
A Personal Philosophy Of Education

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Although the IOM (2011) report contains a multitude of recommendations and potential solutions, the call for action is truly urgent for all key stakeholders including nurses, physicians, hospitals, universities, and so forth. As the healthcare field continues to evolve so must the nursing education system.
Personal Philosophy of Education A personal philosophy of education is important to all Nurse Educators. It allows for the Nurse Educator to truly take time to reflect and reconnect to themselves and their profession; highlighting what is central and sacred to them as an individual, a nurse, and an educator. I believe that my personal philosophy of education will continue to progress and change just as healthcare and our educational system changes. As a nurse, change is inevitable and essential, therefore, it is only necessary that my philosophy continue to evolve and transform. My philosophy of education is rooted in nursing, as I believe that all nurses have the potential to be great educators to their community, institutions, each other, and the lives they touch every day. One theorist who has helped shape my life and my nursing career has been Jean Watson. As I move towards a role more focused in education I will carry her wisdom and the knowledge I gained from her readings and work. This quote will follow me and will continue to guide me as I work to instill both my passion and knowledge with my future students; "maybe this one moment with this one person,

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