Consumer Behavior, 10e (Schiffman/Kanuk)
Chapter 1 Consumer Behavior: Meeting Changes and Challenges
1) The behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs is known as ________.
A) the production orientation
B) consumer behavior
C) narrowcasting
D) positioning
E) the marketing mix
Answer: B
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 5
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1.1: Understand what consumer behavior is and the different types of consumers
2) Which of the following is considered an example of consumer behavior?
A) Janice prefers to buy name-brand pain relievers like Tylenol and Advil, rather than the store brand.
B) Javier
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A) market orientation
B) product orientation
C) sales orientation
D) production orientation
E) marketing concept
Answer: D
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 8
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1.2: Understand the relationship between consumer behavior and the marketing concept, the societal marketing concept, as well as segmentation, targeting, and positioning
12) The production orientation makes sense for a business when ________.
A) consumers are more interested in product availability than in product variation
B) consumers are interested in obtaining the product that offers them the highest quality, best performance, and most features
C) consumers have changing needs and insist that those needs be satisfied
D) consumers are unlikely to buy the product unless they are persuaded to do so
E) consumers are not sensitive to price
Answer: A
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 8
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Skill: Concept
Objective: 1.2: Understand the relationship between consumer behavior and the marketing concept, the societal marketing concept, as well as segmentation, targeting, and positioning
13) The focus of the ________ was to sell more of what the manufacturing
Marketing Concept The marketing concept can be defined as the idea that an organization should strive to satisfy the needs of customers, while also trying to achieve the organization’s goals.1 The marketing concept is about matching a company 's capabilities with customer wants. This matching process takes place in what is called the marketing environment. Businesses have to take into account their competitors, as well as changes in the political, economic, social and technological environment. The before mentioned factors must be taken into account as an organization tries to match its capabilities with the needs and wants of its target customers. An organization that adopts the
B. If selling on value, what “value” are you planning to sell (Quality, Product Specs, Delivery, a trusted brand)? Use the Market Information Report (Product Dimension Preferences and Product Dimension Sensitivities tables) to explain your decision.
Consider an organization of interest to you. This might be a church, a club, a service
2. The brand can also have a product failure if the consumers do not like the taste.
In this reading, I will be discussing the different categories in which advertisers have placed consumers to distinguish them from one another using their values, attitudes, and life-style. According to the writer of American culture and advertisement James B. Twitchell, “the object of much consumer research is not to try to twist their feathers so that they will flock to your product, but to position your product in such a place that they will have to fly by it and perhaps stop to roost. After roosting, they will eventually think that this is part of their flyway and return to it again and again” (p. 178). The proposition of stereotyping consumer lifestyles is a very effective way of marketing goods and services. The VALS2 strategy of marketing segment, target, and position used by advertisers is based on research; which means, marketers know more about consumer behaviors than what we think. This is an important issue because it’s necessary to raise awareness in society about the advantages and disadvantages that this can bring. After having evaluated all given points; this article is an eye opener for those who have any doubts about what consumers mean to large companies and advertisers.
For an organization to beat the competition, they need to understand what the consumer wants. Marketing concepts are based upon consideration on what the organization’s customers need and nourishing these needs better than the
In today’s world of various products and services, businesses aim to excel and lead the competition by marketing the most number of consumers, which is a full time endeavor of business. To survive in the market, a firm or an organization has to be constantly innovating and understand the latest consumer trends and tastes. Marketers need to understand consumer behavior because the decision-making process for consumers is anything but straight forward. Consumers’ behaviors and their purchasing patterns is a huge advantage to understanding the way customers think and the reason for their purchases. Therefore, the study of consumer behavior is important because it allows the
Course Description This course involves an integrated analysis of the role of marketing within the total organization. Specific attention is given to the analysis of factors affecting consumer behavior, the identification of marketing variables, the development and use of marketing strategies, and the discussion of international marketing issues. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others.(Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders, Wong page 5)
3. The marketing strategy of company is not so convincing because they can extend their product range with good
I am creating a detailed assignment In view of the dynamic nature of the marketing environment and to what extent are consumers considered to be, in practice, central to marketing activities? I am firstly going to go into depth about what marketing actually is then breaking that up into sections to investigate around the question asked, branching off to explain about what the dynamic environment is and what the four P’s represent, marketing and the consumer and finally to create a conclusion to the question. Andrew Cohen (President, The A team) said ‘’Marketing is meeting the needs and wants of a consumer.’’ There are many different definitions of marketing, most surrounding the same point, which is exactly what Cohen’s definition states-
Marketing has become more and more important, especially as the purposes of marketing expanded into performing marketing researches. Through marketing researches, it is asserted that marketing starts with a real customer need. Classic marketing, has, nonetheless, focused on making the need that will draw customers, and this stresses the advertising power of marketing (Woodall 2007, p.1284). This is also called the sales concept of marketing (Woodall 2007, p.1285). An example is how advertising lures people into buying a brand, because of the
To understand the consumers in the target market, marketing managers rely on the 7 O’s framework of consumer research.
Societal Marketing: The marketing idea that they first asses the needs of their target market and then attempt to directly attack the market than