
A Story : A Short Story

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Maria and her parents were sitting in their dining room eating breakfast. Papa was reading the newspaper and Mama was pouring coffee. When suddenly there were loud cries coming from the far end of the ghetto where they lived. “Ghettos are small segregated areas of the city where most Jews lived” (Anderson). Followed by screams and shouts in a language that Maria was unfamiliar with. Then, a loud, hard knock came from the door. Papa jumped out of his chair and hurried to it. Maria went to stand with him, but Mama pulled her into the kitchen. Maria peered around the corner watching as her father opened the door. Just as fast as the Sunday morning light peeked through the tiny crack between the door and the frame, it was blocked. Maria watched in horror as men in worn, dark uniforms came bursting into her house knocking Papa onto the floor.
“PAPA!” Maria shouted, “Papa are you okay.” Maria yanked away from Mama running to her father’s side.
“Maria, NO!” cried Mama. Running after her.
Just as Maria reached her father, she felt the strong hand of the huge soldier, grab her shoulders and pull her back. She struggled to get free. Mama ran to help only to be blocked by two more black haired troopers. Then, the rest of the soldiers raised Papa’s unconscious body up and carried him outside.
“Mama what’s happening?” whined Maria, “where are they taking Papa?”
Mama didn’t answer, she was too busy struggling as the Nazi soldier dragged her out the door to.
“Shut up,” demanded the huge soldier. As he tossed Maria into a jail cart.
Maria was sent crashing onto the floor, feeling the wood splinters in her hands and legs. Maria sat up and looked around only then had she realized the many other kids wedge into the cart.
“What’s happening?” Maria questioned a small, blonde haired boy.
“Haven't you heard?” answered the boy, “the Nazis are starting to take over Italy.”
Maria was shocked by this news. It was now 1945 the Holocaust was almost over and the Natzis were falling in both numbers and power. “The Holocaust lasted from 1933 to 1945”(Rosenberg).”Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust”(Rosenberg). After what seemed like forever Maria heard a sharp noise, she found it to be a gunshot, then the jail cart jerked the

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