Ben Haggerty, Ryan Lewis and Mary Lambert have written a song and made a music video that will make others look at gay’s rights and America differently. The message was powerful and well phrased, which made it interesting to listen to. The music video was also entertaining and unique to watch. The emotional impact of the visual story just makes you want to see the video over and over again. “Same love” is quite literally like nothing anyone has seen before. It has become a new revolution for the gay rights movement. The powerful message, the entertainment value, and the emotional appeal make the video well worth watching.
One of the most important lines from the song is, “I can’t change, even if I tired, even if I wanted to”. It is a meaningful
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The main character goes through many phases, and hardships throughout his life and this video takes you through it. From the day he was born, people would feel the happiness and the loved his parents gave him. When he was in the third grade, he was confused, and lost. He ran to his mother in tears and said he thought he was gay. His mom said it was all in your head, and that you loved girls since you were in pre-k. After, his mom convincing him that he isn’t gay and it’s all in his head, he realized that no church or anyone can cure or change who he is. He knew who he was, and came out. His mom wouldn’t accept that and tried to change him, but that just put him in more pain. He just wanted to be accepted by the one person that raised him. When he came out people were just leaving him out, calling him names, pushing him around, and saying that he is wrong for being in love with the same gender. All that hate he got didn’t matter to him what matter was that he was finally happy with someone who he loves. The way he was being mistreated by people, just made him stronger and proud for whom he is, and no one is bringing him down. At this point others would feel bad for him because of the hate people had for him, but also happy because he knew what was right and what had to be done. “Same love” is quite literally like nothing anyone has seen before. The message was powerful and well phrased, which made it interesting to listen to. The music video was also entertaining and unique to watch. The emotional impact of the visual story just makes you feel for the character and understands what he went through. Ben Haggerty, Ryan Lewis and Mary Lambert have written a song and made a music video that will make it well worth
Taking the bad in with the good, although you may be the perfect classification in order to be targeted in todays society. How you’re classified is based on things such as a persons race, intellect, social class, and appearance. A 2009 film, The Blind Side, written and directed by John Lee Hancock stars, Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw, is based on a true story. This movie tells a story that truly depicts simple acts of kindness that has the capability to change a persons life.
The content of the video and the song itself overall is good in the beginning the sound and pace starts with an actor humming he’s the father of the main actor in the video. Then it brings in some soft instrumentals for about 30 seconds. Then for about the first minute it is a soft smooth voice that you hear from Logic. As Logic begins to pick up the pace the video also picks up the pace as you start going through the main actors’ life at a quicker pace. You watch the main actor storm out of his house after his father finds a gay magazine. Then suddenly, the singing stops and the instruments carry on softly. The singing stops because it is a crucial part of the video and it wants you to pay attention. The main actor was staying at his boyfriend’s house and his boyfriends dad knocks on the door and finds them in bed together so the main actor grabs his stuff and gets escorted out of the house. This part of the video is a little confusing though since the father doesn’t seem to forcibly remove him. The main actor just kind of up and leaves. I think the main actor leaves willingly because he’s embarrassed that he got caught with him. The father the whole time giving off a confused state. When the singing comes back in its one of the featured artist on the song. While she sings the main actor appears to walk through life in a state of depression. Then logic comes back in and continues sing with a smooth flow. While the main actor begins to get bullied cause, his classmates
Family: Beyonce is Beyonce lives at home with mother, mother's husband, Pablo Velasquez, and three siblings - Jose (age 15), Solange (age 13) and Tristin (age 12). Beyonce parents have been separated for a number of years. Beyonce father resides in Florida and she las limited contact with him. The family originally is from North Bergen before moving to Elizabeth NJ. Beyonce and Mrs. Crespo continues to have a volatile relationship. Mrs. Crespo seems to relate to youth in a negative manner and seems frustrated with her behaviors. Beyonce asks Mrs. Crespo if she can live in North Bergen with her aunt Amber and Mrs. Crespo became verbally abuse towards youth. Mrs. Crespo expresses her feeling towards Beyonce question in a verbally hostile tone, she used several different foul words to describe how she feels about youth and her behaviors in the home. Mrs. Crespo behavior language became so inappropriate CM and Sosa had to inform Mrs. Crespo that if she cannot talk inappropriate tone without using foul language we are going to have to end the phone call. It is clear that Mrs. Crespo and Beyonce continues to have a difficult relationship and that due to the lack of respect they both have for one another.
The type of rhetorical text that I decided to analyze is a television ad. This ad is an anti-smoking ad titled “Last Dance”. This commercial features a family consisting of a mother, father, and son. It shows a family who has come to accept the tragic circumstances of not quitting smoking. In this case,
Krakauer’s argument is, “McCandless wasn’t “stupid, tragic, and inconsiderate,” but instead paints a sympathetic picture of a young man with a profound moral compass seeking a higher truth”. His effective case justifying McCandless’s behavior, which may include potential biases, is effective for most personages. This contretemps is feasible, but there are some personages, like Peter Christian, that see the flip side of Krakauer’s assessment. Peter, who “arrived in Alaska in 1992” with McCandless, said “Alaska is populated with people who are either running away from something or seeking themselves in America’s last frontier” he came to Alaska with the same intentions. In his article he states that he was one of those young man.
