As a new health care manager of a, hospital affiliated, multidisciplinary practice there are a number of things that I need to consider, before even stepping foot on the premise. The role of a healthcare manger is to create an environment that offer essential and quality care at maximum profit.
As a health care manager it is up to me to regulate budgets, administer payroll and benefits, order and receive supplies as well as regularly communication with medical staff. Since the office is transitioning to a computerized there is a little more ground work that I have to put in as a new manager, like ensuring the medical staff is trained on the new computer system and ensuring that they know the HIPAA standards for privacy of health information and other state and federal laws and regulations.
During the transition, there will be lots of patient’s records being moved around and entered into the new system, since the practice is half way through this transition, I need to come in and make sure that the medical staff is handling this transition properly in regulation to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Each member of the staff will be familiar with the privacy rule of HIPPA. The HIPAA privacy rule is a complete summary on the protection of patient information, as well as how the information can be used and disclosed. To be sure that every patient chart is accounted for I will have the office managers come up with a master list of all patients’
As a health care administrator/manager it will be imperative for you to work with the
Healthcare technology has grown and evolved over time. With the conversion to electronic medical records and the creation of social media just to name a few, ensuring patient privacy is of the utmost importance for healthcare facilities in this day and age. In order for an organization to avoid hefty fines, it is imperative that a healthcare administrator maintains compliance with the standards and regulations associated with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This paper will provide a summary
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act also known as HIPAA was first signed into law on the federal level in 1996. Since it was signed into law it has had a huge effect on patient’s privacy, healthcare workers and even insurance company’s. “HIPAA is intended to improve efficiency throughout health care and requires that health care providers adhere to standardized national privacy and confidentiality protections.” (OMA p .236). It’s an invaluable tool that has created a standard of compliance across the healthcare field.
Healthcare managers must always be prepared to confront new challenges and changes to be able to have a competitive edge in the healthcare industry. As a new manager, I realize that my efficiency in handling things in the beginning won’t be excellent. I say this because like any job, it will take time to understand my role as well as all my new responsibilities. Personally, I am not that great in handling change, so I may resist the idea of change at first. Knowing that this can happen, I would have myself undergo transitional training beforehand to gain the knowledge and experience required.
Appointed as the new Health Services Administrator for Sunlight Hospital, we will evaluate and develop a clear and concise framework that will focus on the significant domains of quality measurements and specify the reasons for conducting the assessment for inpatient and emergency care processes that matter to our patients at Sunlight Hospital. The company objective is to increase efficiency and the value, with providing quality care for our patients and employees. The report will be a model for observation and to build a hypothesis based on improvements needed, dealing with retention (employee satisfaction and staff understrength), analyze the chief complaints in quality care dealing with patients. Prior to conducting a walk
Working in the health care environment the world needs effective, wise and visionary leaders, leadership matters in every organisation to change the health care environment so it may continue to grow to ensure it gives us better evidence based practice (Evans & M.L, 2015, p 34-50). All health care professionals are required at some point in their position to engage in management or leadership. As an AIN, EN or RN they all have a responsibility to educate, lead and manage within the health care profession (Innis & Berta, 2016, p.2-22). This allows each individual to develop useful and excellent leadership skills and management strategies to be able to educate and lead an exceptional team (Innis & Berta, 2016, p. 2-22). Although our greatest
During my time with them, I was able to differentiate between the functions, roles, and responsibilities of healthcare managers, while working with the following managerial positions. I was able to view them carry out various management functions of planning—closing of a pharmacy, getting annual goals for annual merits, discuss implementation of FY18 strategic planning, staffing--interviews, directing—manager/leadership meetings and staff meetings, controlling—weekly safety huddles addressing patient safety events, addressing staff concerns, and addressing staff behavior, and decision making—completing daily tasks and going to
With a specific end goal to hold fast to the HIPAA law strategies must be executed by medical facility chairmen for all healthcare workforce and offices to take after as required by law. In light of all the new advances in innovation alongside patient(s) winding up increasingly included with their wellbeing and treatment, HIPAA made ready for everybody to feel secure while giving and getting care. HIPAA law and strategy are of second nature to each other since it assigns a vast number of data, for example, medicinal records, individual data, and healthcare plans.
People see hospitals as a place where one goes for healing and medical care, but hospitals are businesses that healthcare administrators have the responsibility of maintaining. Healthcare administrators’ responsibilities include many aspects related to patient care. Some of those aspects are social and public policy and the technical management of healthcare delivery in hospitals. Unfortunately, healthcare administrators are faced with many challenges as well. One of the growing challenges that healthcare administrators are facing is the shortage of healthcare professionals.
With this particular job, daily duties will include answering the telephone, scheduling appointments, organizing medical records, processing insurance forms, etc. Also someone in this field could have bookkeeping tasks or use spreadsheets. It is necessary to have throughough knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and also PowerPoint to effectively complete these duties. If any doctor or other health official needs something done, it is an Administrator’s job to effectively complete that. Primarily since most of an
A number of human resources management are obstinate to modify their business plans due to rapid change in the health care organization. Organizations become comfortable with their business plans because they are afraid of taking risks of losing their businesses to competitors. Remaining competitive is the key aspect of a company; it drives consumers from competitors to come to the company and utilize their services. Kalyani & Sahoo (2011) stated that a business plan is created to institute goals, morals, ethics, and values. Various organizations reject to change these qualities since it is a unique definition of what their company stands for. In addition to goals, morals, ethics, and values, a business plan consists of the code of conduct.
According to McConell (2012), the difference in a leader and a follower determines the success of a person regarding leadership. This chapter helps explain the content of qualities and proficiency for healthcare managers to be effective. Once again, effective management skills or certain qualifications enhance a healthcare organization environment. Healthcare managers and supervisors must have the capacity to handle challenges while the organization objectives and regulations may change over a period of time. Effective healthcare management governs the success of a healthcare organization. There are many different skill sets and leadership styles to be effective as a manager. People are interested in knowing what strategies are effective
Healthcare management is a great, complex, and dynamic field. Like any business, healthcare requires exceptional administration to keeps its operations effective and smooth. Notably, the healthcare field is constantly growing, calling for the expertise of skilled administrators with the capacity to manage hospitals. Since my childhood, I have enjoyed solving problems, helping people, caring about the community and individuals, and having an excellent compensation and growth opportunities.
Wow Hospital (WH) managers also called healthcare executives or healthcare administrators, plan, direct, analysis and coordinate medical and health services. They might manage an entire facility or specialize in managing a specific clinical area or department, or manage a medical practice for a group of physicians. Medical and health services managers must be able to adapt to changes in healthcare laws, regulations, and technology.
As a health care administrator there are many challenges that have to be faced. Health care administrators have to deal with a very demanding career with all things health care on a constant change. The changing of health care with new developments is what causes health care administrators to have such a tough job. They have to make sure that they stay up to date on the changes happening. The main two challenges that I think will be faced is communication to employees and staying up to date with trending health care issues.