
A Mirror of Suicide

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Is suicide a form or escape or an affirmation of the essential meaninglessness of life? So I would argue that to frame the issue of suicide in such terms, poses a question of moral and ethical values. Those who argue against suicide forget that no greater figure in western philosophical thought than Socrates committed suicide. When opponents of suicide are reminded of Socrates’ act of self destruction, they answer that Socrates’ actions were meant to defend the integrity of freedom of speech. The debate upon suicide is between the morality and circumstances of suicide. One side, philosophers’ view that it is a human’s right to control his or her life including ending it. Opposing views accept that humans have the rights to their own …show more content…

Chief Justice William Rehnquist made the decision and wrote "We think the distinction between assisting suicide and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment, a distinction widely recognized and endorsed in the medical profession and in our legal traditions, is both important and logical; it is certainly rational." If doctors were allowed to practice PAS, than the line between patients who need and want PAS will blur; resulting in abuse of the system. Insurance companies could put pressure on physicians to choose PAS over valiant efforts to save a patient to cut costs. Eventually physicians and families might become dependent on PAS and choose it over potential cures. Doctors would lose creditability for doing no harm and be viewed as untrustworthy for breaking their oaths. Though a physician is “killing” a patient in PAS it still can be morally accurate to do so. A patient who might have a terminal-illness or lives with unbearable pain could be saved from that suffering. Doctors may become more untrustworthy because of PAS, but they would be accepted as savior to more patients. PAS patient’s organs could be transferred to others, saving countless lives. The argument of freedoms is also brought up in favor of PAS. Each person should have the right to their own body and the government should not try to remove those fundamental rights by banning PAS. Thomas Preston, one of the doctors in Washington v. Glucksberg, explained to the court that voting to

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