Rudd. Session1.Journal
When I was seventeen, fresh out of high school, I did not have a clue what I wanted to do or where I was headed in my life. I worked two jobs and stayed up all night studying. I got married and had my first child which led me to drop out and started working full time.
I found a job that I have been at for twenty years now. Ten years ago I met my current wife; she had put herself through college and was proud of her accomplishment. Throughout our marriage she would encourage me go back to school and complete a degree for myself. I would always tell her there just was not enough time in a day or money in the bank for college; this was my excuse so I wouldn’t fail.
Lately we have been discussing moving, searching
The implied thesis of Swift’s “A Modest Proposal" is that 18th century Ireland would be in a better situation if the Irish society and monarchy actually treated problems such as overpopulation and poverty, While the overt thesis is that Irish people should consider eating their children and selling them to rich Englishmen to solve the issue of poverty and overpopulation in the country. They differ form one another as one focuses on eating children, while the other focuses on giving commentary through the essay itself.
Maria Medina and Francisco Ibarra, of Richardson, Texas, are currently living through a very difficult situation and require urgent aid. Maria Medina has recently gone through a necessary surgical procedure that has left her incapable of tending to her one-year old twin daughters. Since she is unable to care for her babies, her husband Francisco Ibarra has had to take time off from work to care for both girls and his wife. Mr. Ibarra is currently the sole provider for his family but has not been able to work for 3 weeks due to his wife’s condition. He also requires medical attention due to an accident that injured his hip and is preventing him from walking right but has
When Swift is describing the use of children as commodities, it is ironic because his intentions are to actually explain that the English view the whole Irish population as commodities. The English landlords are the ones responsible for Ireland’s poverty. The essay shows, through sarcasm, that the English have purposely took everything from the Irish because they view them as commodities. One example of sarcasm used to portray that idea is that the utilization of infants will be “proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children” (804). It is very apparent that Swift blames the English for Ireland’s problems. He also blames the Irish Catholics that allowed English policy to break down Ireland.
A college degree is becoming increasingly more valuable with many decent jobs requiring some sort of higher education. As more students prepare to enter college, many are faced with the escalating prices of not only tuition, but also other things such as textbooks and the cost of living. This problem has been especially prominent in California, particularly within the last month, due to the UC regent’s new and controversial plans for an in-state tuition increase of five percent in five years. With the rising prices of tuition many students must turn to student loans. These loans often get them through the expensive costs of school, but after they graduate, they are left with a substantial amount of debt to pay off. I think we can all agree that something must be done in order to stop students from having to pay these ridiculous tuition prices while still being able to get a quality college education. The answer actually lies in a system used decades ago, known as indentured servitude. If we want to create economic stability for future generations to come we must give them proper access to a college education without the worry of tremendous financial debt. In order to achieve this, I propose that any student will be able to attend a university free of charge, but after graduating must be given to an owner who will dictate their work, where and how they live until they finish their service which will range from fifteen to twenty years, depending on the
According to an article written by Jason M. Breslow, as of 2011, children had the highest poverty level with over 16 million children living in poverty. That is just in the United States. Imagine the number of children living in poverty in the entire world.
I have recognize that you are hiring young adults to become a firefighter in your Fire Department. Therefore, i'm here to inform you that I am a fellow young man, who is eager to work with no complaints and no whining. I was informed by your Uncle Claudio Lopez in whom is currently my stepdad, about you hiring young adults at the Fire Department. Therefore I would be honored to become a firefighter in your Fire Department.
My purpose is to have rough estimate for the total amount time and money I will need to prepare ahead before I come to London.
Since the beginning of the 19th century, America has had to deal with the on going
If a horrible action becomes normal in a society where everyone contributes, is the action still horrible? This type of question gets one into the mindset of the story “A modest proposal”. The story is an author stating his solution to the poverty problem which is causing kids to grow up on the streets with their poor parents. A major part of this solution is including the process of eating infants to clear up the streets. Throughout the story the author speaks of concepts that would usually be frowned upon in society or down right prohibited because of human rights as stated before. But, it is always important to delve deeper into a society to find its true purpose, then it could be possible to see why certain actions are taken, perhaps in response to a need.
Pharmaceuticals may be used by the normal person on the daily. They can help an individual from treating a disease to preventing a disease from spreading. These same medicines can be taken advantage of and abused. The Romantic poets seemed to have ideas that wouldn’t come to the normal mind during their time and had ideas that seemed to be outlandish. There are a theory that poets used drugs to spark ideas from within themselves, they were thought to start abusing everyday medicine.
To address this growing issue, Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services (PCHAS) offers Ashley House, its Transitional Living Program (TLP) to young women. Girls are victimized at a much higher rate than boys are which renders them more likely to be victims of sexual abuse and sexual assault. Girls also tend to internalize their response to trauma by harming themselves and abusing drugs and alcohol. They suffer from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at a much higher rate than young boys do. Girls’ experiences and responses place them at risk of many negative outcomes, including teen pregnancy, sex trafficking and involvement with the justice system.
College is a personal goal, which involves a lot of hard work, money, and personal commitment. However, this choice only benefits a single person, unlike a road or sidewalk. These are integral to many peoples daily life and should be maintained. The editorial article composed for the Denver post on August 21, 2015 “Denver sales tax increase for scholarship should be rejected” brings to light how Denver plans to use the increase. The author brings into account issues that are easily relatable such as roads and sidewalks. These are things that everyone must use to get to work or school. Our reader now has to ponder this request and if it will benefit them. The author refreshes the memory of the reader about the other three tax increases, all
College can be a very difficult place if you don’t have any assistance but with these recourses you have help in every area. I haven’t gotten a chance to use all of these recourses but the ones I have used have been more than helpful. When I first got my schedule I was confused about how the textbook numbers and the bookstore worked. I walked into the bookstore and someone was able to help me right away. A woman walked with me around the store and collected all of my textbooks within minutes. Another important recourse is the counseling service. Being a college student can be very stressful and confusing. How do I know I’m taking the proper classes I need? This service gives assistance in that area. They are also able to help with personal
“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,” by Christopher Marlowe and Sir Walter Raleigh’s “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd,” are poems that address the idealist perspective of love. Marlowe’s poem paints a seemingly perfect viewpoint of love by the shepherd’s proposal to the nymph, while Raleigh’s poem rejects the proposal by the nymph’s realistic stance towards love. However, despite the opposing viewpoints both stories present a traditional-pastoral scenery and materialistic gifts. Although “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,” and “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” paint a pastoral scenery to address love, Marlowe utilizes it to create an ideal love, while Raleigh uses it to mock the shepherd’s proposal. Both poems present a pastoral-traditional scenery and address the idea of love being sufficient to live idealistically by the imagery of a shepherd tending to his flock.
In Jonathan Swift’s satire, “A Modest Proposal”, Swift writes about the starving people of Ireland in the early 1700’s. He makes a wild and absurd proposal to help remedy the problems of overpopulation and poverty. Swift wants to make a political statement by using the “children” as satire to grasp the attention of the audience - the English people, the Irish politicians and the rich – and make them aware of the political, moral, and social problems. In “A Modest Proposal”, Swift’s arguments are presented effectively by using pathos (emotional appeal), ethos (ethics and values), and logos (logic reasoning and facts).