
A Moveable Feast Essay

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Paris in the 1920s radiated a feeling of enthusiastic optimism and thus attracted a rich and diverse group of people. A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway documents the young author’s experience in Paris, focusing both on his own journey to becoming a true writer and his relationships with other artists in the city. During the 1920s, Paris exemplified the spirit of the world in the aftermath of World War I and allowed creativity and philosophy to thrive. Despite its sometimes slow pace and unconventional narrative style, A Moveable Feast truthfully portrays the Parisian way of life and the impact the great city had on a young Hemingway. Hemingway’s memoir is written as a series of short stories describing various events or thoughts during …show more content…

Although it is not told in a straightforward, step-by-step manner, the story often uses simple, unembellished language, which highlights the truth of what is being said. “In my pocket was the money from Germany so there was no problem. When that was gone some other money would come in.” (77) Here, the short and clear sentences convey Hemingway’s optimistic and accepting attitude without creating any doubt or confusion. Yet the story does not lack detail - in particular, imagery provides the detail and subtle meaning that the story’s precise tone sometimes weakens. For example, Hemingway carries in his pocket a rabbit’s foot of which “the fur had been worn off” and “the bones and the sinews were polished by wear”; the imagery suggests that, although still present, his luck was overused and worn out (91). Similarly, the character descriptions effectively allow the reader to generate a mental image. The illustration of Zelda Fitzgerald as having “hawk’s eyes and a thin mouth” makes Hemingway’s mistrust of her reasonable and logical (180). Of equal importance are the descriptions of his own love of writing and his investigations into literary craft; as Hemingway explained, “I entered far into the story and was lost in it… I did not look up nor know anything about the time nor

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