The sixty-symbols website has quite the collection of intriguing astronomical theories and interviews, but I specifically chose that of the black hole that contains interviews by Omar Almaini, Ed Copeland, Tony Padilla, Meghan Gray and Mike Merrifield from the University of Nottingham. The video began by a man revealing to his audience that he is often questioned about his personal opinion on black holes, which he informs us that “of course” he sees them as frightening and intimidating but goes on to refer to them as “cuddly”. Upon further explanation he points out two small (but different sized), round, black balls of fabric (that seemed to be knitted) that were gifts for his sister-in-law and they are meant to be representation of black holes with their solid black exterior. This seems like a useless example, but after thinking about it more critically I realize that I wasn’t …show more content…
After his brief time on the screen it changes to another interviewer, female this time, who continues his statement by adding that “material comes together under the force of gravity and tries to fight but get too much material you can’t overcome that force and eventually mathematics and laws of physics take us into this strange regime”. The next series of speakers are broken into approximately 30 seconds of screen time in which they explain pieces of what causes a black hole. The next screen continues with a man who explains that black holes occur simply when a star dies and another speaker elaborates on what they are by explaining them as “something that’s got many masses of a sun that has collapsed on its own gravitational pull” and “a lot of mass that is packed in a very small region, eventually collapses to the point where not even light can escape from it and it forms what has been called an event
about Black Holes, so if that's what you want to learn about Ted Bunn is the
Black holes are in theory incredible frightening. One of the main reasons they are so monstrous is that they are one of the only thing in the universe able to trap light. The second reason they are so terrifying is that when you are being pulled into one you will be on a one way ticket train to emptiness. Therefor if there was a way to get out of a black hole what would it be? Then also if there was no way out what would it look like on the inside? Well some of these questions can be answered easily but for the others it will be a little more troublesome to answer. This is how, what, and why black holes are formed.
The film was released in 1979 when the public had a love affair with black holes. Whether the science would get better in the future still remained to be seen.
First the mystery of the black holes and how they were created goes way back to when astronomers first discovered them. The astronaut said “he saw a blob of black matter and black holes are made when a star burns out or explodes but the astronaut never truly saw the actual thing. Black holes absorb light particles that are close enough to it so that it can thrive and continue. When a black hole goes away the light that it absorbed is turned into a new star. When an astronomer found a black sphere shaped cloud of matter in space he didn't really see it but he saw it pulling in large amounts of light that have been destroyed from an exploded star. If anything but light matter happens to get into a black hole it would just go through it rather
Chris raised his glass high in the air, sloshing a little bit down his arm. Dan chuckled as he raised his as well, along with Louise, Cat, and PJ.
Ted Bunn's webpage over black holes does a good job at informing the reader on black holes without over complicating the explanations. He even goes into extra detail about black holes, like how the experience would be if someone were to enter the gravitational pull of one. Additionally, he does a good job at entertaining the reader with his fascinating details and hypothetical situations. As Bunn entertains us he still remains a down to earth informer and reminds us that the information though true will be
But their could be a possible reason to get inside a black hole, but you can also get lost in space knowing you're in the middle of nowhere.Scientist and astronauts are trying to figure out how to get in a black hole without any risks by like simple making the space shuttle more and more advanced each time they go into space. Scientist are still working on finding out the process of black holes dying. Well the process is very simple when a black hole has eventually lost almost all of its energy from the stars it had collected it kind of starts to fade away and the next thing you no the black hole has had exploded and their is just a little star what this whole reaserch essay was for the interesting facts about black holes and hoe they form and also how they live a long time and then they explode and becom a new baby star that then will become another black
And what’s that supposed to mean? Thin lips purse and Han’s heart has yet to steady, probably can’t since it’s so hot and humid and unimaginably hard to breathe. The humidity weighing down on his lungs drains the energy out of his body, so he slides down to sit, wiping off the sweat gathered on his forehead and blinking away the stinging blur when perspiration repeatedly rolls down his forehead and straight into his frinkin' eyes. This place is hell. It’s gotta be. However, the transient notion of standing as high up as Teshin, where the breeze must blow cool, appeals to him. Thus, began Han’s climb up.
Jessime’s proud smirk quickly diminished into a frown as his master lectured him on the significance of time and their current situation. The elf boy signed disappointed that Bráshk didn’t respond the way he thought he would. The young elf was famished, and with the advantage of his master possibly being pleased with him, it was an added bonus for him when he sought after the boar.
Amber blades of grass crunched beneath their feet as the men marched through the seemingly endless valleys. Ace and Stanley had been walking for hours now and so far the only sign of life the two had seen was a small flock of birds that were desperately trying to fight their way through the thick, murky layers of fog that covered the now pink and orange swirled skies. Ace brushed his shaggy black hair out of his face, "We need to find somewhere to bed down." He said, shielding his eyes. "It's going to be dark soon."
He sees the black holes as miniature models of a full scale universe. His idea that the implosion of the star could be related to the implosion of the universe. He wonders if the expansion of the black holes until their disappearance is relative to the expansion of the universe. This area seems to be a focused area of Stephen's work.
Black holes are celestial bodies so dense and strong that nothing can escape their pull. The idea of black holes is generally referred to the French mathematician, Pierre Simon Laplace. In 1796, Laplace who was studying the subject of escape velocity; this is the speed that something must be accelerated to in order to prevent being pulled back by the gravity of a larger body. For example, to escape the Earth’s gravitational pull we must accelerate our rockets to over 11 kilometers per second. If the rocket travels any slower then it will fall into a victim of earth gravity. If it travels any faster it will never return. When Laplace worked on this problem he noticed a relationship between the size of the object and its mass. Laplace noticed
Black Holes Most people knows black hole as a big black object that is swallowing everything that is close. But only some people know that a black hole could swallow even light, the fastest thing on the planet! Black holes have been around for about a hundred years, and some people doesn’t even know what they are. I believe that everybody should know about black holes, and how they work in our world. Black holes are objects that swallows everything that is close enough for the gravity to reach.
Black hole-A place in space that sucks up so many gravity that even light cant get out,the gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny hole with out any space.This mostly tends to happend when a star is dying.The largest black holes are called “supermassive”.These type of black holes have masses that are more then 1million suns together.Proof has been found that every large galaxy has a supermassive.Scientist think that the small black holes were form whenever the universe began.
Now we could see the thing more by more. Now we could see that it was some kind of person. From minute to minute the sky started to change. It started to get greenish and reddish. But then that's when a big black hole started to form in the sky.