
A Report On The Staccato Virus

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The Staccato Virus A Pharmacy. Probably one of the worst possible places to when a situation like the one that began to unfold on October 5th, 2014. Allow me to introduce myself before I continue. I am Alexander White 6 feet tall, Caucasian 30 years old and last time I checked 140 lbs. , and while I struggle to find a practical reason to write this series of papers I also feel compelled by my interior compass to record the events that have transpired. Before I begin my personal story, I feel that it is best to address the possibility that whoever is reading this has either no or very limited knowledge of the horrifying turn of events humanity is passing through as I write this. Creatures of a terrible origin currently roam the earth. From the information I’ve gathered, I am currently aware that 97.5 percent of the world’s population has been turned into…those things. Survivor groups are rare and, all world governments have fallen completely, and Law enforcement is limited to the extremely rare communities that have been set up by large groups of immunes. I should probably explain that word. Immunes I mean. Those are the few of us that weren’t afflicted for some reason that I still haven’t been able to deduce. I do suppose you have the general idea. I was a prosecutor working for the state of California, and I resided in the city of Los Angeles. I left for work early on that October day, but not before making note of

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