A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM SUMMARY This play is a love story that is split between four sets of lovers; Hippolyta and Theseus, Hermia and Lysander, Helena and Demetrius and Titania and Oberon. The story begins with a distraught father, Egeus, asking the Duke, Thesus, to bring the law upon his daughter 's, Hermia’s, head. His request is made because he wants her to marry Demetrius and she has disobeyed him by seeing Lysander in secret. The Duke gives Hermia up to the day of his wedding to decide to obey her father or suffer the consequence of consignment to a nunnery if she chooses to oppose him. This decision spurs Hermia and Lysander to meet in the woods to facilitate their elopement. Things get interesting at this point because Puck, a …show more content…
He reports that Titania has fallen in love with Bottom. Hermia and Demetrius enter, with Hermia accusing Demetrius of killing her beloved Lysander, who has vanished. The argument reveals no truths so Hermia departs in search of Lysander, leaving Demetrius to sleep. At this point, Puck and Oberon realized that a mistake has been made and Puck is sent in search of Helena while Oberon enchants the sleeping Demetrius. They unintentionally wake Demetrius who immediately falls in love with Helena because she is the first person that he sees. Helena now thinks that Demetrius is a part of the prank because of his sudden change of heart. The situation escalates when Hermia enters. Lysander and Demetrius fight over Helena, while Helena starts a fight with Hermia. Helena thinks Hermia is also a part of the prank. Oberon rushes to retrieve the Indian boy from Titania, while Puck leads the lovers away from each other before a life is lost. They get lost in a fog and fall asleep to wake up in love. ACT 4 Scene 1 Titania and Bottom get acquainted, with Titania being completely enamored with Bottom. She offers him the services of her fairies and they both fall asleep. Oberon decides to take the spell from Titania 's eyes, after she consents to giving up the Indian boy. After Puck removes the asses head from Bottom, the fairies leave the wood. Theseus and his followers then arrive for a celebration in the wood. They meet upon the lovers and awaken them. After a
Love is a timeless topic which Shakespeare explores in depth in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream “. Shakespeare utilizes the format of a play within a play to communicate the complexities of love. Love is a force that characters cannot control. The play includes scenes of lovers searching for fulfillment in the arms of characters who are unavailable. The magic love potion wreaks havoc between actual lovers and it is clear just how negatively it is portrayed. The entire play revolves around the difficulties of maintaining love and how foolish and insecure the pursuit of love can make us. It also touches on the fickleness of love, that love can be
Oberon, riddled with jealousy over his queen’s beloved “changeling”, plots to make a fool out of Titania with his magic potion so he may steal away the child. Oberon's love-potion has the same effect of that of the famed Cupid's arrows, it charms the sight of those it is anointed upon, and gets them to fall in “love” with the first creature they see. Oberon anoints the eyes of Titania and she ends up falling in “love” with the first creature she sees, Bottom, an actor who is rehearsing in the woods, who’s head has been turned into that of an ass by Puck. Oberon plan is successful, he is in fact able to steal away the child while his queen dotes upon Bottom, but then things start to get more complicated in the moonlit woods.
Titania, before her bewitchment, warns Oberon that their own lovers' spat is causing havoc on earth. She speaks of "winds, piping to us in vain/As in revenge" (2.1 88, 90), of the moon, "pale in her anger" (104), and how the seasons "change/Their wonted liveries" (112-13). At first, Oberon cannot see beyond his jealousy of the little changeling Titania has adopted. He sets into motion fantastic spells that upend real love, mimicking the more serious complications wrought by human politics. Naturally, Titania's premonition bears fruit when Puck transforms Nick Bottom into an ass, and again when Lysander falls in love with Helena and forgets about Hermia. These turns of events eventually worry Oberon, too. He tells Puck to make sure to "lead these testy rivals so astray/As one come not within another's way" (3.2 358-59). He prescribes the potion to set things straight, calling the evening's pranks "a dream and fruitless vision," and declaring that with his corrective action, "all things shall be peace" (3.2 377).
Have you ever heard a quote that really stood out to you. And then you went and told you friends that quote and they liked it. And they told people who told other people and then everyone liked. Eventually, you know with all the social media programs these days, its going to end up on facebook or instagram and even more people are going to find out about it. Thats one way a quote can become famous but another way is if it is in a popular movie or book. In this case it is from one of Shakespeare's finest and most known, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream the quote “the course of true love never did run smoothly” applies to the different people in the book: the first couple is Hermia and Lysander, Second Demetrius and Helena, and finally Pyramus and Thisbe.
In this point in the play we find Helena begging to be loved by Demetrius. She constantly follows Demetrius around but he is madly in love with Hermia a long with Lysander. Hermia is the daughter of Egeus and he demands she marries Demetrius even though she is in love with Lysander. Even though Helena knows Demetrius does not love her she will forever try to win him over. Demetrius tries to tell Helena that he loves Hermia.
