
A Rhetorical Analysis Of An Infant

Decent Essays

My favorite part about this movie is that there was very little talking, yet there was so much language and expression being portrayed. I think it almost puts us in the perspective of the infant. There was some talking in another language but I did not understand it, this is the same for a baby. They hear the talking but do not make sense of it. Instead in this video we must rely on our other senses to get the story. We need to vigilantly watch the setting and body language of people to understand what is going on. We cant just half watch and listen like we all do to other movies we aren’t interested in. Like an infant, we must use more than just our hearing. There are three topics I want to bring up that jumped out at me in this movie. The first is the immense amount of communication skills present as an infant. Then, I want to touch briefly on some imitation that I saw. Finally, I want to compare the four babies and how their language skills are culturally affected. …show more content…

The two babies rubbing the rocks together was probably my favorite interaction. The right hand baby reaches for the water bottle and the other one takes it away. So, in return the baby on the right bites him. Baby on the left yelps and then hits and pulls on his head. Baby on the right then starts crying and goes to find comfort from his mom. Not a single word was spoken yet it was very clear what the babies were portraying by watching their actions. This happens throughout the entire movie but this example had the strongest display of emotions of the children’s

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