After he finished, he held me in his arms, his heavy lips like a hippopotamus arrested my lips, took me to his bar room and opened a scotch, thereafter he started playing around with dirty jokes, poked at me with his utterly foolish orgies, spin my nipples, glasses after glasses continued making the rounds, I must appreciate he was a connoisseur of hard liquor, despite getting drunk heavily, he had the courage to walk straight and not a word bubbled from his mouth. It was well past 10:30 P.M, Bombay after a feverish day prepared to go for a sleep midst of cool breeze. Looking through my half empty glass I proposed, “Shouldn’t we go for a long drive before we take our dinner?” He pondered for a moment and said, “It will be fantastic, …show more content…
Blood oozed out like a big water dam splitting into two and the gushing water taking away with force all it can find in its path. From top to bottom I was doused in a puddle of blood. A few minutes later Jaywant stopped his taxi and I came shivering out of the car with the revolver in my hand and boarded the taxi and asked him to take me to the hospital immediately. The moment he saw me splashed with blood he lost his wits, his sound blew like a typhoon. His reasoning and intellect took a straight nosedive and asked me with a bewildered eye, tongue-in-cheek, “what the hell you have done, murdered the minister, do you know how well-connected he is?” I said, “Jaywant, this not the ideal time to ask any questions, I will let you know everything once I am out of the hospital. Now first arrange some water so that I can wash and change into hospital clothes, let my all the clothes be consigned to flame and I am handing you with a revolver and a dagger to keep safely with you”. After going for some miles, he arranged four big water bottles from a roadside hotel, at a secluded place I washed, changed my clothes and with the help of petrol my all the clothes with blood marks were burnt. Jaywant cleared all the blood stains in his taxi with his trembling hands and perhaps must, have hurled at me within his heart the choicest abuses. He drove at a good speed and by 01:45 AM at night, I was in the hospital room along with Jaywant. To hoodwink the hospital
From the beginning of the book, the reader is thrown into a strange case. A new arrival at the trauma bay, a man about twenty-three-years-old, had been shot in the buttocks, but his vitals remained stable. Dr. Gawande began with a brief exam which revealed the entrance wound on his cheek, but no exit wound was visible. However, a rectal exam and urinary catheter revealed that the bullet had passed through the bladder and rectum. Even worse, it could have hit major blood vessels, a kidney, or other section of the bowel. The patient was instantly narcotized once they reached the operating room and a quick, deep, incision was made in the middle of his abdomen; stretching from the rib cage to the pelvis. When they separated the skin with retractors,
So naturally as her husband sat down she curled her chipped red nails around her cosmopolitan and promptly threw it in his face. Then quick loudly might I as she began to berate him about his outlandishly jealous temper, lack of trust in her and then threw in that the poor lad that was here with her obviously had never seen a vagina before but even then he would still know how to please her more than - I believe the words she used were ‘fat tubby lard man’. Flinging her peroxide dyed hair around her stout neck she skimmed out of the booth and out the bar, carrying her ridiculously ugly heels and neon hot pink mini dress with
‘With absolute aplomb, as if it were something I did every day, I lifted the receptacle high and emptied it over the head of the Minister of State – with a single motion of the wrist liberating myself from humiliation. For an eternal second the Minister sat motionless, eyes bulging.’ (Allende, 101)
ons and gallons of wine-red blood rushed like a stream, gushing, flowing, moving fast enough to create a current.
After a long and tiring day, filled with unsatisfactory precipitation throughout the whole time, I found myself in front of a cheap hotel, wishing I was back home.[1] Not only did I feel awful, but I also looked miserable and by the way I was being stared at and treated, I probably appeared as a fugitive.[5] Despite everything, I spent the night there.[6] The following day, after running my daily errands, I decided to spend a night in a hotel owned by Dr. Brown. We became instantly close when we discovered our shared interest in books; therefore, our friendship lasted for as long as he was alive.[3] Being that there was not one place in Europe where he could not share an experience from, I pictured him as a doctor who moved from town to town.[4] He had many writings of his own.[2]
"I am Hikari Kita, and I need an ambulance. A man is having a heart attack and has fallen unconscious. He's still breathing," I told her. I found the pulse and cursed. There was no heartbeat. I moved the phone between my cheek and shoulder. "I'm going to try to restart his heart now. Please, hurry." After telling her the address, I hung up.
I remember your face, for you served us wine while we indulged each other. She had whispered to me to imagine tupping you before you entered, so I have taken you in my mind with you unknowing, and thanks to your captive lady. I wonder if you’ll more desire revenge for her impropriety, or for failing to invite you to our carousing. I’d have pulled your yellow hair. My hand fists as I write, thinking of what could have been, but was not. We broke the crystal and spilled the wine in the violence of our passion upon your leaving, for she knew you were in my mind as I thrust my manhood into
Now I can honestly tell you I never would never have guessed what was to happen next. I really thought we were just jokey mates who had not found 'The One ' yet, and this was just a meal and drinks out in the town.
Blood that was being drained from my body, began to rush down my neck from the gash in my head, quickly staining my clothes a deep red.
Before going to the bar, I invited two friends to go with me so that they could report about any kind of advances from men. The key of the night was not to examine all men, but the men who seemed to persist in unwanted advances. I went to the bar around nine and stayed there for two hours
Central Idea: India is a fascinating country with diverse traditions related to their language, their costumes, and their cuisine.
Mumbai’s museums are a great way of teaching kids about the city’s rich history and culture. They’re replete with artifacts and precious ancient works. What’s more? Museums also have extra space for your kids to run and frolic around. Here’s a round-up of 10 museums in Mumbai to take your kids:
I soon wake up because of the sun beaming in through the window to my right. I then look down at my arms and see bandages. As I look around, I realize I’m in a hospital. “Darn it.” I assemble myself and stand up, removing IVs from my arms. Seemingly out of nowhere, I start to cough, and as the coughing slows down, I look down to see splatters of dark blood on my hand. I feel my throat start aching as I turn to search for some tissues.
“Okay,” I said, looking down at the table, trying to remember if I had misunderstood what time he wanted me to come in. I realized I hadn’t based on the fact that he was sitting here waiting for me when I arrived, and drinks were already on the table. “Why did you tell me to come at 2:00 then?”
Once considered the shining jewel in the British Empire’s crown, India can today be easily deemed as the huge, 60-carat diamond in the World’s flavored cuisine ring . Indian food is all about variety and is an example of ancient tradition. The cuisine of the country is characterized by elaborate cooking techniques and the use of expensive ingredients.