According to an article written by Christine Hsu, brain scans reveal that when one falls in love, their frontal lobes completely shut down. Without one’s frontal lobes, judgement is lost in many, and love ends up forcing one to get completely thrown off their mentality. When one forces someone else into doing something, it is obvious that this is a form of bullying. The curse of love hits characters of A Midsummer Night’s Dream with extreme force causing readers to question loves role in the play. After readers closely examine love in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, one can see that love acts as a bully because it brings out jealousy in others, causes its victims to act out of their character, and starts fights. Similar to a bully, …show more content…
This is manifested when Titania says, “And this same progeny of evil comes/ From our debate, from our dissension;/ We are their parents and original” (2.1.118-120). When Titania speaks this quote she is saying that there are many consequences of her and Oberon’s debate. This fight in between them wouldn’t have started if Titania didn’t love the Indian Boy as much as she did because if she she didn’t care about the boy, she would just give him over to Oberon and Oberon wouldn’t have to fight her for it. The bully loves uses Titania’s love for the Indian boy to cause a fight in between her and Oberon. Another place in the text where it shows love’s tendency to trigger fights is when Hermia exclaims, “Puppet? Why so? Ay, that way goes the game./ Now I perceive that she hath made compare/ Between our statures” (3.2.304-306). This quote shows one of Hermia’s comebacks to Helena when they are bickering. It proves that love bullied Hermia and Helena into fighting because if Hermia had not been so deeply in love with Lysander, there would’ve been no reason that Hermia would have to fight Helena for him. Therefore, the bully love ran Hermia and Helena’s friendship into the ground with the argument it caused. A final example of love causing fights is shown when Helena argues, “You do me mischief. Fie, Demetrius!/ Your wrongs do set a …show more content…
A reason that could support one’s opinion that love is not a bully is that love gives everyone a happy ending in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. However, in Act 5, neither Hermia nor Helena spoke once. It seems as if that the love that led to this marriage meant for both women that they had to give up their voice, give up their independence. Looking back at the traditions of wifes in these old times, readers wonder if love is such a great thing, why does it take away the valuable gift of freedom from Hermia and Helena? Another reason why some could think that love is not a bully in this play is that now everyone is with there one true love, all relationships are improved. This is not accurate for many reasons. One being that multiple relationships in this play are built off of lies, which are never the marriages or friendships that last. For instance, Oberon lied to Titania about her relationship with Nick Bottom, which is why they stopped fighting about the changeling boy. Therefore, love did not improve this relationship because it forced Oberon to commit an act of jealousy, and as a result turned a marriage into a myriad of lies. Another case in which love did not improve a relationship is in the friendship of Hermia and Helena. Even though both women cannot remember the hurtful comments they said to each other now, such a big secret about the truth of how the marriages came to be
At one time, Demetrius loved Helena, and then he fell in love with someone else. Initially, Demetrius had given his love to Helena: “He hailed down oaths that he was only mine, / And when this hail some heat from Hermia felt, / So he dissolved, and showers of oaths did melt” (MND 1.1.243-245). Helena loved Demetrius, and he promised to be with her forever. However once he met her friend, Hermia, Demetrius left Helena to chase after her friend. Helena’s jealousy of Demetrius’ love drives her to think about what he really wants. Helena believes that Hermia’s beauty is why Demetrius desires her. She tells Hermia, “Demetrius loves your fair”, and she goes further to say, “Were the world mine, Demetrius being bated, / The rest I’d give to be to you translated” (MND 1.1.182, 190-191). Her jealousy of Demetrius’ love has turned into jealousy of Hermia’s beauty. Helena obsesses over having Demetrius back to the point that she continuously follows him around. Demetrius is tired of Helena chasing him: “Do I entice you? Do I speak you fair?” (MND 2.1.199). Demetrius does not understand why she tries so hard to be with him when he does not even compliment her. Demetrius threatens Helena to leave him alone: “I’ll run from thee, and hide me in the brakes, / And leave thee to the mercy of wild beasts” (MND 2.1.227-228). At this point, he is beyond exhausted with Helena, and he will do anything to get away from her.
This quote is very important because it is shown throughout the rest of the play. Shakespeare shows this quote throughout the relationships that develop between Lysander and Hermia also with Demetrius and Helena. Other Couples in the play experience some sort of problem with their love. Titania and Oberon for example, love each other but are not faithful to one another.
A person’s love for another can instantly change, and lead to hate or dislike. Hermia says in the play, “What, can you do me greater harm than hate? /Hate me? Wherefore? O me, what news my love? /Am
Midsummer Night’s Dream mainly depicted the baffling journey of four Athenian young lovers, and a frivolous group of actors who unwittingly interacted with the Duke, Duchess, and somehow fairies. Being that the story took place in an eerie forest in Athens, there was a fight betwixt the fairy king himself and his lovely wife Titania, which had an impact on the environment. To win back the devotion of his wife Oberon showed her how fortuitous she was by making her fall in love with a weaver who was transformed into
For a dream in the night is a fading memory what is still remembered is treasured for eternity. Some would say that A Midsummer Night’s Dream is or has become out of date. When looking at the true story, and not the writing, what can become clear is that the same behaviors, tricks, and social stigmas that are in television and movies today can be witnessed. That being said, when reading A Midsummers Night’s Dream there are a lot of relatable scenarios based off of basic human behavior; such as jealousy, pettiness, and mischief.
