
A Sigh For Cybergenetics By Felica Lamppost

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Along with this excitement, however, came skeptics. As the culture of science fiction and intergalactic worlds grew in popularity, the fear of new technology superseding mankind was also bubbling up. The overall fear in the 1960s involved man creating Artificial intelligence to the point where it is too great and mankind becomes subservient to the machine it created. This technophobia had overflowed from the 1950s into the 1960s, in regards to fears of nuclear weapons and radiation. As Artificial intelligence grew on the 1960s, staring with computers beginning to recognise images, translate languages and understand non-coded commands. In 1958, Frank Rosenblatt’s machine named Perceptron, was modelled after the human neutron network and became the first machine that was capable of producing original ideas. Later on in 1960 and 1961, adaptive robots became a reality with their ability to adapt to ever-changing situations. This new blurring of man and machine and considered threatening as it would affect man’s ego; “Thinking machines are outwitting their masters” as Felica Lamppost wrote in her poem “A Sigh for Cybergenetics” …show more content…

In television and film, we see the rise of the similar theme of a once reliable and seemingly harmless machine bringing the earth and mankind to the bottom of the hearty. Films like The Omega Man(1971) and television shows like Star Trek(1966-1969) and The Twilight Zone(1959-1964) have all tackled the similar issue of evil artificial intelligence. With the amount of revenue this theme collected, it became a crutch in the entertainment industry as it’s appeal to fear would rake in large

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