
A Personal Narrative Essay : My Best Friend

Decent Essays

It was a sunny day in the summer before my senior year and I was with two of my best friends, Dallas and Bryce. We had been gathering wood skids for our bonfire later that night. We got done around 3 in the afternoon and we had nothing to do, so we played video games for a little while. We soon became tired of playing video games, so we decided to go work on Dallas’s old 1984 Chevy pickup truck. Shortly after installing new parts, we decided to ride his dirt bike. Little did we know, this would soon result in a memory that we will never forget. We are pretty reckless when we have nothing to do and we always find a way to get ourselves into some sort of predicament. So naturally it was only a matter of time before we found a way to further enjoy our time riding dirtbikes. We are risk takers, always looking for a way to have a laugh, even at the expense of our bodies and well-being. Bryce had been riding the bike up and down the property, whizzing around trees and popping wheelies. It had been a while since I had ridden, so I told him to get off and let me take it for a spin. I had been riding for about five or ten minutes, when Bryce and Dallas called me over to the barn. Dallas says to me, “we have come up with the idea to build a ramp,” so of course without hesitation I agreed that this was a brilliant idea. We got a load of dirt in a wheelbarrow and a bunch of logs piled up, and then covered the logs with the dirt. The ramp had been built and I was ready to go. I rode

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