
A Night Time Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

I am not a night time person. My schedule would not allow me to be a night time person. Even in the summer I fall asleep around the same time I would as if I were still in school. This summer is a little different though. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I get up at 5:15 a.m. to go to cross-country practice which starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 8 a.m. Since I started summer school I leave practice 20 minutes early to get ready for school. The run and work out I had that morning wakes me up for the day. When I don't go to practice like today I have to drag myself from bed and start my daily routine which in other words means I'm in a bad mood until 2 hours into school. I am at my best during the day. That's when I feel all my energy coming to me

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