Small groups can be seen everywhere. Their initial purpose can range from a family deciding what to have for dinner to the President and his staff deciding whether to go to war or not. At first when I was asked what small groups I had been, or are currently apart of the only group I could think of was my family. They were the first group I was ever apart of and the longest group I will ever be in. After hearing other examples of small groups I realized that I was a part of many more than just one small group. I have been a part of countless small groups throughout my life without even realizing it. My skill level has of course, varied depending on the purpose of the group and how long I had been a member. In general I believe that I am a very …show more content…
Being a part of a small group has requirements. Each person must participate by devoting their time and energy toward the goal. If one person is not doing their share than the whole group will suffer. A small group is kind of like a toy car. If one of the four wheels is not turning, the car will still move, but at as much slower pace than it would have with all four wheels working. Each person in a small group is vital and the best outcome will be reached when the team works together, as a …show more content…
Our group soon expanded when my little sister was born four years later. In my family’s small group we each have different roles but we all work better together and accomplish more. Recently my boyfriend, Anthony came into this small group. He is like a brother to my younger sister and a son to my parents. Anthony has shown my family a different perspective and our small group has benefitted tremendously. As soon as I started school I immediately became a part of countless different friend groups. I loved socializing when I was younger so it was very easy for me to be friends with a variety of different groups. As I grew older those groups diminished and were replaced. I then was in an athletic small group. Four other girls and I all loved to play sports so we played as many as we could. The three main sports we played were basketball, volleyball, and soccer. While we all loved to play sports we also were very focused on getting good grades. Either before or after practice we would do our homework and study together helping one another out along the way. I have also been a team member for school related group projects. Those were not as exciting as other groups I had been a part of but we always found a way to make the work enjoyable. The most recent small group that I had been a part of was my stunt group in cheer. There was a total of four of us, one was even my best friend. The four of us spent a lot of time
Initially, I had a negative view on group working because of the challenges that I had. When I was in high school, my five other friends and I used to work together in a music competition. Although we were supposed to get together to practice
Have you ever been working alone and needed help? Our group agrees that working in small pairs or groups with other classmates is helpful because your knowledge grows, you get the diversity of others in your work, and if you are stuck you have a group of peers ready to assist you. Groups not only help you and your peers, but help your teachers as well. Small groups are extremely helpful, and we definitely recommend their use in schools.
The group five project, ‘Solar Energy Pamphlet,’ is progressing as expected. As I am sure you remember Micheal, Ben, Teresa, and I were assigned a group project to repurpose one of our projects from unit two. We chose to use Michael’s project on solar energy and create a pamphlet that will provide information to individuals and business involved in building construction and remodeling.
Great Post! What I like about our small group is that when we get together we share information, and work towards a common goal. And we all educate each member on our strong points, and thus learn from each other.When we need to solve a problem, we define exactly what the problem is,then we all get together and evaluate possible solutions,and then we select the best solutions for our fund raising. In working in small groups, we use communication to solve any problems or just come up with ideas for our Christmas project in bringing gifts for the homeless children in our crisis center.As we communicate in the small group it benefit our group members by allowing them to express their ideas freely.
Groupthink is a problem that happens when individuals within a group go with the status quo in order to maintain harmony between the members. The outcome of groupthink results in poor-decision making by the group as a whole in order for members to avoid confrontation. Therefore, decisions are made by group members without other options being critically evaluated in order to reduce conflict and reach an agreement. Since individuals want to avoid raising issues that are controversial or find alternative solutions, there is a loss of independent thinking, individuality, and creativeness that happens when members fall victim to groupthink. The unintended consequence of groupthink leads to dysfunction within the groups dynamics because members believe
Theses groups are sometimes reasons why people like to do this because they have a family that they can go to if they need help. Everyone supports everyone and if people need help everyone is willing to put their efforts to help them succeed at what they want and at the same time there person helping is getting to know the person better and they are getting the experience of teaching and making a friend better and happy. I have seen this happen on the marching band field because like every year the seniors leave and the spots have to be filled and the spots are filled with students that don't know what they are doing and alone may not sound the best. As being a part of the marching band you have to be able to step up to that role no matter who you are and get your group to listen and not just to you but everyone because everyone has ideas. Having this leadership in the band is how we succeed and are as good we are and how we are able to improve something every time we run the show even if you can't pick it
In my group experience, I found it difficult to relate to the group because of certain characteristics such as age/maturity, perspective, and critical thinking. According to (Kozier, Erb, Berman, Snyder, Buck, M., Yiu & Stamler, 2013 pg.441) “Group dynamics is the communication that takes place between members in a group.” The group process, is forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning,” (Tuckman & Jensen, 1977; Hall & Weaver, 2001; Polifko-Harris, 2003 & Amos et al., 2005), helped us collaborated team contracts, teaching and learning plans, scheduled meetings, which were three times a week, group strength through time management enabled us to stay on focus, different ideas/perspective were welcome which enable us to meet and accomplished our goal and in final educating our peers and adjourning by appreciating each member for their contribution towards the outcome of the team
