
A Research Study On Teaching Evaluations And The Chair Of The Department

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is determined to be unsatisfactory, a mid-quarter meeting with the Executive Officer and the Chair of the Department may be scheduled. The teaching evaluations may be used to determine future employment and salary.
At the end of the academic year departmental and college-wide teaching prizes are given to those TAs who have made the greatest positive impact on their students.
Nominations for these prizes are weighed most heavily when submitted by students.
III. Attitude and Ethics
A. Attitude
Your attitude towards teaching will be reflected in your students’ attitude towards the class. In the classroom, your carefully thought-out and clearly expressed comments will evoke similar behavior by your students. You are in graduate school
because …show more content…

While computers are an important tool in regards to teaching, they are also a large distraction and can show the students that their responsibilities (i.e. lecture, lab, exams) are not important. Bringing your computer to lecture for non class purposes such as email, shows the students that it is not worth your time to pay attention and sets a poor example. Looking at your personal computer in lab is a safety issue because you are not concentrating on what is happening in the lab and it indicates that the students are not your top priority. Personal computers detract from your focus, which needs to be entirely on your students at all times.
B. Ethics
If you are respectful in your relations with your students, they will be respectful of you. If you are cold and sharp or condescending in the discussion of their work or difficulties, they will feel uncomfortable and have as little contact with you as they can. Although you will want to be friendly with your students, you must remember that you are not one of their peers. You cannot be one of the gang with them on
Saturday night and then be a fair mentor Monday morning. Nor can you play the romantic lead one night and be an impartial teacher the next day. You can learn to
be on friendly terms with your students academically without becoming involved in

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