He places the rag back in my mouth and the fire starts again. This time, I don’t scream. I bite down, groaning. It only lasts a few seconds before it stops and the cooling wet rag is pressing into my wound. It's very welcomed compared to the vodka. I spit the rag out. “You done yet?”
“Yeah. Now we just have to wait for a while. Thorn, get some more water.” His sister leaves without a word. The back of his hand presses along my forehead and cheeks. “You’re burning up and extremely pale.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s from the blood loss, you idiot,” I grumble.
“You know you’re crankier when you’re injured, makes you a might unpleasant to be around.” He cracks a small smile before it drops. “Or is…um, the pain not what’s bothering you?”
I tilt my head. “What?”
“You killed a man,” he clarifies. “Taking someone else’s life for the first time is hard, even if it’s to survive or save a friend. But uh…what I’m...um trying to tell you is not to feel guilty for defending yourself. I…”
“Not the first time,” I force out in a whisper.
His hand stiffens over my shoulder. "Not the first time?”
“First time with a gun. Not the first life I’ve taken.”
“Demons. A lot of demons.”
I don’t know why I answer, but I do. I tuck my hair behind my ear, suddenly finding the blood drops on the sheets very interesting. “I…um, blow up a building. Yeah, filled with demon officers. It wasn’t that hard. They’re the idiots that walk right into it. Looking back now, that reaction was a bit on the
“I’m in a lot of pain but I’m not dead” I reply
Jake moved in closer. “Most people wouldn’t pick sides. I’m lucky you did.” He extended his hand. “Are you hurt?”
"My hand." I mumble holding it up for him to see, a dark bruise already
I stretch, wincing as my muscles tighten in pain. “I’ve been better.” I pause and dare to ask some unanswered questions. “How long ago was the Demon Serum dumped into the north water
"Everything is all right." Breathing slow lessened the pain, slightly, the burning reaching only muscle deep. The heat of River 's body was nothing compared to this. "Hope, heat does not bother you. You, safe here."
“Oh I don’t think so mr., not here,” I said responding back to Gabe. As I walked over to the drunk soldier I noticed there was a gun laying up against the bricks. Not caring about the gun, I continued to walk over to the man. “ Hey stop that nonsense before you start a blazing fire around here.”
I looked up and see Liam; he's so caring, all the time. I shake my head and look away. "I'm not feeling well."
"It's okay, will put you on antibiotics, until your wounds fully heal, okay?" My aunt asks him.
She smiles at him, and it’s truly a testament to the medication that her smile is not tempered by pain any longer. “Anything, my zebra.”
“NO!!!!!!” I scream over the machine guns. I drop my gun and run over to him. “It’s gonna be alright,” I whisper as I rip some fabric
Feminism in the 1700’s, 1800’s, 1900’s and continues to be a highly discussed topic for all genders and races. A popular and important quote comes from Freedman(2002) “Feminism is a belief that women and men are inherently of equal worth. Because most societies privilege men as a group, social movements are necessary to achieve equality between women and men, with the understanding that gender always intersects with other social hierarchies (pg 7).” W.E.B DuBois argues for equal rights for all humans in his writing “The Damnation of Women”. While Anna Julia Cooper wants people to recognize male privilege in her late 19th century writing, “The Status of Women in America”. Mary
Rabbinical Judaism sects of the modern era trace their roots back to Pharisees living in the Second Temple Period of ___. However, the foundational stories of Judaism found in the sacred Torah are even older. Many of the traditions, characters, and places mentioned in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible are so ancient that their historical accuracy cannot be verified. Even though these events would’ve taken place millenniums ago, the stories of the Torah continue to have a significant impact on Judaism today. This paper will focus specifically on the stories of Moses found in the book of Exodus and how the methods used by modern Orthodox and Reform Jews to study the Torah significantly affect how they reconcile their present faith with the tales of the past.
Assess how influences on dietary intake may affect the nutritional health of individuals – M2
“Uh, yeah! Sure!” When I knew I was l alone I ran all over town looking for the source of the snow. I finally found it at an abandoned warehouse just outside of town. I waited a couple of seconds before saying something but before I could, someone spoke.
I must have dropped off, because when I opened my eyes, the sun was beginning its descent, causing an orange hue to cascade on the aged walls like vibrant painted patterns. I splash my face in the bathroom sink. Theres a claw footed tub inside. I imagine wicked nights of smoking and cognac ala Edward G Robinson while stewing in its recesses. I put on my peacoat and lock that door to my secret chamber. No sooner do I go out than I see a figure resting in a lobby chair. An older woman. An American. She tells me she in en route to Geneva to speak at a conference about water pollution. Her name is Miranda.