I thought one of the most shocking statistics was of crashes and deaths on Utah highways in general. The top reason for death is speeding with it being the cause for 42 percent of deaths. However in crashes it is 3rd with only 18 percent of it being the cause for the crash. Logically this must mean that if you speed and crash you are more likely to die than in any other type of crash. This is also true when you look at the statistics for the deaths and crashes in teen drivers. Speeding is the second biggest cause of deaths with 22 percent and 3rd cause of crashes with only 12 percent. This yet again shows the dangers of speeding. That is, personally, a big deterrent to speeding on roads, besides the fact that you might get pulled over by a
There are 5 main causes of death on Utah Highways for teenagers. Firstly, running off the road tops the charts at 30%. Second cause of death is speeding too fast which is at 22%. At 15% we have both failure to stay in the correct lane and overcorrecting. And in fifth we have a combination of failure to yield, driver distraction, and wrong side of the road at 11%.
vehicle crashes, 1,600 from homicides, 300 from suicides, and others from injuries such as falls,
Vehicle crashes are the leading cause of teen deaths. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2011 statistical analysis, there was 1,237 fatalities involving young drivers between the ages of 17-19. On average, 30% of those vehicle fatalities were
Results: As we are able to gather from both of these graph which came from U.S. Department of Transportation. We are currently slightly down on DUI’s, but the part that I have found to be even more shocking in a good way that fatalities not involving alcohol has drop almost 10,000. While this graph only shows the amount of crashes it does not put it in as detailed as the next graph does.
one cause of death on the roads. But what really surprised me was the leading cause of
Which of the following conditions is not one of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States?
As much as 33000 fatalities happen each year in the United States by the cause of car crashes. People don’t realize the number of crashes occurring because of people that don’t know how to drive. El Paso is the number 8 city in Texas with fatal crashes. And it all goes back to how they got the privileges for driving in the first place.
combined. It is a factor in the three leading causes of death among 15- to 24-year-olds: accidents,
Men drive more miles than women and more often engage in risky driving not using safety belts, and speeding. Crashes involving males often are more severe than those involving females.
Those four counties alone accounted for 20% of the deaths in 2014. The state has listed the top three reasons for crashes and fatalities to be driving under the influence, speeding, and distracted driving.
In summary, it cannot be said that exact cause of most severe traffic accidents are known with certainty but it is believed that speeding and drinking, jointly or separately, play some role in the events that lead up to those accidents. Also to blame, in many instances, are the design of the highway, the condition of the weather, the maintenance of the vehicle, the time of the day (many severe accidents occur at dusk, with poor lighting and tired drivers), and the presence of radar detectors. A study by the Ohio State Police found that radar detectors were present in at least one of the vehicles involved in 69% of all severe traffic accidents on the highways of that state in 2005. Studies in other states have confirmed that finding, with some estimates of the relationship running as high as 75%.
Death among U.S. teens is led by vehicle crashes. In the year of 2013, around 2,163 teens were killed between the ages of 16-10 in the United States. Around 243,243 were treated in emergency departments for injuries that they suffered in motor vehicle accidents. Around 75% of teen drivers suffer in these accidents due to 3 major mistakes. Those major mistakes include a lack of scanning the road, distractions in the vehicle, and also going to fast for the conditions of the road.
drivers 16-20 years who were involved in fatal crashes, and were intoxicated, dropped 47 percent from 23 percent in 1985 to 12.7 percent in 1995.” (Teens and Drunk Driving) Each day
(US demographics, 2015). Some of the causes of the deaths recorded in the US are Road traffic accidents, Hypertension, Lung cancer, Breast cancer and Suicide.
Third reason of accidents on the road is teenage drivers. “2,739 teenagers died in car accidents in the United States during 2008 ", (drivesteady.com). Some teenagers cause fatal accidents, because of immaturity and lack of experience. Teenagers are very impulsive. Although not intending to hurt anyone, they sometimes drive very aggressively. It is not difficult to find teenagers driving with one hand on the steering wheel, seat pushed back, and with loud music playing. In traffic they go wild, trying to seek attention. They underestimate the risk of what they are doing. All these acts result in serious consequences on the road. Many accidents of young drivers result from their own mistakes.