Title: In Transition 2.0: A Story of Resilience & Hope in Extraordinary Times (2012) Intro: In Transition 2.0: A Story of Resilience & Hope in Extraordinary Times is a 2012 film by Films For Action. It is about people from all around the world that are doing things that are extraordinary for their communities. Purpose: The purpose of the film is to show people that there are things that can be done in order to make our communities a better place Message: The message of the film is that there are things that can be done as a community in order to get people to come together and to do get things together. We influence each other and there for can act based on what others do. Small changes and efforts can make a big difference in the long run. …show more content…
In order to make a difference in the world and our community we have to first come to realize who we are as a person and what we want to accomplish as an individual, this can have a big impact as to what is accomplished as a whole community. Not many people are willing to take a risk but the people that do are at times the ones that get further along. Having a vegetable garden has taken kids out of trouble and has made fresh vegetable and food accessible to people that might not have access to food. Cultural awareness: The film has made me more aware that there are changes that can be made in order to make our world a better place and that we can come together and strive for a better community. I have learned that I have never really thought about doing anything to help my community out. Viewer exposure: The film does expose its viewer to the many issues that are present in our world. The one point that I thought was important was the one that the little boy at the beginning of the film made about the oil. I think that this can make the viewer see what the world is like today and what we can potentially do in order to make our world better in the
I choose some take away messages from different sections throughout the film. I will use the information from the video and apply it to my everyday tasks in my future classroom. Starting from the beginning of the film with the “Difficult Times to Processing” section it allows me to understand students with learning disabilities have twice as much to process, question and answer so they need more time. The “Risk Taking” section taught me how students with learning disabilities like reassurance and do not like surprises. If I have a student with a
I really enjoyed this documentary because it made me realize just how lucky I am for the life I was given. It changed my perception of happiness in so many ways. It made me realize that I have more than I need to live a happy life. Other people around the world don’t have as nice of a house or even a house at all to live in and are so much happier than I am and that is something that sparked my attention. For example, the man who lives in India, Manoj Singh, he lives in what looks like poverty to me, but to him, he lives well. There are times where his family are only able to eat rice and he has no air conditioning in his home, but he still remains a very happy man. When he mentioned that there are times where his family only eats rice, it instantly made me feel awful because I have all the food in the world around me and I still take it for granted some days. I also take my family for granted at times. For instance, the man from Louisiana, his family and friends are what make him happy the most. He is simply grateful for them while
While the other films involved in the lesson also seemed intriguing, this one really affected me. It practically made it obligatory for me to discuss it while also providing people with the opportunity to learn more concerning the event.
The movie has good representations of the collectivism point of view like what ants always talked about the betterment for their colony rather than for individuals. In the movie, equal chances
This has great impact on me, because it I learned why and how this divide in society is happening and how such frustrations such as in 2008, is causing people to
1. What do you think is the most important thing you learned from this documentary?
this video has impacted me and what I will take away from this video. Also, what will be
The film portrayed an important message and brought awareness to an issue that is normally overlooked. It also incorporated three different theories,Structural Functionalism, Conflict, and Symbolic Interactionist, and brought real life examples to them. Structural Functionalist showed not all theories can work effectively and that in some societies this hypothesis does not apply. Next, the Conflict theory displayed that no matter where you go, there are groups in society that will always be fighting against each other for a scarce item. Finally, the Symbolic Interactionist theory showed that all groups in societies work with one another and that experiences can change the way that reality is perceived and affect the choices that are made by these encounters. The video also implicated the science of sociology in the way that the information was presented and how the clip was laid out. This movie about a small town along the Appalachian mountains is so much more than just a video for entertainment. It is about helping bring awareness to a horrible situation and associating theories of sociology while doing
On the follow up video we watched in class we found out that all the test scores have dramatically raised in the school and more kids or showing up to the school. Also to most people surprise the kids they follow up interviewed enjoyed school! I really liked how the filmmakers followed all the problem down to the personal level. For example Sharnae, an aspiring rap artist, is trying to stay away from domestic abuse, drug, gangs, and crime. "I'm on my own, trying to just survive," she says, showing that she lives by herself without any help from a parent.
Although this film is disadvantaging to many people, it is also very beneficial. I think people that come from the lower class or an abusive household can really benefit from this film. The main point of this film is to show people that you can achieve anything you want to do no matter what background you come from, and although it might be hard because of economical/ personal issues you are not less of a person than anyone and you can still be successful. I love the idea of success because it doesn’t really have a set definition. You don’t necessarily need money to be/feel successful. You can work at Subway and still be successful while a twelve time Oscar winning actor can be successful. You sort of carve out your own success and make your own definition for it. This movie will also teach people that they are not on their own. Although you might think nobody is there for you, when you enter a room you don’t know what everyone is thinking or how everyone feels; you might now even know everyone. It is kind of like when you’re putting together a puzzle, you put certain pieces together and you get closer to finishing and you just need to keep trying to solve the puzzle because if you give up you just wasted your money on a puzzle
In the movie ,The human experience, is 3 differents experiences from homeless to abused children and many african people being sick. The experience the young man went through can really change how someone feels and change their mind set. This helps society a little by seeing other peoples point of view and how their is people who have it worst and we should value life and how we need to find who we are. We find healing and forgiveness by loving our self by valuing life how it is and making the best of it. We need to find our self to forgive and to heal to know that life is a treasure. We do mistakes and learn but sometimes we should have our feet in the ground and appreciate everything we have and the people that surround us because everyone is valuable.
My views on this heart moving film would be never to give up in life, and with the right amount of determination you can succeed anything. The film tells us the simple, but moving story with a skilled storyteller's voice. The great importance of their
My reflections after viewing this film, moved towards thinking about our current situation of not allowing people of the LGBT community get married. The opinions and bigotry that are still instilled in our society. For those that say that we have moved past our prejudiced views as a society in the United States; I would say that they are wrong. The Loving story was significant in so many ways towards moving our world into a better place for all. The education and consciousness of accepting all people will be key in future of struggle for equality in this country and around the
Resilience means the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. It is being able to come back from a terrible situation in good spirits. In the book Unbroken, the theme of resilience is used many times. It is used most all throughout Louie’s time at the POW camps. Laura Hillenbrand has developed the theme of resilience through describing how Louie and the other POWs survived at the POW camps, which included his speaking out against the actions and trying to prove the Bird wrong, and also showed what the Japanese were going through during this time.
Although most of the material was that in the movie related to something we have learned previously in the course, it still offered new insight to certain aspects. One of the things I liked most about the documentary was as stated before was its ability to incorporate relatively everything we learned in the class. Such as having people from other documentaries, books and articles. Another thing I liked about the documentary was how despite reviewing a lot of material, it also gave real-life accounts of what was going on during that time. Overall the documentary sparked the interest in me to understanding more about how minorities, homosexuals, and hemophiliacs were treated before after and during the AIDS