
A Rhetorical Analysis Of A Music Video

Decent Essays

Ben Haggerty, Ryan Lewis and Mary Lambert have written a song and made a music video that will make others look at gay’s rights and America differently. The message was powerful and well phrased, which made it interesting to listen to. The music video was also entertaining and unique to watch. The emotional impact of the visual story just makes you want to see the video over and over again. “Same love” is quite literally like nothing anyone has seen before. It has become a new revolution for the gay rights movement. The powerful message, the entertainment value, and the emotional appeal make the video well worth watching.
One of the most important lines from the song is, “I can’t change, even if I tired, even if I wanted to”. It is a meaningful …show more content…

The main character goes through many phases, and hardships throughout his life and this video takes you through it. From the day he was born, people would feel the happiness and the loved his parents gave him. When he was in the third grade, he was confused, and lost. He ran to his mother in tears and said he thought he was gay. His mom said it was all in your head, and that you loved girls since you were in pre-k. After, his mom convincing him that he isn’t gay and it’s all in his head, he realized that no church or anyone can cure or change who he is. He knew who he was, and came out. His mom wouldn’t accept that and tried to change him, but that just put him in more pain. He just wanted to be accepted by the one person that raised him. When he came out people were just leaving him out, calling him names, pushing him around, and saying that he is wrong for being in love with the same gender. All that hate he got didn’t matter to him what matter was that he was finally happy with someone who he loves. The way he was being mistreated by people, just made him stronger and proud for whom he is, and no one is bringing him down. At this point others would feel bad for him because of the hate people had for him, but also happy because he knew what was right and what had to be done. “Same love” is quite literally like nothing anyone has seen before. The message was powerful and well phrased, which made it interesting to listen to. The music video was also entertaining and unique to watch. The emotional impact of the visual story just makes you feel for the character and understands what he went through. Ben Haggerty, Ryan Lewis and Mary Lambert have written a song and made a music video that will make it well worth

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