Titania refuses to give up the boy to Oberon feels that he must take things into his own hands. He tells Puck to go get him a flower that has special juice that if put into anyones eyes can make them fall in love with the next thing they see. After acquiring the flower he finds Titania and puts it in his wife's eyes saying ¨Whatever you see when you first wake up, think of it as your true love (Shakespeare 2.2.34-35¨). Titania wakes up and falls in love with Bottom the weaver. Oberon finds Titania in the woods and asks for the Indian child
Steven: After Lysander and Hermia leave for the forest. Demetrius leaves to chase after Hermia, and Helena follows him because she loves Demetrius. Lysander and Hermia get tired after a while, and decide to rest. Puck then arrives to execute his plan, but he puts the juice on Lysander’s eyes instead of Demetrius’s by mistake. Lysander then later wakes up, right as Helena and Demetrius arrive.
In Act 2, Scene 1, Puck gets a flower so that Oberon can use its magic to make the characters fall in love but it causes some problems. The magic works and it causes chaos between the characters, when Oberon drops the magic in Titania's eyes as she sleeps, when she wakes up she falls in love with bottom
Titania, deceivingly falls in love with a weaver named Bottom who is wearing a mask of a donkey. Thus, why Titania whom was blinded by love could not relish the fact that she fell in love
Hermia and Lysander are deeply in love with one another; however, Oberon, the king of the fairies, instructs Puck, a mischievous fairy, to spread the love juice upon the eyes of Demetrious so that he will fall in love with Helena. Instead of following Oberon’s orders, Puck mistakenly spread the potion on the eyes Lysander. As soon as he awakes, he lays eyes upon Helena and falls in love with her and says, “... And run through fire I will for thy sweet sake/ Transparent Helena! Nature shows art/ That through thy bosom makes me see thy heart”(2.2. 103-105). Lysander shows that he no longer loves Hermia and loves her best friend, Helena. Shakespeare shows the weakness of Hermia and Lysander’s relationship, and as soon as magic influences them, their bond begins to crumble. As magic hurts one bond, it also threatens Hermia and Helena’s relationship. Hermia is furious with Helena for stealing away Lysander's love, but doesn’t know that magic is the only reason for it. Hermia accuses Helena of using her height to her advantage, and believes that is the reason
When Titania wakes up, the first thing she sees is Bottom, with an ass’s head, she immediately falls in love due to the flower juice earlier. Oberon, of course, is very pleased with how his plan has turned out. Demetrius and Hermia argue in the forest over finding Lysander, Hermia eventually exits in a rage. Oberon realizes that Robin made a mistake, by dripping the juice into the wrong man’s eye. He immediately asks Robin to find Helena and bring her to him
Puck gets the flower and Oberon tells puck he'll put the flower juice on Titania's eyelids. And she'll fall in love with a beast. Oberon will refuse to lift the juice’s spell until she gives the Indian boy to him. Oberon tells Puck to look for an Athenian manwering Athenian garments and being followed by a lady and to put some of the juice on the man
In the play, A Midsummer Night’s dream, Hermia, Egeus’s daughter is denied to wed her love Lysander, but has to comply with her father’s wishes and marry Demetrius. Infuriated, Hermia runs off with Lysander to his aunt’s house, sick of the Athenian law. As the lovers wander off into the forest, Helena, who is madly in love with Demetrius, tells him about the whereabouts of Hermia. In another part of the forest, Oberon, king of fairies meets Titania, the queen of fairies, arguing for a changeling child from India. When Titania refuses to give him up, Oberon plans revenge, by hiring Robin Goodfellow, also known as “Puck”, to retrieve a magical love flower, anointing her eyes and Demetrius’s, feeling bad for Helena after how Demetrius had treated her. Accidentally, Puck spreads it on Lysander’s eyes, creating major conflicts, later being resolved as the 4 lovers get married.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream has several themes but there is one that stands out to me. There are many conflicts throughout the play but a majority of them are caused by one character. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare brilliantly displays how love is never clear cut by his use of Puck’s character (who is always muddling everything up).
A Midsummer Night's Dream is a play about four Athenian lovers. Theseus listens to both Hermia and her father’s request and he tells her to bend to her father’s will or die due to the old Athenian law. Hermia and Lysander flee Athens, into the domain of the fairy kingdom. At this time, Oberon is in a fight with Titania. This fight is over a human child of Titania’s friend. Oberon tells Puck, one of his loyal servants, to get a flower hit by Cupid’s arrow, and drop the oil into Demetrius’s and Titania’s eyes. However, Puck drops the oil into Lysander’s eyes due to Oberon’s vague description, making him fall in love with Helena and despise Hermia. Titania falls in love Bottom, who has the head of an ass, after Oberon places the oil