is determined to be unsatisfactory, a mid-quarter meeting with the Executive Officer and the Chair of the Department may be scheduled. The teaching evaluations may be used to determine future employment and salary.
At the end of the academic year departmental and college-wide teaching prizes are given to those TAs who have made the greatest positive impact on their students.
Nominations for these prizes are weighed most heavily when submitted by students.
III. Attitude and Ethics
A. Attitude
Your attitude towards teaching will be reflected in your students’ attitude towards the class. In the classroom, your carefully thought-out and clearly expressed comments will evoke similar behavior by your students. You are in graduate school
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While computers are an important tool in regards to teaching, they are also a large distraction and can show the students that their responsibilities (i.e. lecture, lab, exams) are not important. Bringing your computer to lecture for non class purposes such as email, shows the students that it is not worth your time to pay attention and sets a poor example. Looking at your personal computer in lab is a safety issue because you are not concentrating on what is happening in the lab and it indicates that the students are not your top priority. Personal computers detract from your focus, which needs to be entirely on your students at all times.
B. Ethics
If you are respectful in your relations with your students, they will be respectful of you. If you are cold and sharp or condescending in the discussion of their work or difficulties, they will feel uncomfortable and have as little contact with you as they can. Although you will want to be friendly with your students, you must remember that you are not one of their peers. You cannot be one of the gang with them on
Saturday night and then be a fair mentor Monday morning. Nor can you play the romantic lead one night and be an impartial teacher the next day. You can learn to
be on friendly terms with your students academically without becoming involved in
“Showing respect for your students includes listening to their needs and preserving their dignity. It also means living up to their expectations of you, such as greeting them at the beginning of class
The article “In Defence of Laptops in the Classroom” by Rebecca Schuman, a university professor, offers a different perspective to the banning of laptops in academics. She argues that while it might be distracting, it is ultimately the student’s own attitude towards education that dictates the effectiveness of electronics in the classroom. As the title suggests, Schuman argues that laptops have a place in the modern day classroom. She emphasises how the current generation lives in an age that “doesn’t learn to write by hand” (5) and argues that it is impossible to separate technology from learning.
“In Defense of Laptops in the Classroom” by Rebecca Schuman is an article that aims to put across a point that the attitude of the students in class is a decision for the students to make. She states that being a “Laptop Police” (Para 2) – played by the professors – can be helpful to the students in learning but it is also stopping the students from making their own decisions when it comes to the attitude of learning. Schuman had presented her article in a positive stand where she does not disagree with other professors’ idea of banning laptops in class to improve learning. Instead, she is trying to convince us that the professors’ decisions will not make a significant change in the attitude of the students. She states a point where the attitude of the students is entirely “their responsibility” (Para 10).
Many adults have a hard time entering a room full of people they do not know very well, and this is something that most students have to deal with on an everyday basis the first week of school. It can be an awkward, uncomfortable experience, especially at the middle level. This awkwardness can be stinted by the teacher intervening to create a positive, loving classroom environment. Making students feel like they belong is an important step to becoming a strong educator. Nina Sears, in the article “Building Relationships with Students”, she mentions the mentions the idea that, “When teachers take advantage of opportunities to speak with their students about life outside school, it's an indication to students that their teacher actually cares about them as a person.” Treating students like induvial makes them feel cared for and that they have someone on their side.
The term “respect” has already shown up various times in this piece; that is because it is the key element of classroom management. A classroom founded on respect creates an open and safe environment where the students can have free-exchange of ideas with one another and the teacher. This aspect of management requires constant and consistent enforcement and modeling. Defining what is respectful from the beginning and giving a rationale for treating others with respect is a great way to start.
Respect: The classroom environment is one were respect is a two-way street. In this classroom students respect the teacher and teacher other, while the teacher shows respect to each of the students. Any differences that students have from one another are respected and dealt will appropriately so that students feel safe and welcomed into the classroom community.
The lab is where we do keyboarding and, honestly, I don’t like it. I sit in the granite chairs and stare at the blank computer screen. Without thinking, I log on with my password and name and start searching the web. I search the words pickles, pandas, peanuts, popcorn, popsicles, ponies, pasta, pen, pencil, phone and porridge. I spend more than an hour just searching random words, but then I notice it’s about time for school to end, so I rush to the music
More importantly, creating positive student-teacher relationships can prevent discipline issues from arising. By establishing a persistent tone of mutual respect, students will participate in class activities with confidence that they and their opinions are valued. Students also should be taught how to appreciate the unique contributions each student brings to the class, as well as how to effectively resolve issues that may arise. I believe that demonstrating genuine respect to students and showing interest in their concerns will allow the effective use of instructional time, positive relationships to prevail, and minimal discipline problems to avail.
needs are met and they feel as if they are respected by the teacher. Mutual respect is once again
“There is an unequivocal correlation between student achievement and teacher quality.” Direct supervision and evaluation of teachers should effectively address teacher quality, and thereby effect student learning and achievement. Bret Range, an associate professor of educational leadership at the University of Wyoming has written two papers and maintains a blog related to teacher supervision. His research indicates, “the key to teacher development lies within well-planned teacher supervisory activities.”
The next quality of becoming a good student is the type of behavior you must show. Being respectful in the classroom is important because if a student is sent out for
Education is one of the most important professions in the working world. Technology has done many things for us in today’s society especially for education and schools. Technology in the school system has impacted the students and teachers in many positive ways, including virtual field trips, testing tips, teacher resources, class web sites, and lesson plans. With computer use in our schools, we have access to many different sources and various types of learning.
The use of technology has the ability to allow teachers to teach the student, instead of teaching the grade level. Jon Bower, CEO of Lexia Learning Systems, points this fact out when he states,
The use of technology in the classroom is an important tool to utilize as an educator. Technology allows for educators to have instant access to a plethora of resources that would not be available if technology was not used in the classroom. Teachers have the ability to plan lessons, create presentations, and have interactive games for students to use as a learning tool through the use of different digital devices. Modern day technology is rapidly advancing and providing teacher with many different tools to use in the classroom to enhance the students learning experience.
The use of technology has the ability to allow teachers to teach the student, instead of teaching the grade level. Jon Bower, CEO of Lexia Learning Systems, points this fact out when he states,