
A Story Of Resilience And Hope In Extraordinary Times Analysis

Decent Essays

Title: In Transition 2.0: A Story of Resilience & Hope in Extraordinary Times (2012) Intro: In Transition 2.0: A Story of Resilience & Hope in Extraordinary Times is a 2012 film by Films For Action. It is about people from all around the world that are doing things that are extraordinary for their communities. Purpose: The purpose of the film is to show people that there are things that can be done in order to make our communities a better place Message: The message of the film is that there are things that can be done as a community in order to get people to come together and to do get things together. We influence each other and there for can act based on what others do. Small changes and efforts can make a big difference in the long run. …show more content…

In order to make a difference in the world and our community we have to first come to realize who we are as a person and what we want to accomplish as an individual, this can have a big impact as to what is accomplished as a whole community. Not many people are willing to take a risk but the people that do are at times the ones that get further along. Having a vegetable garden has taken kids out of trouble and has made fresh vegetable and food accessible to people that might not have access to food. Cultural awareness: The film has made me more aware that there are changes that can be made in order to make our world a better place and that we can come together and strive for a better community. I have learned that I have never really thought about doing anything to help my community out. Viewer exposure: The film does expose its viewer to the many issues that are present in our world. The one point that I thought was important was the one that the little boy at the beginning of the film made about the oil. I think that this can make the viewer see what the world is like today and what we can potentially do in order to make our world better in the

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