Immigration Detention Centers, A Haven of Abuse
A Research Project Submitted to the Faculty of National University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of:
Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security and Emergency Management
May 2017
Hugh H. Scully II
James Sytsma
I certify that I have read the project of Hugh H. Scully II entitled instructions for the preparation of the Senior Research Project and that, in my opinion; it is satisfactory in scope and quality for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security and Emergency Management at National University.
Approved by:
James Sytsma, Instructor
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This paper will attempt to validate the abusive nature within ICE’s Immigration Detention Centers. Specifically, the abuse that women and children suffer by high risk detainees and ICE agents within the detention centers. Additionally, this paper will also challenge the infrastructure along the southwest border, specifically on overcrowded and antiquated detention centers. Furthermore, how the financial impact to detain, process and release or deportation of undocumented immigrants has become a burden on U.S. tax payers. Lastly, how the lack of concern for human rights has become a crisis at the U.S. and Mexican border. Table of Contents
List of illustrations …………………………………………………………………….….8
Chapter I: Introduction…………………………………………………………………...9
Chapter II: Literature Review…………………………………………….………….…17
Chapter III: Results…………………………………………………….…………….…26
Chapter IV: Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations……………………………...36
Appendix A…………………………………………………………………………….....46 List of Illustrations
1 – Growth in for-profit immigration detention compared to U.S. state and federal
Prison Population…………………………………………………………….………….46
2 – DHS complains & investigations…………………………………………………....47
3 – Allocation of ICE
When recalling all the places that I have worked throughout my undergraduate and currently graduate school career. There are certain supervisors who stick out because they have provided great feedback. On the other side each of the supervisors have there own style of supervision they use. I really like supervision in any job or internship site because of how valuable the time receiving feedback to get better or for a challenging client/situation is. The two sites that I received supervision were in Sun Chase and Farmville Immigration Detention Center. I choose these two sites because of the difference in supervisions styles.
Immigration Programs Director Cristina Parker has plenty to say about the for profit prison industry making profits off the back of immigrants. She notes that the private prison industry is making their profits off the suffering of mothers and their children. Certainly, this is a disheartening and discouraging way to make profits. Several politicians are also dishearten, and would like to close up the detention
This Journal is useful to my assignment because this article explain that detention is an essential step on the way to “meaningful immigration reform.” Furthermore, the author also explain about the arbitrary number of people who are detain every day without respect to their propensity for risk of violence which is morally questionable. So, with this information I will be able to understand a little more of the costs that cause the detention of immigrants to the United States, and also how detention has Become the primary Means of immigration law enforcement, Regardless of security threat or risk of
For my research topic, I will be exploring the effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and post-9/11 border militarization on the issues of criminalization of immigration and the inequality and structural violence immigrants face in detention centers specifically at the U.S.-Mexico Border. National awareness on issues such as oversight of detention centers, conditions within detention centers, as well as the inhumane practices detained immigrants are subjected to have risen within the last decade. Immigration detention has become the fastest growing form of incarceration in the United States, and immigrants are the fastest growing population in federal prisons (Lopez & Light, 2009). Nearly 30,000 immigrants are detained
According to the Washington Post, Nicole Kushner Meyer, the sister of Jared Kushner, an advisor to the White House told the Chinese investors that they can get EB-5 U.S. visas by investing $500,000. Read more.
There is an assessed 11 million illegal aliens that are living United States, and this population is projected to upturn by 500,000 yearly. Once a year, about 1 million people that are considered to be aliens are detained when they make the attempt to come in the United States unlawfully. Even though most of these foreigners arrive the United States for financial chances and family reunification, or they are avoiding civil trouble and political unrest, some are offenders, and some could possibly be terrorists. Every one of them is disrupting the United States' immigration laws. With that said, this paper will involve the case study of immigration enforcement and the circumstances around the issue.
The United States has a diverse population richly mixed with many ethnicities. This country was founded on migrants and has been a beacon of hope and possible prosperity for hundreds of years. Living in impoverished conditions with no civil rights, and subject to deplorable conditions, many see the United States as a way out of a miserable existence. Willing to face almost certain danger, hundreds of migrants attempt to enter into the U.S. illegally from the U.S. Mexico border daily. While many risks are assumed for those crossing, women face a specific form of abuse that is all but ignored. Rape of migrant women of color is used to control, oppress and dehumanize and the proposed U.S. Mexico border wall will further
A paper submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts
Waters claims that immigrants who are arrested do not have the same criminal protection compared to citizens of the United States of America (34). The Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) may hold arrested undocumented immigrants, making them ineligible for bond (Waters 34). Immigrants are often arrested without committing a crime simply because the United States of America’s government makes false accusations (Waters 34). ICE has a daily mandated quota of 34,000 beds (Waters 34). The law requires ICE to detain 34,000 immigrants, 365 days of the year (Waters 34). The federal government pays local jails and detention facilities a fee for every person that is detained (Waters 34). Waters is not the only author to be convinced that the United States of America is in a predicament with immigrants. The Periodical entitled “The Child and Family Migration Surge of Summer 2014: A Short-Lived Crisis with a Lasting Impact by Muzzaffar Chishti and Faye Hipsman discusses the negative lasting effects immigration has on families (95). Muzzaffar Chishti works as a director at the New York office of the Migration Policy Institute (95). Faye Hipsman works at the Migration Policy institute as an associate policy analyst (95). Chishti and Hipsman claim that in 2014 the United States of America encountered a surge in child and family migration
Increased victimization of trafficked people is also apparent in the treatment of victims by the border patrol and ICE. In a letter to the U.S. Department
An assignment submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Despite the multiple laws and policies that were implemented in the United States, there is still a problem with illegal aliens or immigrants. The U.S. government has spent millions of dollars to secure our southern border but, with that being said, the government has charged the Department of Homeland Security to create and implement new and innovative ways to justify and solidify those polices. In this case study, there will be a focus and analytical approach to three of the main issues which continue to surface on immigration enforcement. These issues are: who is an illegal alien; who can detain illegal aliens; and when can they be deported?
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Abstract briefly describes the research which thus includes a few lines about the research question followed by the methods used and a short description of the results and major