
A Report On The Air Force

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Situation Description. The Air Force has many programs that need to be managed on a daily basis. Leading people in managing those programs was a leadership challenges I faces while I was in the United States Air Force (USAF). I was a flight chief in our Air Crew Flight Equipment. We had about thirteen programs that needed to be managed. At one time or another during my career I had personally ran each of these programs. Now as flight chief, it was my job to oversee that these programs were maintained in accordance with Headquarters’ USAF instructions and regulations. As flight chief I trained, and lead the people who were directly managing the programs. Leading the people in managing these programs was quite challenging, and is the …show more content…

If I did take very hands on approach with them they would get insulted and a little irritated at me. To enable me to effectively lead these personnel in successfully managing the programs that was assigned to them, I had to learn different leadership styles, and how to apply or match those styles to the different types of personnel. In the leadership theories we have covered in our text the three styles that were used in my leadership of these personnel were Situational Leadership, Path-Goal Leadership, and Leader-Member Exchange theory.
Leadership Theories and Models explained. In describing the three leadership approaches let me first start with Situational Leadership. Situational leadership was one of the theories covered at the United States Air Force Non-commissioned Officer Academy. There we were required to read “On Time On Target” and “The One Minute Manager,” both books were from Ken Blanchard. These books covered situational leadership through telling a story about office workers. They were very good books and help me in starting my understanding of situational leadership. Situational leadership is fitting the leadership style to the person. Leadership situations differ in circumstances and with people, which calls for different kinds of leadership.
According to Northouse (2013):
Situational leadership is a prescriptive approach to leadership that suggests how

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