People’s relationships can be ruined by one action in their life which they are always doing to protect themselves from harm. People choose abortion regardless of the circumstances whether, rape, traumatic event, avoidance of the responsibility of parenthood, or out of medical necessity. No matter the circumstances the overarching reasoning is always self preservation. Because of this it has created a stigma even for those that are pro-choice that it is a selfish act. Even though some people are theoretically okay with it it is still such a shameful act that people feel they must keep it secret. If a woman gets an abortion then in our society she feels as though she must keep it a deep dark secret forever. If we educate people on the true motivations for abortion and what it means, then we can eliminate this social barricade. This is something that we need to overcome, we need to clear the dogma, we need to liberate our minds. This must be stopped.
According to a new Rasmussen survey people self reporting as pro-life has reached a level that it hasn’t even come close to in the last two years. This means that the problem is just getting worse according to the survey 50% of people consider themselves pro life with a measly 34% saying that they are pro-choice. This means that only a third of the population would be at all ok with a woman’s decision to have an abortion. It means that at least one of a woman’s parents would most likely would like to disown them post operation.
Abortion can offer a solution to unplanned pregnancy and may allow women to postpone pregnancy until they are adequately prepared to raise children, elevating the standard of living for newly born babies. “Fertilization is by no means perfect method, but therapeutic contraception and abortion complement natural processes that are designed to help us survive and thrive” (Tarico, 1). Contraceptives, such as the birth control pill, sometimes fail. To counter this, many new contraceptive procedures such as implants offer better protection and allow pregnancies to be an expected and planned occurrence. People often make mistakes when they are young, such as having unprotected sex. Abortion can provide an opportunity rebuild their lives and give them a second chance. Society’s attitudes towards conception and bearing of children change and evolve, and it is important to be compassionate, and understanding to the mother and the unborn fetus. Being pro-choice allows us to “stack the odds in the child’s favor” and give children the best chance of living a happy, healthy life (Tarico,
In the United States alone, over one million babies are aborted, making the counties abortion rate one of the highest among other countries. This means that one out of every four pregnancies end in abortion, one out of three American women will have an abortion by the time they are 45, and half of women seeking to abort a baby have already aborted one in the past (“U.S. Abortion Statistics.”). Since the 1930’s, the population growth in America has been the lowest because of abortion. Two generations of Americans have technically been murdered because the aborted children will not be able to have the families and lives of their own (Steven Ertelt.).
Abortion is an issue that I have a personal connection to because my mother was going to abort me if I was a male. Even though, I do not support abortion, I do think that it’s the mother’s decision if she wants to abort the baby or keep it. I represented my point of view for abortion by drawing out the shape of the mother’s pregnant body. Then, I draw the baby who is sleeping inside the mother’s stomach. As you all know the unborn baby has an umbilical cord to get it’s nutrients from it's mother, so I wrote in the umbilical cord “It’s not anyone’s choice, but my mom’s. On the right side of the poster, I’ll draw the materials that is used to abort the unborn baby.
The acceptance and practice of abortions has greatly increased in America, with nearly 53 million legal abortions being performed from 1973 to 2011. To put this into perspective, that’s nearly 77 times the number of homicides and nonnegligent manslaughters from 1972 to 2007. ("Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics”). As of abortion rates in 2008, three in ten American women will have an abortion before the age of 45 (“Abortion”). Abortion has especially grown in acceptance among the younger generation, with 75% of women who have abortions being under the age of 30. Another shocking fact about abortion is that 9.3% of women who had abortions in 2011 had already had three or more abortions previously. In fact, a child is killed by an abortion in America every 26 seconds (“Online For Life”). While abortions can be dangerous for the mother, the mortality rate is only about 0.6 out of 100,000, which is about fourteen times smaller than the mortality rate of childbirth. So what do activists have to say about abortion?
Every 3 minutes, 9 innocent babies will have been aborted in the U.S. alone. Approximately 93% of women state they have abortions due to ‘social reasons’(inconvenient, unwanted), and less than 1% of abortions occur due to rape/incest. On behalf of the decision of the Roe v. Wade ruling, which made abortion legal during all nine months of pregnancy in 1973, there have been 56,993,299 documented abortions. “In 2000 [alone], more children died from abortion than Americans died in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Korean, Vietnam, and Gulf Wars combined” (“Abortion Statistics”). Being pro-life should be the only option for women due to homicide, health risks, and the violation of civil and human rights.
Saad is a senior editor for The Gallop Poll which is an American researched-based global performance management consulting company. Saad strictly writes this article to inform her readers on the topic of being pro-choice. She is unbiased when it comes to abortions since she is not a feminist or does not state her opinion. In addition, The Gallop Poll is very thorough with gathering data and conducts one thousand daily interviews almost every day of the year. The results for this survey were done by adults living in all fifty United States and the District of Columbia.
