If you really want to know one of the reasons this school is so horrible and I told you a little bit about it already but it is because every other person is either a liar or a phony. I walk around all day with this kid Thomas, he’s not even really my friend I just have no one else to walk with. Anyway, when people see him they think he’s probably the coolest kid around with his wavy hair and always has to wear his football jacket. Every girl is always dying over him and giving him these crappy dreamy eyes, well truth be told he’s the biggest phony I’ve ever met. He’s secretly really gross, like the other day we were walking down the hall and the hottest girl in school looked at him and he gave her a wink and she went away with the biggest smile I’ve …show more content…
That’s Carly, Kyle and Jane because there the very few people I trust in this world. Kyle was a brilliant brother he was so smart and cool everything he said would always make sense to me, I really do miss him. It’s not like Carly is much different she’s very young but I still love her company and I really wish I had it right now. Then Jane I don’t even know what she’s talking about half the time but when a girl looks like that, everything must be true. She’s a real dime. Everyone else in my school is just a phony, the other day I walked by these couple of girls and they had some looks but they weren’t by any means the hottest girls in school. When I greeted them in the hall they completely ignored me and walked away giggling and flipping their hair. Truth be told I was talking to one of them in my science class the other day and then once they’re in the halls they pretend like they’re the coolest people in school. Anyway that’s one of the biggest reasons this school should’ve never been invented which is why I’ll probably find a way to be expelled soon enough.
Jonah Marais the most popular guy in school. He is also a bully to most freshmen and is known for it. Other than that he is the best looking guy in West Coast High School. He is athletic and really quite Hot, or so all the girls think, but he has one major flaw… he is a jerk. He is not only a bully to freshman, but you don’t want to get in his way even walking down the street. He will stop you and embarrass you in the middle of the mall but only if his friends are around. It’s like he is trying to show off or something. Most people think that he just tries to be tough around his friends, but it is really deeper than that. He is a senior this year and is moving out to L.A. for collage and apparently he is in a band now? There are others
When I tell you about Pencey prep, the third boarding school I flunked out of, everything is pretty much the damn same as all the other boarding schools I went to. First off, it is all a bunch of phonies who go there that have a lot of dough and their parents are all rich people who never see their kids. You would think that Pencey prep would serve us good meals; seeing how it is a boarding school. Everyone who goes here is rich and snobby and we get to eat shit half of the week and on Sundays we get a dried up steak with lumpy potatoes to impress our parents on visitors day. The food was not even the worst of the school it was the lying phony kids who stole things and did not have the stones to admit they did it because they are so phony.
First let’s talk about the major physical features geography. This school is in the most unwelcoming environment ever. Can’t see it? Well picture an old run down school now put a house off to the side then add a construction site in front of the school. Thats right I said construction as in bulldozers, wood, big machines, cinderblocks, and more. Then add in the fact that the back parking lot leads
So it’s Monday again worst day of the week, and the first day of school thats when everything is horrible for me. When you walk through those doors to Dogwood high school ( which is literally hell on planet Earth ) all of your positive feelings or vibes just disappear. I hate that school so much not because of the work, or the homework, or the teachers, its the students that make me dislike school so much. People can be so mean and nobody even really knows me besides my best friend Blair Rhodes, pretty much my only friend to be exact.
In many traditional folklores, trickster characters are portrayed as being animals or other nonhuman entities; for example, Coyote in Native American tales, Br’er Rabbit in African American stories, or the devil in Blues legends. However, nowadays with an endless supply of movies and television series, while there are still animal and nonhuman tricksters, the trickster character can be commonly found being portrayed by mere men. Nonetheless, animal or man, these tricksters all encompass the same signifying traits, “He defies authority. He goes against the rules. But he does it in a way that’s often lovable, and that often results in good things for the culture at large,” (Sutherland). One of these more recent tricksters being portrayed by a man on television is the character Neal Caffrey of the program White Collar. Neal is an ex-convict, ex-con artist more specifically, who was incarcerated and instead of serving time in prison is working with the FBI as an insider on cases. First of all, he is a trickster because he was, and very might well still be a conman. Second of all, he is extremely cunning and can use his words to manipulate people and
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, our lives are a mirror, reflection is a must...” (Lynda Meyers) Disney did a rather good representation on the Grimm brother’s original fairytale. In both stories Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs conveys a message about the mirror representing a sense of self on a superficial and deep emotional level. It reinstates many cultural roles that have been put upon both woman and men. It is a story of self discovery and whether or not the characters are able to develop throughout the story in relation to the affects to a “real life individual”.
