Alexius Sparkman
Dr. Ernest Williamson III
English Composition II
15 March 2017
What's Being Advertised; A Hamburger or Something Else? There are many factors that contribute to the overall influence that an advertisement can have on an audience. In May 2005, Carl’s Jr. debuted the controversial ad featuring a bikini-clad Paris Hilton writhing sensuously on an expensive Bentley luxury car while enjoying a large burger. This ad’s effectiveness relies on trendy, sexualized imagery, and specific language choicest appeal to the young teenage to college age male. However, we live in a society where women are being exposed by the media. Typical stereotypes suggest that woman are suppose to be beautiful, skinny, and have flawless bodies. Carl’s
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uses pathos as a rhetorical strategy to target their audience’s emotions by using a very attractive women to get a reaction from men and making them want to pay attention to their ads. They also target the average consumer by involving celebrities into their ads, it makes it seem like if they can eat it then so can you. The company is targeting women indirectly because the woman in this ad has a “perfect” body. Subjecting the notion that women are supposed to be skinny. Therefore, if they see this very skinny woman eating this hamburger without gaining any weight it gives them the idea that you can eat Carl’s Jr. hamburger without gaining any weight. All of which are things being used by the food chain to convince their audience to buy their …show more content…
Carl’s Jr. is able to effectively complete this task because of a variety for factors in their advertisement. They successfully appeal to the specific audience by using sexualized, trendy imagery that creates an eye catching effect. Because of this initial appeal, Carl’s Jr. is able to draw the consumer’s attention only using two images and three sentences. When it comes to asking if “size matters,” Carl’s Jr. might repeat the same claim they used to advertise their hamburger – “She’ll tell you that size doesn't matter. She's
In conclusion, advertisements, although they are intended to only sell products, contain many different underlying ideas and opinions of the people who created them and the society from which they came. I analyzed a Red Robin commercial for a burger which included a suggestive woman to appeal to men and their appetites. This use of women and the ways in which American society has sexualized food have societal and cultural implications that are not overtly visible unless one is looking for them. If we look at the way Americans view women, we see that they are sexualized. This sexualization is used to sell much more than food, such as cars, watches, perfume
Dealing with death and the emotions that come along with it is common to humans. This is especially true when it involves a parent or grandparent. In the commercial, the woman is having to deal with her ill father who is bedridden. This is an event most will have to go through once in their lives and letting go can be difficult. However, there is one thing that can help soothe the process of death and that is the existence of deep love for the person. Despite the commercial presenting this sensitive topic, the advertisement effectively reminds the audience the importance of everlasting love because of the use of pathos and ethos.
Advertisements are all over the place. Whether they are on TV, radio, or in a magazine, there is no way that you can escape them. They all have their target audience who they have specifically designed the ad for. And of course they are selling their product. This is a multi billion dollar industry and the advertiser’s study all the ways that they can attract the person’s attention. One way that is used the most and is in some ways very controversial is use of sex to sell products
We see advertisement everywhere from left right. Ads are seen on devices and while just driving around. Advertisements are used to get people to purchase a product. Got milk “was an American campaign encouraging the consumption of cow’s milk, which was created by the advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners.” Got milk ads have many inspirational celebrities to model their company. Such as famous singers, dancers, athletes, actors, talk show host, and models. I’m analyzing a got milk ad of Hayden Panettiere from 2007. The ad’s strategy is to show how each celebrity drinks milk. The ad plays an audience towards teens, both boys and girls by offering them to choose a healthy lifestyle. By choosing a healthy lifestyle, teens
Using logos, the advertisers make the female viewers see the logic in buying their girdle and bra. In addition, they use pathos to make female viewers feel self conscious, persuading them to purchase their products.
The female body image is highly influenced by the mass media and the media’s portrayal of women, ‘70% of college women say they feel worse about their own looks after reading women’s magazines’ (University of Massachusetts & Stanford University, 2006), the portrayal of women in the media has an unrealistic approach and brings out body dissatisfactions and this results in eating problems and disorders.
An old saying that comes into play when just glancing at this advertisement, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” is an old saying pediatricians would say to their miniature patients. Who would know this could grab attention of people just watching TV? “An Apple a Day” illustrates four Granny Smith apples on one side of the ad while a slice of a Granny Smith apple sits on the other side of the ad. The product the advertiser is selling has more to offer than the other companies which, is shown by the whole apples and the slice of an apple. The small description underneath the Granny Smith apples has a formal, yet demanding tone that provides information about the product. In the fine print, it has some details on how their company is “one of the best. “Then below the small caption is a large, bold black logo followed by the contact information of the company all directed towards drivers. “An Apple a Day” is trying to connect with middle-class drivers looking for better quality insurance for an inexpensive price.
Sexual imagery has been used in advertising for a long time with a great deal of success. With the ever-increasing difficulty of advertisers to gain the attention of the media consumer, the use of both effective and ineffective sexual imagery has flourished in recent years. Some products such as perfume and clothing are relatively easy to sell with sexual imagery. Companies selling products such as fast food, however, must be more creative with their use of sexual imagery. Arby’s Roast Beef Restaurant took such a creative approach with its full-page advertisement in the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Old Spice is very blatant in the way they attract their customers. An obvious example is The Man Your Man Could Smell Like commercial. In this advertisement Old Spice envisions their audience to be anyone who is in a relationship or trying to be in relationship. The more obvious targeted audience is the female audience. To attract the female audience they put an attractive man in the commercials and try to make it seem that if their “man” uses old spice body washes their “man” will be like him.
