
A Philosophy Statement On Child Care

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A philosophy Statement
In this program our child care providers have a hands-on interaction with the children. They guide our early learners through child directed play. The child care staff provides different learning opportunities by supplying an array of activities based on the children’s interests. This program will allow the children an opportunity to become leaders in their learning, by exploring and discovering their play environment on their own, with peers and through guidance from the staff. Although we have many open-ended play opportunities, we will have a few structured activities for the children to participate in. We find it important to keep some structure within the daily schedule as this will allow the children the …show more content…

When learning becomes fun the teachers find it less challenging for trying to keep the child engaged in the activity at hand. The job of the educator working with a play-based curriculum is to facilitate play, to draw out and extend what children learn through play (Play Based Programmes, 2015). Children have a variety of play spaces available that mimic their regular world around them, each space can be intertwined with another centre such as combining the truck centre with the block centre, or adding in some zoo animals to the area. The play based approach can be used by children of all abilities, it allows children to play independently or as a small group, and allows the children the opportunity to bring their home life into their play.

Parent Involvement
For the children’s learning to be successful, parent involvement is critical. An orientation will occur prior to the children attending. Parents will be updated with the day care policies, the lay out of the day care, the expectations and the introduction of their child care provider. This is done to allow both the parent and child care provider to get to know each other and allows them both the opportunity to discuss the care the child will need. It is very important for communication between the parent and the day care staff to be consistent. Parent involvement can provide feedback to the parent in regards to what the children are learning daily. This helps with their child’s assessment of the program to

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