I’m not much of a complainer, but if we’re all comparing sob stories and tales of unfortunate events, I think I’d have an early lead. Born in California to two Guatemalan parents, my first obstacle I had to overcome was… my own birth. When I was still in my nine-month solitary, my mom was told that the best course of action for her was to abort me. Apparently the doctors had found all sorts of things that seemed to place me at the risk of physical deformities or mental impairments. Now, I wouldn’t be writing if my parents had gone that route, so let’s look behind door number two. Growing in Christian faith, my parents both prayed constantly all while
I’ve travelled all over this town, yet I have never seen this school before. After all, in small towns like ours, everyone knows everyone and everything about them. It’s the worst way to end my precious summer break; leaving the school I love so much along with my friends and moving to this abandoned place where all the kids fear to go. Rumour has it that the teachers here are mad. They feed off of the innocent children’s blood who dare to step foot in this dreadful place. I might be the next victim.
the coyote relies on his own wits. The coyote is always looking for the short
The big meaning in the short story of T.C Boyle’s “The Lie” is that Lonnie feels very awkward about his situation. Everything starts in a morning in which Lonnie can’t bear his job and needs a break. He gets into a situation where he creates a little lie which gets very big with a kind of snowball effect. Lonnie’s relationship with the people around him plays a significant role in this story. However, Lonnie feels lost and is depressed because of the change that happened in his life.
“I am the Joker,” muttered James Eagan Holmes. The last words the victims heard the night Holmes committed mass murder in the Century 16 movie theatre still haunt the living victims and countless other citizens of Aurora, Colorado. It is compelling how someone attempted to rationalize his actions with such an elementary phrase, which once had no meaning at all. The claim seems nonsensical and slightly amusing solely because he is implying he committed the crime on the basis that he is the arch nemesis of famous comic hero, Batman. Statements like these alone do not make an intriguing court trial. The men and women sitting on the jury for weeks on end need entertainment just to stay conscience enough to finish the trial.
The inspiration for Bede’s reform program comes from a pattern that can be found in the book of Ezra-Nehemiah which can be conveniently divided into three sections. Each of these sections deals with a similar situation and issues: a return from exile which includes projects of restoration and reform. Today modern English translations of the Bible print the text of Ezra-Nehemiah as two distinct books. By having Ezra and Nehemiah as separate books was not always the way in which these texts were written; they were traditionally combined into one book in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles. However, by considering them as one document, it will help to make it much easier to understand the book in its three parts.
Have you ever been called a name that hurt you really bad? Ever been called fake and thought it was nothing? Well the meaning behind it could actually hurt you. The definition of fake is “not genuine; counterfeit.” (dictionary.com). However, the connotations of the word is worse the way that a lot of people now days think of that word is that you aren't who you are around one person. According to Urban Dictionary a fake person is “someone who is not genuine and will do whatever it takes to make themselves look good. They will take credit for other's work or down play the good of others to illuminate oneself”. This is how someone would hurt you and say things about you but you will have to end up facing it just like being called fake.
Soon after a car pulled up to the scene with three guys who stepped out. Taking a minute to stare at the family down into the ditch, they began communicating. The children were in shock from being involved in this bizarre accident, only able to shout at the guys that they have just been in an accident. The grandmother still in a frenzy gathering her thoughts together blurted out ‘We rolled over twice’ but then the older guy corrected her saying he saw the accident (possibly from afar) and saw the car roll over ‘once’ he said. The unfortunate part of this predicament came as the grandmother studied the man a bit more. she seemed to recognize him so she begun to stare more intensely at his face as he spoke. She soon noticed that he was ‘The Misfit’ who had escaped from prison.
The sun rise fills the sky with a beautiful orange and dark purple. I walk past a pool shack, a bank, a 7-11, a Hardees, a Vet Office, and soon enough crossing guards are letting me move across the busy road to walk the long sidewalk to Deep Creek High School. A school filled with endearing, beautiful, smart teenagers... Sike. This school is terrible and what's even worse is the people. They're all shallow rednecks and stupid, unsophisticated, trashy, teen girls. No one here is worth