A person’s worldview is a set of developed beliefs and characteristics through various stages of life, that directs one’s understanding, actions, and behaviors within the world. Such stages include infancy (0-5 years old) , adolescence (6 – 18 years old) , and adult-hood (20 – 65 + years); in which one either gathers new components of a worldview, disposes of old worldview components, and/or both. These components are anything from a person’s view of religion to the belief of the purpose of life. Each stage coincides with a person’s physical and mental development as a human being.
For instance, during infancy a child’s worldview is limited to their immediate surroundings and their caretakers, usually mom and dad. At this stage the
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For instance, young adults may join social groups their parents do not approve of and/or test boundaries of everyday life by combatting authority figures. Yet, even during this stage adolescents still carry the worldview of their family members because they are not, yet self-sufficient adults.
Last, the stage of adult-hood is a rather fixed idea on worldview, yet still influential. For instance, a young adult is more open to new knowledge than older adults. Specifically, older adults fill their knowledge systems with information that backs their worldview and discard of information that does not. As an example, and adult who watches FOX news because they agree with the stories presented, yet turns the TV off when CNN is on because they do not like CNN, is further adding to the truths of their worldview and rejecting others. Although, most adult’s worldview is established at this stage, it can alter due to factors such as: changes worldview’s of their peers or experiencing a life changing event.
Factors that contribute to worldview
People view the world in a variety of different ways due to customs, thoughts, beliefs, and life styles. Each factor contributes to the development of one’s worldview, either formed individually or through a group. Some of these influencing factors include: language, culture, and religion.
From the time of birth, a person is introduced to their first form of understanding the world, language. The language a person speaks helps
Every human being has a worldview whether they are aware of it or not. Although the notion of a worldview might appear basic in nature, the word itself simply meaning how one views the world around them, worldviews are much more complex and far reaching. A worldviews development occurs over the course of a lifetime, shaped by the complex and unique experiences of an individual and the sum of family traditions, religious beliefs and cultural histories. It is an all-encompassing interpretation of reality that plays a central and defining role in our attitudes and concepts about life. While worldviews are formed based on the answers to fundamental questions about human existence, they simultaneously shape
We all have a worldview, a set of lenses used to view all of life and reality. Our individual
In most environments it is customary for the older generation to aspire to transmit values and accepted norms to the next generation. Adults take pride in the responsibility they feel to educate young people. This effort facilitates maturity and helps develop youth into successful members of the already established society. As young people mature, they become more independent thinkers and begin to evaluate the society in which they inhabit. This inspection can produce some angst in young people and concern from adults. It is in these formative moments and years that young people search for truth - not one that they inherit, but rather one they can call their own. As a consequence of this purposeful, natural, and necessary reflection, individuals
An individual’s worldviews affect how they go about finding the truth. It can make us see things in a way that is not right but also can help us see a solution to a problem. Our worldview can be based off of our moral, values, and beliefs. Individual worldview may even change over time. Whatever our worldviews are that is what we see as the truth (Entwistle, 2010).
There are many different ways to completely define the term “Worldview”. To actually have a worldview it means that you have built a particular opinion of life. The opinions that have been created will help in the development of ideas or decisions as well as how the world around you is perceived. No two people will have the same worldview, most people live their lives. (Open Bible, 2015)
There are many things that can influence a person’s perspective on the world; culture plays a huge part and in this
A worldview is a mental model of reality. It is the idea and attitudes towards the world, life, and us as individuals. Each individual has their own unique worldview. People acquire a worldview by how they go through life, it may change or even stay the same. How they grew up, life situations, values, religion, and attitudes are factors that may affect one’s worldview. There are many questions that can make up one’s worldview. How should we act? What gives life purpose? Where did we come from? These are some of many questions that can help define someone’s worldview. The book The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia by Samuel Johnson, brings up many worldviews. The characters in the book go on a journey to figure out their worldview. Which I think this is the best way to build someone’s worldview.
As you can see there is a lot to cover. So let us move along to the first question. What actually does worldview mean?
A worldview is not determined simply by a single factor, value, belief or view. It can be described as a collection of beliefs a person has about his or her life and the world around. This worldview can include aspects such as a consistent decision making process, an idea of what is right or wrong, and also who or what authority do I respect and follow. This view can modified constantly by factors including experiences that a person might face, a changing environment, and different values. There are many different types of worldviews and perspectives people have about the world that help to shape who
Everyone has a worldview with main characteristics that are ever changing. Different sources influence this framework such as parenting, friendship, telecommunication or internet media, educational and religious sectors. Hindson and Caner (2008) propose standardization methods of worldview are measured either by emotions and feelings, socialism, or the truth (Hindson & Caner, 2008, p.499). Recognition of a person’s worldview can be found based on
A worldview is the way a person views and interprets the world around them. Life experiences and spiritual influences play a part in forming one’s worldview. A person’s worldview helps them to determine beliefs on creation, humanity, morals and what happens after death. According to Waddell, (2014) “Worldviews are also like lenses found in eyeglasses that serve as the means through which a person sees the world.” (para. 43) In this paper, the main components of the Christian worldview will be discussed, to include God, humanity, Jesus, restoration and analysis of Christian Faith as well as a reflection of my own beliefs.
Cultural knowledge has an impact on the way people within the culture view the world, interact with each other and make decisions. It is a collection of values and beliefs that hold a culture together. World views are not independent from culture. Worldviews are a set of primary viewpoints concerning reality. The fundamentals of a person’s worldview include beliefs about knowledge, the existence of God,
Today’s society consists of many worldviews. Most people tend to pull beliefs from different religions, but often stick to one main worldview. A worldview to me is the gathering of beliefs that shape what we do on a daily basis and forms our overall view on life. When I look at my beliefs critically, I am able to see my worldview and see how it compares to different worldviews, but also how it compares mainly to the Christian Worldview.
A worldview is a system of beliefs that we model our lives after. It is how we perceive the world and others around us (Rusbult, n.d.). A person’s worldview is affected by how he/she is raised, his/her culture, his/her living situation (Rusbult, n.d.). A person’s parents and upbringing plays an important part in how that person interacts with others and thinks. A world view is like wearing colored glasses (Gutierrez, 2014). The way we see things, or perceive things, is based on the color of the glasses we are wearing. Where did we get these colored glasses? We obtain our “worldview glasses” from our parents, our culture, our friends, the media, and our religious beliefs. (109 words)
The adolescent individuals begin to reach sexual maturity and established their identity as an adult. This period marks the transition in which individuals think and reason. They also start to encounter conflicts between their family and their peers.