Although love is typically a positive emotion or concept, it is most often truly a more negative notion, due to its consequences. Love is known to bring people together in the beginning, but also tends to customarily pull or even break people apart by causing chaos and rivalry. The loss of love could even cause insecurities to surface. In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, one of the lovers, Helena, is scorched by love’s misfortunes when it comes between her and her ex-lover, Demetrius.The misfortunes of love force Helena into becoming an insecure woman who allows her emotions to cloud her judgement.
Love is such an abstract and intangible thing, yet it is something that everyone longs for. In Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the difficulty of love is explored through the obstacles that characters have to face while pursuing their loved ones. Those characters that are in love in the play were conflicted with troubles; however, the obstacles of love do not seem to stop them from being infatuated with each other. The concept of true love is examined throughout this play. By creating obstacles using authority and a higher power, Shakespeare examines the power of love. Through Hermia and Lysander’s loving words, it is reasonable to conclude that love conquers all if you believe in it.
Shakespeare uses many different themes to present love; relationships, conflict, magic, dreams and fate. Overall, he presents it as something with the ability to make us act irrationally and foolishly. Within A Midsummer Night's Dream we see many examples of how being 'in love' can cause someone to change their perspective entirely. 'The path of true love never did run smooth' is a comment made from one of the main characters, Lysander, which sums up the play's idea that lovers always face difficult hurdles on the path to happiness and will usually turn them into madmen.
To start, the first couple that proves the quote right is Hermia and Lysander. They had a very “bumpy” love story. When they were going to run away together you think that everything is going to be okay. Then, because someone was trying to help Lysander stopped loving Hermia for a little while. That was the biggest bump in their road of love because they make you think that they aren’t going to be together. Hermia starts to as Lysander why this bump has come up so quickly and suddenly when it seemed like they had a smooth road ahead. Lysander tells her that he is now in love with Helena by saying. This is Lysander saying how he hates Hermia know becasue of the beautiful Helena. But in the end
Love comes with many complications and faces many obstacles. Shakespeare clearly portrays illustrates these difficulties this them through various relationships in his play, ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’. The characters face different obstacles which affect their relationships negatively. In the play, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ the main obstacles that cause negative effects on love are the use of magic, the law, and misunderstandings as well as and false assumptions.
Everyone knows what a bully is and everyone in his or her’s life have experienced what’s it like to be bullied or be a bully. Even in a play like Macbeth by William Shakespeare's a tragic play it is but it does have a lot of parts where you see things that are very similar to bullying. Most of the bullying that I read in the play were people being taking advantage of, physical violence, social standing, blaming and most of all abuse of power. There are characters who fit in those characteristics like the Three Witches, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and The Murderers for a very good reason.
Demetrius delivers this line in the forest after Helena has provided him with the information concerning Hermia and Lysander's plans to elope. Since Demetrius has taken what he wants from her and tells her to leave him alone. This shows that love can possess a cruel and abusive nature.
Love is one of the most difficult mysteries of life. The difficulty of love is shown throughout A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In the play, the characters have to deal with jealousy that comes along with being in love. Love’s difficulty in the play comes from love being out of balance. Love being out of balance is a romantic situation where a difference gets in the way of happiness in the relationship. William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream demonstrates these conflicts with a little bit of humor and buoyancy. The four young Athenians have many difficulties with love. Hermia loves Lysander and Lysander returns the feelings; Helena loves Demetrius but Demetrius loves Hermia. The two men love the same women, which leaves Hermia
A Midsummer Night 's Dream is a play about love. All of its action—from the escapades of Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, and Helena in the forest, to the argument between Oberon and Titania, to the play about two lovelorn youths that Bottom and his friends perform at Duke Theseus 's marriage to Hippolyta—are motivated by love. But A Midsummer Night 's Dream is not a romance, in which the audience gets caught up in a passionate love affair between two characters. It 's a comedy, and because it 's clear from the outset that it 's a comedy and that all will turn out happily, rather than try to overcome the audience with the exquisite and overwhelming passion of love, A Midsummer Night 's Dream invites the audience to laugh at the way the passion of love can make people blind, foolish, inconstant, and desperate. At various times, the power and passion of love threatens to destroy friendships, turn men against men and women against women, and through
Love is a very common theme that is seen in literature, and love is one of the most powerful things that can be felt for someone or something. Love can drive a person to do incredible or horrible things, and we see many forms of love that take place in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This is demonstrated in the book by many characters including Hermia and Lysander who demonstrate true love. Titania and Bottom show magical love. In the play, love is also the cause of a few broken hearts. While there is no one common definition of love that suits all of the characters, the romantic relationship in the play all leans to one simple rule laid out by Lysander, “The course of true love never did run smooth.”