
A Report On Czech Republic

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According to the results of an international study (Ernst & Young, 2013), Czech Republic is ranked the second in the Eastern Europe in terms of attractiveness to accommodate new investments. Czech Republic is also included in ten of most suitable countries for investment in the creation of centers of technological services. Current sustainable strategy of Czech Republic includes creating the conditions for increasing innovation activity of entrepreneurial sphere; orientation of science to the solution of problems of innovative development of the country as a whole and the economy in particular; development of cooperation between the scientific and research and business sphere, improving the mechanisms of diffusion and transfer of knowledge; support the priority areas of technological development through the organization of partnership between government and industry. Though there is growing trend in the use of renewable energy sources in Czech Republic(APPENDIX E), the implementation of the Green Building remains relatively low. Government funding focuses on eco-friendly technologies in the energy sector, paying relatively low attention to the sustainability-related R&D in the building sector. Such policy might be explained by overall European Union strategy regarding building sector and difference in the each country situation.
The targets set for the Czech Republic are reflective to the EU:
8% of renewable resources total share by 2010(EU-12%), which was not met

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