
A Research Study On Management Styles

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The following is information learned about each country that would aid HRM planning and decision-making: German managers achieve status by demonstrating technical skills. Netherlands management approaches rely on cohesiveness and collaboration to exchange ideas with workers to create a productive work environment. Education is provided through government funding through the graduate school level. India is a collectivist culture emphasizing the person-organization fit as a predictor of the turnover rate in that country. Individual technical skills are prevalent in their pool of talent. Management styles are less authoritarian and include more group decision-making processes.

United States is an individualistic culture focused, in contrast, on the person-job fit. HRM systems focus on how worker performs individually as opposed to performance as a member of a group. There are larger differences in compensation systems from highest paid to lowest paid workers. Management styles are more authoritarian, however, managers do see the advantage of implementing cultural diversity to cultivate collaboration. (Noe et al, 2015, p.685). Nicaragua and Haiti and Mexico place a lower priority on the investment in education. One positive aspect is that Mexico is an highly unionized. The Soviet is socialist economic system under government control, however, the governmental educational system tends toward more educated workers. Ireland places high emphasis on education and

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