stands apart due to his ability to intensely reveal the images burning vividly in his mind.
The individual must rebel against societal conformity. “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ( People can’t just conform to what everyone else is doing and follow the path that is already made. They have to go where there is no path and make their own trail for others to follow if they want. It may be more difficult than just follow where there is already a path, but sometimes it is better to do things the hard way, because in the end it pays off in different ways. “Simplify, simplify.” (Thoreau 383) If we don’t want to conform to what the society wants, then we have to simplify our lives to make them easier on our own. If people can’t simplify their lives, then they will think that
When I was younger my brothers and I would fight over the attention and gratitude of my parents. From reading the Stories of brothers in the Bible I have discovered that brothers have been fighting ever since the beginning of time. Through the stories of Cain and Abel, and Jacob and Esau I have determined that Brothers stories are one of childhood ignorance and desire to obtain everything. Once adolescence has turned to adulthood, brothers seem to reform there ways toward each other due to the realization that you don’t need to have everything to obtain happiness.
It is worth considering that each individual is developing within a society. That is why the role of the society in shaping people’s characters should not be underestimated. Numerous examples of the importance of the
My Brother - Personal Narrative My brother is the most influential person in my life. His name is