
A Research Study On Ivf

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Before this systematic review published, only two reviews were available of outcomes for singletons after IVF techniques. In comparison with natural conception, it has been proposed that the obstetric results of pregnancies are poorer with IVF/ICSI. Today, it is reported that the number of women that undergo IVF/ICSI process is increasing around the world. With this, I am curious about the risks for women having IVF/ICSI and how perilous it is to them since the process is not natural. I would also like to know what causes the risks and specifically the factors that increase them. As a nurse who had IVF education and practice and worked with such renowned IVF specialists such as Dr. Buckett, Dr. Holzer and Dr.Tan, I decided to conduct a synthesized evidence search on the systematic review so that I can help these patients to have more attentive care to prevent or minimize the possible risks of In Vitro Fertilization techniques that may potentially endanger them.
In this synthesized, evidenced search, I wanted to learn whether IVF pregnancies are bound to greater precarious risks and whether there is the way to minimize possible risks by providing more antenatal care to the clients. I find this important since most of the patients having IVF/ICSI are very delicate, so they would require more systematic care based on recent studies.
I used the key search terms. I entered “Systematic review”, “IVF”, and “ICSI”. Out of more than 40 systematic reviews on the Health Reproduction

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