
Japanese Culture Report

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A Report on Japanese Culture Folkways: While most countries have business cards, Japan has taken it to a higher level. For in Japan everyone has at least one. Known as ‘Meishi’, these cards are an important part of social interactions. They are used for starting conversations, for if you know what the other person you are talking with does for a living you have an idea on what to talk about. It also allows you to be remembered after you both part company. You should always be prepared with your business card in Japan. Another custom in Japan is gift giving. Gifts are given and received at any possible occasion in Japan. It is a way to show appreciation and is viewed as the thing to do. According to etiquette; …show more content…

This drawing style is considered to be the Japanese equivalent to the American comic book. With its sometimes violent and explicit graphics it could be shrugged off as nothing more than a cheap thrill. This notion is quickly put aside when one realizes just how far the reach of Manga has stretched. This graphic-novel is read by people of all ages in Japan. From the schoolgirl reading back copies of the popular “Sailor Moon” series, to the businessman reading the companies handbook portrayed in an eye-pleasing comic book like manual. Due to its thoughtful plot and interesting drawing style, the manga will thrive for a long time to come. An object that is used daily by millions of Japanese people worldwide is called chopsticks, also known as Hashi. Originally from china this eating device had been shortened and simplified in design. While some chopsticks may be crafted out of ivory, bone, or other materials; the modern chopsticks have been made in the better-known wooden snap-apart versions that are used in such abundance today. It is also an important part in the aesthetic look that Japanese food aspires to. The use of chopsticks in religious ceremonies also dictates certain ways of using this utensil. Subcultures: A facet that makes up the gem of the Japanese culture is called the Yakuza. The Yakuza are close to the organized criminal-underground of Europe and America called the

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