
A Question Of Honor Summary

Decent Essays

In “A Question of Honor” William m Chace writes about his concerns within the realm of universities around the country. Specifically, Chase is concerned with the decreased funding, declined learning and honor, and most importantly academic dishonestly. Chance begins with identifying some of the problems resulting in the diminishing state of the nation’s universities. In “A Question of Honor” Chace deliveries his viewpoint on how addressing the problem of academic dishonesty will propel the schools over these obstacles.
Rising tuition leaves thousands of middle class and poorer students from applying to top schools. Furthermore, many of the teachers are part-time instructors whose loyalty to their school and students falls short of desirable, the part …show more content…

However, in regards to this “crisis” Chase reflects on the many contributions that the nations universities bring to the table. Colleges employ hundreds of thousands of people while some also keep the cities in which they’re located financially afloat. Schools exist to serve a variety of student’s educational needs and rites of passages. Amongst these contributions many schools are faced with financial pressure, decreasing public opinion, and weakening faculty and student loyalty. The most effective to this adversary is to crack down on academic dishonesty. One of the prominent causes for cheating is that nowadays it is almost impossible for a student to writer something that is truly original. Despite the reasoning behind why a student cheats for every student who is apprehended more slip under the radar. Even more so the “radar” is corrupted because some professors may know that the students work is deemed inadequate, they may do nothing for that requires a lot of time a labor. But how does cheating sometimes become tolerated in a sense? Because unlike a crime such as copyright, cheating is a moral injustice. Students don’t see much of a high chance of being caught, and if

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