It is important to have a diverse team when creating a group. As a leader you need to learn every member. Learn also from yourself and take notice to what impact you have on leading the group. It has been shown that individuals work at their highest achievements when they are
As I take a look around the lunch table, the bleachers at a football game, or the back seat of my own car, I seemingly see the people I have been closest to these past four years; my friends. Now this may seem like an obvious thing, but friends are a lot more than just people I hangout with when I seem bored, or the one’s I call when I need help with homework; they make up my peer group. It took some time to realize, but I believe my friends throughout high school have had a substantial impact on my choices and habits as a student and as a person. A peer group can encourage you to do good things like help others, try new things, or just relax. But your peers can just as easily try to make you do things that you would never normally do and could potentially harm you. As a high school student, I have seen it both ways; the people who found a great group of friends they feel comfortable with, and then the skeptical ones who seem go with the flow of the crowd. Fortunately for me, I found myself a reliable group of friends that never made me feel anxious or unsure of my judgments. Although our choices weren’t always the same, we always had a comprehension for one another; being part of that was great, but again that was only a select group of people who understood where I was coming
A group is an amorphous one can refer to a wide variety of gatherings, from just two people (in class work with another student), a club, co-workers, and best friends. Group is two types, primary and secondary. Primary groups are generally small, carry face-to-face interactions, have an emotional depth of relationships, and are cooperative. Life is a struggle. While struggling to make good future we do lots of work and still working on it. In a lifetime we found different people from different society. We make friends and communities in different places. Throughout the different groups I choose family, my best friend, and our religious group (with ten people where we daily meet to pray in a different house) in which I daily have face-to-face
I used to believe that I did not perform very well in groups. I am an observer who likes to learn alone. I thought I learned best when I worked on my own. Even though I always knew group work had many positive values, I was more comfortable with the lecture-based approach and resisted group work merely because it involved change, not because it had a collaborative learning approach. However, during the learning community project, I came to realize that I learn more effectively when I work in groups. Working in a group was like an adventure for me; there were both exciting and challenging times while preparing for the learning community project.
I never have been great in group project because coordinating everything we all have to do is difficult. Simply finding a meeting time that everyone can attend is difficult and finding time for everyone to sit down and work can be a challenge. Everyone’s schedule is different, and each person has other responsibilities, so adding another task can be a problem. One person may have an exam due on that day, another person may have to work, and someone else may just have to take care of family business. My group name is Smooth Criminal, and the members of my group are Christ Basttista, Meagan Martinez, Karissa Helmberger, and Noah Adams. I met with my group two times, but it was very handsome. We were there all of us and supporting each other on what we were doing, and we were very happy to work as a team group.
Working in a team takes patience and determination. Initially during our class, I was able to enjoy the aspect of creativity which came while working in groups of 2 or 3 people. After the initial two weeks of team building, I felt that I was getting to know my classmates better. It was at this time when the idea of a large group project became an assignment. The article by Garvin and Roberto summarizes it well by pointing out that breaking into subgroups allows people to feel more comfortable. What was interesting and fun now became work and a challenge. My small group of two was now a large crowd of six.
Group communication is thought of to be the process of acting or responding to information someone else has brought to our attention (Beebe, Masterson 2012). Individuals make up a group when the number of members exceeds two and, although debated amongst researchers, reaches somewhere between twelve and twenty (Beebe, Masterson, 2012). A small group recognizes communication amongst a small group of people who share a common purpose, who feel a sense of belonging to the group, and who exert influence on one another (Beebe, Masterson 2012). Meanwhile, Beebe and Masterson (2012) also explain that a team is a coordinated group of individuals organized to work together to achieve a specific, common goal while maintaining a rather structured sense. It is to our understanding that teams differ from groups in a number of ways including: team goals are often more specific and measureable, roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, rules are expectations are written, and take a lot more coordination and collaboration (Beebe, Masterson 2012). While a primary group exists to meet human’s needs to associate with others, a great example of this would include a group of your college friends, whom have all graduated, meeting up for an informal get together; whereas a secondary group’s main purpose is to accomplish a task or achieve a goal such as a study group that gathers in order to learn and understand information (Beebe, Masterson 2012).
In regards to my current skill level in small groups, I find myself on both ends of the spectrum at times. I’m either gung-ho and doing all the work, or I’m that kid that lets others carry him to glory (glory in this case refers to an “A” on the assignment). I’m never the in-between kid who just does his part. When I’m comfortable in my small group and I know the people is when I go above and beyond. When my small group is comprised of people I don’t know that is usually when I sit back and don’t do anything. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if I was one of those few people who actually gets fired from their small group in this class because I don’t know anyone, and as I said earlier, I don’t do well around people I’m not comfortable with. I’m hoping this doesn't happen, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens. Hopefully, as the semester progresses, I will get to know my small group better and be comfortable around them.