Different strategies are used in all advertisements. Every aspect of the advertisement is strategically planned to appeal to the audience. For example, an advertisement that does a great job of using sex appeal to reach its audience is “Carl’s Jr all natural burger”. This ad appeared during the super bowl forty-nine, and it was a big hit. The ad features ,22-year-old model buxom, Charlotte McKinney. Throughout the video it shows her walking through the town and appearing as if she is nude. She gets all the attention from the guys in the town as she saunters past. in one scene there’s a man reaching for a tomato as she walks by, she turns around and gives him a flirty look and it emerges as if he is grasping her gluteus. At the end she appears in a bikini nearly nude “I love going all natural,” she purrs, opening wide to take a bite out of a big, juicy, “all natural” hamburger. Advertising appeals aim to influence the way consumers view themselves and how buying certain products can prove to be beneficial for them.
Sharon Capuano, Nurse and Manager of the Health Center at Salve Regina University believes that different cultures perceive the ‘perfect body’ in different ways. Capuano says,” The idea of the perfect body has gone through an evolution.” She adds, “When you look back in history, women were heavier but as time goes on, they become skinnier.“ Magazines are starting to portray women it a negative way and it gives people false perception. Capuano says it makes women think to themselves, “ Oh, I want to look like you because everything is perfect.” False perception gives women unrealistic expectations and they will constantly live in a world where they are striving to be something that they are not. This leaves many women with no other choice but to struggle with insecurities on a daily basis.
The role of sex in advertising is debatable and most individuals, including industry experts, conclude that having the target audience of an advertisement comprehend the overall message being sent in an advertisement is the essential objective. In order for a message to get across, the advertisement must first get the attention of the target audience or market. After all, if advertisers are unable to get one’s attention they will not be able to send a message. There are many strategies that advertiser’s and marketers use to capture an audience’s attention. One such tactic used by many advertisers goes with the belief that sex sells in advertising. Sexuality is an influential motivator, and many advertisements use sexually explicit images
The advertisements that she studied all had the same patterns, depicting women as sexual objects who were submissive, domestic, and attractive based on male standards (2010). Even though men were sometimes depicted as sexual objects, they were never under the same scrutiny as women. Although people stated that advertisements do not affect them, that they merely tune them out, this notion is incorrect because advertisements are cumulative and subconscious; considering, 8% of the advertisement is taken up by the conscious mind (Kilbourne 2010). Thus, media images do influence the consumer, and makes them believe the gender roles reinforced through the advertisement because that is what their mind takes in subconsciously. Moreover, advertisements act as socializing agents because each gender is expected to act according to their gender role that is society constructed. As noticed in the pampers commercial, the idea behind the mother holding the newborn child reinforces the idea that women are expected to be domestic. Additionally, the same idea is present in the Disney World commercial where the women hold a status as a mother, in which her role is to be a caretaker of her daughter, while her strong husband and son bring the luggage to the hotel. Although subtle, the same message of the man being strong was shown in the Geico advertisement, where there are more men than women riding the motorcycles. However, there was gender role reversal in the Chase bank advertisement, where the man was shown as emotional and intelligent, while the women held the role of intelligent. This reveals the idea that even though there are advertisements that feed into the gender role socialization, there are some advertisements that stray away from this socially constructed notion. Overall, a majority of the
women. Men are targeted through the use of sex appeal Hilton was able to portray excellently and through the use of the car covered in mud and dirt. The badass car and sexy girl instantly attract the male audience’s attention as it claims to be a man’s two most valued and desired things. Women on the other hand are convinced to purchase and consume the juicy burger because they aim to portray the ideal female beauty through Paris Hilton’s body image. It is shown that Hilton is not harmed by the burger that contains high levels of fats and sodium and she is still able to consume and enjoy the food without the fear of gaining weight. Such ads significantly take away from the harmful factors fast foods contain by the use of hyper sexualized models to draw the attention away from the fats dripping down the meat. The purpose of the images that commercial media provides is not only to sell products, but also a desired, gendered look.
Burgers and breasts top the list of many men’s favorite things. While most Americans may be familiar with restaurants like Hooters and Twin Peaks, one fast food chain is making these establishments look like family-friendly alternatives in comparison. Sex sells and Carl’s Jr. fast food restaurants has been cashing in on this fact for more than ten years. Carl’s Jr. employs some of the most racy advertising techniques in all of the food world. From scantily clad models to recognizable reality show stars, Carl’s Jr. has used attractive women from all over the entertainment industry spectrum to sell their burgers. While these women don’t always share a common background, the one thing that they do share is the memorable, messy, close-up bite of burger they all take at the end of their sixty-second time slot. This cringe worthy moment for some, is the selling factor for others. Although Carl’s Jr.’s advertisements may border on inappropriate and offensive, they are some of the most effective marketing strategies in food advertising.