This postcard builds suspense in the reader’s mind. Alex saying that this adventure could kill him makes the reader interested in finding out more. “If this adventure proves fatal and you don’t ever hear from me again I want you to know you’re a great man.” (Krakauer 3).
Imagine you were a woman. How much pain are you willing to go trough I order to meet the social standards of society? Would you try plastic surgery, starving yourself, or shove things down your throat? Women have become so self-aware of their physical appearance to the extent where they are willing to do any means necessary to receive their desired figure.
‘From the margins to the mainstream: the political power of hip-hop’ by Katina R. Stapleton
The music comes on, the camera focuses on The King of Pop as he places the iconic tilted fedora on the crown of his head, followed by constant hip thrusts to the beat of the Billie Jean. Michael begins ramping up the crowd with his amazing actions, including a couple of flared high kicks and some even more emphasized hip movements. Zoomed in and centered now, Michael flings off his hat as though it is restricting him. Slicking back his hair, allowing a few curls to remain upfront on display, Michael slyly pulls the microphone from his back pocket and begins to sing. He pulls up his pant leg to allow for freer movement and does a quick leg flip. As the camera follows, his palm opens to the audience to add even more strength to the lyrics that
“An awful lot of people come to college with this strange idea that there's no longer segregation in America's schools, that our schools are basically equal; neither of these things is true.”- Jonathan Kozol. The author of the script “Eye of the Beholder”, Rod Serling, puts his point out there about how segregation is going on all around us and it will never stop. The audience he is trying to portray his message to is everyone. He wants to make them aware of the segregation that is still going on today. Through the use of diction and experience, the author uses pathos, logos, and ethos to show that segregation still goes on today and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Hozier’s 2015 song “Work Song” suggests that true love comes from hard work, devotion, and sense of faith. The author creates a story that illustrates how someone who is miserable and at his lowest point, can find love and finally have a greater purpose. Hozier’s song encourages his listeners by showing them that true love can make someone strive to be better. As the song progresses, rhythm, the juxtaposition an image, and careful diction convey that above all, love is the root of happiness, but it is not achieved without laborious work.
Hozier’s 2015 song “Work Song” suggests that true love comes from hard work, devotion, and sense of faith. The author creates a story that illustrates how someone who is miserable and at his lowest point can find love and finally have a greater purpose. Hozier’s song encourages his listeners by showing them that true love can make someone strive to be better. As the song progresses, rhythm, the juxtaposition of images, and careful diction convey that above all, love is the root of happiness, but it is not achieved without laborious work.
The pianos start of slowly building of all the instrument start coming together. Then the lyrics that hit the world face like a bowling ball going for the strike. “When I was in the 3rd grade I thought that I was gay” a unique and string message that echoes through your eardrums every time you hear the lyrics. Same loves is a song preformed by Macklemore and produced by his best friend Ryan Lewis. The bring in an aspect that you almost never hear in hip-hop music today and is usually condemned to most hip-hop artist. Same loves bring a twist and a great example of that is the music video and the cover art for the song. From beginning to start of the song and video it presents the life that two men of the same sex. Same love depicts how strong the same sex are through all of the struggles they have to go through on a daily basis, but at the same time showing their strength, and not putting them in a one dimensional role like most television shows, skits, videos and music videos do today. Showing the lives of the Macklemore really set the bar in the music world and is the first commercial hit hip-hop song talking about marriage equality.
The focus of Homosexuality has been over all sorts of media, specifically starting in 2012. Finally, in 2015 same sex marriage was legalized in all fifty states. Many arguments have come around about if homosexuality is genetic or if its chosen. Many people think either way and there aren’t many people who are in between thinking that homosexuality is chosen or not. The song “Same Love” by Macklemore was released in 2015 when all of the media slowed down about homosexuality and after same sex marriage was legalized. So when Macklemore released this song more attention came to same sex marriage. This song makes a lot of points about how everyone should be okay with same sex marriage but there are bigger arguments present. Macklemore uses the lyrics in this song to talk about how homosexuality is genetic by pulling in personal experiences and how being gay is not the social normality.
On October 2, 2012, Macklemore and Lewis uploaded a music video to YouTube entitled "Same Love", based on the song of the same name. The video was posted at The high-quality colored video received thirty-five thousand views within hours of being uploaded. The video was also chosen to be featured during YouTube’s pride week. Since its release, the video, and song itself, has become a popular and well-known for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community. During the 56th Annual Grammy Awards, Macklemore and Lewis performed "Same Love" while Queen Latifa took the stage and acted as wedding officiator for 36 engaged couples. Madonna, in a white suite joined in and began singing her hit