As high school students you write almost every day whether that is in the form of an essay, research paper or a tweet on the Internet. What if I told you there was a simpler way to write that allows information to be organized as well as presented better? The writing process consists of six main steps. These six steps consist of pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading and publishing. Some of these steps are more prominent in the process, but as a whole these steps assist in the creating of a clear and well-written paper. To help demonstrate the writing process in simpler way I will relate it to something that is well known to most teenagers, that being food. Not just food but also the process of preparing food in specific the process of creating a stir-fry. In the writing process the first step consists of a pre-writing stage. Pre-writing can be explained in the form of an outline or notes about the writing assignment you will begin shortly. In congruence with the pre writing stage, creating a stir-fry uses similar procedures. So to start off the stir-fry process you must first gather your ingredients. These ingredients can consist of a variety of meats to provide protein including chicken, shrimp and beef. This step is just like in a paper when you gather the info for the bulk of your paper, such as choosing the topic of the paper. By doing this first step in the writing process as well as the cooking process you prepare yourself a guideline for the
Throughout all four years of high school, the “meaning” of a race and all its components were described to me in great detail. My coach found that a three mile cross country race could apply to almost anything. He would analyze races by separating each mile. The first mile is run with one’s legs, the second with their brain, and the third with their heart. I never fully understood how the versatility of the science of a race. Immediately when thinking about how to explain my writing process and how I could reflect on this past semester while also encompassing the theme of love, the three mile cross country race that had been engrained in my brain came to mind.
I have been writing papers for a long time, but I am by no means the best writer I can be. To unleash my full potential as a writer, I have to review all my old writings. I have to analyze my past writing style so that I can see if there is anything I can do differently. Overall, the creation process of my papers can be better. Maybe taking a look at who I am as a writer will help me improve.
One’s writing says a lot about that individual and their views on certain topics. At times, it is difficult to share one’s work of literature due to sensitivity to other’s reactions and comments. Ever since I began writing high ended essays, peer editing was my biggest fear. Personally, I had a difficult time sharing my writings. There were certain areas I lacked in and the peer editing only confirmed insecurities I had. All of this changed through writer’s circles.
CSX capital expenditure includes acquiring or self-constructed assets as well as property addition that substantially extend their service life or increase the ability of their assets. The company is committed in maintaining, developing and improving its current infrastructure and also expanding its network for long term growth. CSX spends large amount on replacements of track assets and the acquisition of new assets. The company’s capital spending related to locomotive and freight cars comprises the second largest category of the company capital asset.
To write my adventure book, I went through all the stages of writing process both in and outside of class to create a book I am proud of. The writing process involves many steps like prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and finally publishing and sharing. For the prewriting stage, we were brainstorming monster characters and the adventures they would go on for a lesson in class and this is where the idea of my adventure book was created. For the drafting stage, I would work on the draft of my story inside and outside of class. When working on my rough draft, I would go back and add more figurative language such as alliterations and onomatopoeias in my story.
Those that write always have a writing process whether they know it or not. A writing process can be defined by the way an individual gears up for the project at hand. It can be as simple as finding a favorite chair to write in or the act of planning out the writing beforehand. My own personal writing process varies from task to task with a few constants. I generally start my writing process by first reconciling my project; figuring out the best way to express the needs of the work. I do not write down notes or an outline in regards to the project mostly relying on winging it so as not to get hung up on sticking to the outline. I will my best to knock out large chunks of the project before taking any breaks unless I hit a wall, and
When it comes to college level writing and how many sentences should be in a paragraph, I personally keep mine to about 5 to 7 sentences per paragraph. As a writer, the goal is to get the point across as clearly as possible. What has been most beneficial to most writers is by cutting down on extra or unneeded words; also another technique used is grammar techniques and correct vocabulary usage.
My writing process begins with my brainstorming ideas and writing them down on a separate piece of paper. That way I already know what Im going to be writing about and not just putting down a bunch of gibberish into my assignment. But this process only works if im having to writing an actual story or when doing a persuasive essay. Once all my ideas are jot down or I have what I’m going to write about in my head, I start writing my paper.
What identifies me as a writer consist of how I work with my writing process. Basically I prepare myself with notes and additional information before I write my paper so it would not be confusing at all. I also go through multiple strategies or steps to write different papers that consist of the majority of typing, distractions, and how I concentrated. My writing process is summarized by three pictures, the first one is a computer screen with in blank besides on line, a boy distracting a girl from reading a book with an airplane, and a person driving into the sunset. These help me most of the time by getting my paper done within a few hours but that takes a lot of effort especially with what types of distractions, how focused I am and if I motivated to type.
Writing any sort of paper takes thought, time, and work. My writing process is like going on a strenuous hike. When going on a strenuous hike one must plan ahead and research where they are going. In writing one must do research and get all the knowledge that they can on the subject. Once the hike is all planned out and ready to go it is time to start on the hike, you aren’t necessarily focused on details at the time because you haven't made it to your final destination yet.. This is like starting on the rough draft, writing down and getting all your ideas down without much regard to grammar but just trying to get all your thoughts onto the paper. Then after you have been walking for a while you probably will need a break to hydrate and regain energy for the rest of the hike. Often times when writing papers you take breaks between drafts and even in the middle because writing can become monotonous. However, after taking a break you have probably
In my process of writing, I needed a lot of creativity, energy and time to form a final draft of my essays. That includes drafting, revising, editing all the way to rewriting until I feel confident enough to turn in my final piece. In Merritt Writing PLO, process is described as, "Demonstrate thorough engagement with the iterative processes of reading, writing, and speaking". I have had the opportunity to involving with activities such as reading articles, writing different genre of essays, conference feedback, revision reflection as well as completing multiple journal articles. Before I begin my essay, we always have a brainstorm as a class on possible topics we could write on our essays. The first essay was about narrative, I didn’t have conference with professor but I did get some brainstorming ideas on what I want to write
Being a student in this course has taught me quite a bit about my writing process. I went in to this class hoping it would not be too big of a challenge. As it turned out, every part of this course has been a test for me. I have truly enjoyed learning everything I have in this class. The two learning objectives I gained the most from were developing strategies for evaluating others’ work and engaging in prewriting activities.
This trimester in Iowa Central Comp I have learned many things. My skill in the writing process has increased greatly. When I wrote papers the writing process was much simpler until this year. At the beginning of the year, DOL’s were extremely difficult. My strengths have increased. I still have some weaknesses. During the trimester, I have learned things that I didn’t even know about before I took this class.
The writing process is something that you figure out yourself as you go through school. I personally think that is why they make us take English for so many years. Through the years, I found that some teachers forced you to write certain ways. I believe that
In writing, as in other kinds of production, the process directly affects the quality of the product. If we prepare a meal quickly, assembling poor ingredients without much thought or attention, we aren’t likely to end up with a tasty dish. The best chefs, like the best writers, refine their methods and think carefully about what they are doing, with close attention to detail to