
A New Twist On Pop ! Goes The Weasel '

Decent Essays

A New Twist on Pop! Goes the Weasel The Process of Adapting ‘Pop! Goes the Weasel’ As a group, Sara, Derek, and I decided to alter the classic nursery rhyme Pop! Goes the Weasel. Our familiarity with the rhyme and our interest in its ambiguous history enticed us to give it a modern adaptation. Since most of the variations hold little modern meaning and the tune appears to be more widely known than the words, we felt free to play with the rhyme. However, achieving that same sense of whimsy and play was more difficult than expected – especially since we chose to incorporate the importance of vaccinations in order to play on the ‘weasel’ / ‘measles’ rhyme. We also adjusted the gameplay to augment this theme, and often had to dial back as we found ourselves overcomplicating the rules to serve the new meaning. Creating something that is fun to say and play is difficult – even more so when you are trying to introduce a dialogue that isn’t fun in nature, as you are relying on the sound of the words to convey that whimsy rather than the meaning. The History – What is a Weasel and Why does it Go Pop? The answer – no one really knows. The song was a popular dance tune in the United Kingdom in the 1850s and was considered fashionable by high society. Even Queen Victoria supposedly partook in the trend. However, the title is a mystery. The dancers would shout it throughout the dance, but there is little evidence to indicate it was anything but a nonsensical phrase (Martin). The

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