As an outsider, people judge people for their decisions, especially people who have had an abortion. Yet, you do not know their story and what they went through in life. For instance, if a person got raped and the rapist got her pregnant. Many females would not want to have that child due to the fact that the child would be a constant reminder of what had happened to her. It is the female’s choice on what she does with her pregnancy, whether it be keeping it or having an
In the article, “Becoming a Mother Made Me Even More Pro-Choice,” Maureen Shaw explains how she fully understands why people fight for pro-choice and points how her being a mother made her more of a supporter because of it. She proves the reason is not only because of the idea of abortion everyone is scared about, financial matters, avoiding to be a single mother, or simply not being ready but that it’s because “they respect children and motherhood” (Shaw). To make people understand the meaning of abortion and why it’s so important is the first
Besides the fact that abortion has killed millions of innocent children and can have some barbaric techniques, it has had adverse effects socially and globally. Abortion has led to a damaging impact on the family, including difficulties in mother-child bonding, and the devaluation of the child. When a child learns that his mother aborted a previous pregnancy, he comes to realize this could have just as easily been him. He begins to think that his mother may not have wanted him, leading to difficulties in mother and child bonding. In addition, as abortion activists continue to campaign, citing abortion as a women’s right and choice, a child is increasingly looked at as property or a right instead of a blessing or gift. This has been shown to be responsible for the devaluation of the child. According to Dr. Philip G. Ney in an article on the impacts of abortion on
In society today, people are bombarded with many different social issues. These subjects raise a multitude of questions as men and women must find their stance on such matters. For example, the topic of abortion forces people to discover their position on such a procedure. According to the Guttmacher Institute, in 2011, there were 1.06 million abortions in the United States. In addition, this institute also says that “nearly half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about four in ten of these are terminated by abortion” (Guttmacher Institute, n.d.). Although many people argue that abortion is an acceptable action, abortion
Abortion has taken the lives of more than 50 million babies since 1973 (“About Abortion”). The issue of abortion is one of the most common controversial issues in American politics and culture. In modern society, many women that have an unintended pregnancy and they result to abortion without researching other options. Abortion is not a substitute for birth control and this issue should be taken seriously. The individual woman needs to understand that by agreeing to have an abortion she is agreeing to kill an innocent fetus. Abortion rips the unborn child from his or hers right to life. Society needs to let women see through the eyes of the fetus and find alternative ways to raise the baby. Abortion should be
IIn our society today with the pro-choice world, there are many issues that women discuss like worrying about getting pregnant; it is a fear that everyone who is sexually active has to face. Having babies is a magnificent thing and embraced by many women around the world, yet having an unplanned baby at the wrong time is not so pleasant. Some women do not believe in abortion, so instead of aborting the baby, they keep the baby no matter what the conditions are. For example, some conditions are if you are young and having a baby it will be difficult to continue school, and financial wise. The population of our nation has expanded due to families having unplanned pregnancies. Today Women have many birth control options that allow them to plan to have a family. Access to contraception provides women and men choices regarding family size and timing to bring a baby into the world. Often times, groups and individuals on both sides the debate feel like outsiders who champion their cause to help women
This harkens back to before 1973, when birth control and sex education was not as readily available, not always effective and never discussed in most families. Those old cultural issues are no longer relevant and therefore women should be responsible enough to use birth control and find effective contraceptives. Boston Globe columnist Ellen Goodman, an advocate for abortion, recently wrote, “After all, those of us who remember…when 10,000 American women a year died from illegal abortions don’t have to imagine a world without choices” (Goodman). This is one of many reasons why pro-choice members support legal abortion. This statistic, however, contradicts the Center for Disease Control who recorded in 1957 that only thirty-nine women died due to illegal abortions (Horn). While thirty-nine is still a significant number, it does not compare to Goodman’s estimate of 10,000, a number pro-choice supporters use to justify legal abortion. It is also very difficult to determine if abortions are safe because only “27 states require providers to report post-abortion complications” (“Abortion Reporting Requirements”). Another topic that enrages pro-choice supporters is the issue of rape. Many Americans believe that abortion should be allowed because of rape cases, albeit, less than one percent of the majority of abortions are due to rape cases. Pro-choice supporters also tend to argue that the legality of abortions must be continued following rape. There are however, emergency post-rape contraception that significantly reduces the incidents of pregnancy. According to some doctor’s views, this is a neglected preventative health measure (Steward and Trussell). While legal abortions, according to pro-choice members, are instituted for giving women the choice to choose, it
Abortion is a controversial topic that neither man nor women in a relationship can see eye to eye on. Abortion is something that is taken very seriously since it does come down to a fetus life. Globally, abortion puts innocent lives each year at stake; is a senseless option when there are other alternatives such as adoption for someone who doesn’t want to take accountability for their irresponsible actions.
Abortion has been around since a lot of years in every inhabited corner of the globe. It has always been accepted as a means to prevent the suffering of both woman and potential child. It has been practiced widely in every society for many reasons including famine, war, poverty, overpopulation, or simply because a woman felt she was not ready for a child (Whitney 40). No one ever questioned a woman’s right to this procedure till the 1800’s. During this era of change people began to turn their attention in a new direction, the fetus. They began to protest abortion as cruel, inhumane, and murderous. Abortionists who were once revered and depended upon were scorned and threatened. Though abortions still happened with regularity, they were kept silent and seen as a matter of shame. “Over the next hundred years, public sentiment for fetus continued to rise until the inevitable happened in America during the early 40’s; Abortion was made illegal.” (Cohen 17). The pro-life supporters had succeeded in saving the lives of innocent babies who would have been slaughtered for the convenience of selfish, ignorant and irresponsible women. This new law had made women actually settle down and raise families or give birth to beautiful children. We all know that, it has been proven time to time throughout history that the human spirit will not allow prohibition. Something inside us feels the need to strike out at that, which restrains us and holds us from the